Chapter 407: Fishing

A zombie howled and rushed towards Qiu Quansheng. Qiu Quansheng closed his eyes in fright, his arms fluttered, a dazzling blade of light flashed, flesh and blood flew, and the zombies separated from their flesh and flesh, losing weight. Snapped! The white skeleton dropped to the ground with no meat on it, the meat was on one side, and it was scattered everywhere.
"I said, brother, can you keep your eyes closed. There are few people now. If there are many people, what should you do if you accidentally scratch the knife on me?" Liu Wei'an stood silent beside him.
In order to exercise Qiu Quansheng's skills, he worked hard to block the zombies. Within an hour, he turned the zombies out again and let the door open again. Fortunately, he had a meal, otherwise he was really weak. After working hard, the ogre is probably impatient and left, and all the rushing rushers were intermediate zombies.
"I, I, I try to pay as much attention as possible." Qiu Quansheng was embarrassed. His skills were unsatisfactory. He was awesome, his sword flashed, it was a piece of meat flying, and he could n’t stop it. Decomposing a zombie, basically Get it in a second. This mentality is particularly disturbing.
Liu Wei'an was standing behind him with all his eyes closed to kill the enemy, lest he reflected a scalpel and slashed over, Xiao Wei hid far away and did not dare to approach within ten meters.
Liu Weian stacked the zombies on both sides of the door to form two walls, leaving a narrow channel in the middle, and a lot of zombies rushed up, but as soon as the channel was filtered, only one came out. However, in case of prevention, Liu Wei'an was still on the sidelines, so he finally found a powerful helper and couldn't hang up easily.
Qiu Quansheng shot, he basically stood.
"You have to remember that zombies are bad people. No, you just need to treat them as corpses. You can be like you on the operating table." Liu Weian bitterly said.
"I think so too, but think about it, after all, they can move, I always subconsciously treat them as adults." Qiu Quansheng is not.
"Do people bite?"
"Yes!" Qiu Quansheng honestly said.
"People can bite people, but they can't spread the virus. This thing is mutation after death, referred to as corpse mutation. So, just imagine that they raped your wife. Would you like revenge?" Liu Weian rolled his eyes and Qiu Quansheng Such a large individual, how can IQ be more like a child.
"I don't have a wife." Qiu Quansheng whispered.
"Well, you won, you love to rectify it, just rectify it, anyway, you have nothing to do with me." Liu Wei'an was unable to go further and suddenly thought of something like it, turning back: "Given that you are not Cooperating behavior, supper is no longer yours. "
"I try." Qiu Quansheng suddenly discolored and couldn't help but swallow a spit. He was trapped in a basement for half a month, and his hungry chest was stuck to his back. If not some family members put some fruit biscuits or the like when they worshiped the dead There, he was already starved to death. Even so, those things were not enough for him to eat. The last two days were dug ice cubes to eat. Not enough. The ice cubes became more and more hungry. If it was not determined by willpower I can't help but eat the corpse.
When Liu Wei'an invited him to dinner, his tears fell out, causing Xiao Wei to be tricked into tears.
The power of eating is infinite. Sure enough, Qiu Quansheng slowly overcomes the habit of closing his eyes. However, when he opened his eyes, his fighting power declined. When he encountered zombies, he sometimes rushed towards the zombies and took the initiative. Sent to the zombie mouth, angry Liu Weian scolded his mother.
"Uncle, the zombies have eaten your meat, you have no meat," Xiao Wei reminded kindly.
"I will pay attention." Qiu Quansheng blushed. He is a mutant who has successfully evolved. His gene is strong. The zombie virus can no longer infect him. As long as the neck is not bitten by the zombie, the other parts of the body take two mouths. The problem is not big.
Liu Weian was far away from Qiu Quansheng, watching with his sniper rifle, as long as Qiu Quansheng was not lethal, he would not shoot. Xiao Wei was very kind and always concerned about Qiu Quansheng's comfort.
"Uncle, be careful with your feet. Some zombies are about to bite your feet-whoops, you must bite. It must be painful, uncle."
"Uncle opened his eyes quickly, there is a zombie on the left to bite your neck, oops-fortunately fortunately, it is almost."
"Uncle, don't cut so many knives, your knives seem to be chipped."
Finally, