Chapter 345: ,variation

"The entire planet has been blocked!" The first sentence of the big manager shocked everyone. Dust, Fate, Text, Study ← Net
"Can the chief manager make it clear?" A mercenary couldn't help asking.
"The black hole in the slave district of Anyuan City is the legendary bottomless abyss, and it is also called the gate of hell." The big steward looked at the crowd, and a pair of sharp glasses took everyone's expression into his eyes, his tone was very flat. Hell's Gate rumors lead to hell, which has always existed in legend, but now it is not legend but reality. "
The evil beast is like a tide, the devil is dancing, what is not hell?
I don't know if the news is too shocking, or if everyone doesn't know what to say, everyone is silent and his face is strange.
The director continued: "The black curtain above us is formed by the gas in hell. Why is this happening? No one knows. The only thing that is known is that monsters move in such an environment, such as fish and water. Humans have been in this environment for a long time. , Physical fitness will decline. "
"Does it mean that only genetic potions can withstand this damage?" The mercenary asked before.
"I can't resist it, I don't know." The chief executive smiled slightly. "But—" He was interrupted by a scream in the street before he finished speaking. The cry was dry and bitter, but there was a kind of heart-wrenching pain, which made people hear their hairs erected.
The horrible cry made all the people in the hall gush out, and a terrible change on the street shocked everyone.
It was a homeless beggar. He had no nutritional intake for a long time, making him skinny and emaciated. His hair could no longer see the original color. It was mixed with dirt stains, and it smelled like stench. The clothes he got from somewhere were dirty. In a word, the beggar should have been very thin, but at this moment, the body swelled up fiercely as if injected with air, and an inexplicable force surged in his body.
The arms become like thighs, the muscles bulge high, the blood vessels and blue tendons on them are extremely thick, and the two feet are slightly bent. This posture is not like a human who has evolved into two feet, but more like walking on four feet Beasts, long nails come out, pierced skin is swollen with blood, black hair grows all over the body, and in a blink of an eye, the beggar is covered with black hair and becomes a werewolf. The body is still human. The body just changed its posture into a reptile, and the head completely turned into a wolf head.
The dogs' teeth crisscrossed, the twisted skull was dripping with swollen blood, and everyone clearly saw that the pain in the beggar's eyes quickly disappeared, replaced by crazy killing and cold bloodthirsty, watching the screaming companion, a low roar in his throat .
The dark shadow flickered, and the werewolf disappeared. The next moment, he appeared in front of his companion five or six meters away. Opening his mouth, he bit the companion's head down for half a bite, and the screaming stopped abruptly.
Click, click--
The werewolf stunned the corpse madly, half a second in a few seconds, the strong smell permeated the long street, and there were not a few beggars cuddling in the corner. Will not call anymore.
Da Da Da Da Da Da ...
Jin Chanchan's bullet hit the werewolf who bit his body with his head down, because his body was doubled, and the clothes that were squeezed and fragmented and hung on his body were shot through by the bullets. The bullets passed through the clothes and shot on the werewolf's muscles, muscles. Deeply recessed, the heat of friction made the hair red and red. When the muscles were recessed to the limit, they suddenly swelled, and then the bullets were shot.
Tinker Bell ...
As many bullets came over, as many bullets landed on the ground, and no one could shoot into the werewolf's body. The werewolf was in pain, issued an angry roar, raised his head and looked at the guard at the shooting Kyushu Chamber of Commerce. His four-hoof slightly bowed his knees, and a moment of terrible power burst.
A hole in the eyes appeared on the werewolf's head, transparent back and forth, and a slam, the werewolf's body fell to the ground and died. I wonder if the temperature of the red light was too high. Blood flowed out.
"This, what's going on?" A mercenary couldn't make sense. The power of the red light weapon is surprising, but even more surprising is the beggar, who has become a werewolf for no reason. Is his body filled with alloy?
"That's what I want to tell you." The big manager sounded in a hurry, "The shady will not only reduce the physical fitness of humans, but also promote humans to undergo abnormal changes, which may be good or bad. of."
"Is that bad?" A mercenary pointed at a werewolf who had become a corpse.
"This should be considered good." The big manager shook his head.
Everyone was astonished, they were all half werewolves, and it was fine.
"From an evolutionary point of view, this is naturally good." The big manager saw the doubts of the crowd and said seriously: "However, from a human point of view, this is obviously a failure."
"What's bad?" A mercenary asked.
"Death!" The manager uttered two words.
As if to verify his words, in the corner, a beggar suddenly changed and did not move with the previous wolf. His body did not change, but his two hands and feet were extending indefinitely. The wrists and legs became smaller and smaller, the beggar made a painful cry, and his chronic malnutrition made his throat extremely dry and hoarse.
The hands and feet have been stretched to five or six meters, and they still have not stopped. The call of the beggar has become inaudible, the expression is full of endless pain, and the two rows of yellow and black teeth are stained with white blood and red, suddenly—
The beggar's body exploded, it was torn apart, and the minced meat spattered everywhere. On the other hand, if the beggar saw meat on the ground, it didn't matter whether you were human or mouse, it was a bad dog rushing to eat it, but Now, all the beggars shouted like ghosts and fled in all directions, yelling in their mouths.
"Ghost, there is a ghost—"
"Monster, there are monsters--"
Although the names are different, the fear in the voice is exactly the same.
"These gene potions are actually genetic potions diluted one hundred times and cannot be evolved, but—" The big manager's voice paused, "but it can make people increase the benign evolution rate when they are stimulated by the black mist. . "
"How much can I add?"
"How much is it? I want 10 bottles!"
Everyone gathered around the big manager. If they have not seen the changes of beggars, everyone will also be full of demanding genetic potions, but it will not be so urgent. But now, even if they sell iron and sell their own blood, they also need to take the genetic potions. Get it.
"Don't be in a hurry, you have time," the big manager smiled, with so many prefixes laid out, not yet waiting for this moment. Liu Wei'an suddenly said: "Dare to ask the big manager, we, I mean humans, will this change happen?"
"As long as people on Mars breathe the first breath of black mist, it will change." The administration officer was very sure.
"When did it happen?" Liu Wei'an asked next.
"This cannot be determined. The time of change varies depending on each person's physique, environment, and state. Some people may be latent for a lifetime, and some people may change that day. No one is sure, but what is certain is People with poor constitutions can't withstand the stimulus of the black mist and generally change in advance. At the same time, the success rate of evolution is also small, while those with good physical constitutions have the opposite effect. "
"The big manager--" Liu Weian said.
"What's the problem, wait till you buy the gene potion." A mercenary interrupted him, Liu Wei'an thought for a moment, and stopped talking. Everyone else came into the hall with the big manager, but he came to the two. In front of the corpse, exactly one and a half corpses are left. The second changed beggar, the flesh is scattered, and the original appearance is no longer available. Only the werewolf still has a relatively complete body. Then there was the half of the body that had been stung by the werewolf.
The werewolf's corpse was a bit larger than an elephant. At this moment it was like a deflated balloon, flattened, and the figure was restored to its original shape, but the shape was still animalistic, with four hoofs, black hair, and a wolf head.
It's a pity that Liu Wei'an is going to take a look at the muscles of werewolves, at least to compare them with the muscles of zombies, which can resist the penetration of bullets. His copper skin and iron bone can barely withstand the assault bullets, but if it is a pistol at close range, it will not work. The elephant was like a faithful patron saint, following behind without saying a word.
"Go in, we also buy some genetic potions." Liu Wei'an has made up his mind, even if he has to pay for all the materials.
"so cheap?!"
When he came to the entrance of the hall, he heard an exclamation. Although he knew he shouldn't say this, the mercenaries in the hall didn't hold back.
"A pair of wolf monster's claws ~ ~ can change one tube, if there is no material, gold coins are also available, 30 gold coins are one tube." The big manager smiled and saw everyone's surprise expression, his smile was more gentle: "But there is a condition."
"What conditions?" Some mercenaries couldn't wait.
"Sign an agreement to guarantee that the beast materials obtained in the future will be sold to me in the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce. If you agree, sign it first. If you don't agree, it doesn't matter, please leave."
"How long is the deadline?" Liu Weian asked.
"Let's do it for a year." The chief executive looked up at the sky somehow. Liu Wei'an saw something bad from his eyes.
The situation was urgent. Do not say "priority" to sell a Kyushu Chamber of Commerce. Even if it was given away for free, everyone had to hold their noses to agree. I do n’t know if I do n’t trade. As soon as I trade, Liu Wei'an finds that there are a lot of smart people. Most of the mercenaries are hiding a lot of private work. There are a lot of materials left.
"We will go back immediately." As soon as the transaction was over, Liu Weian immediately took the elephant out of the city. He was now worried about Wu Lili and the four of them.
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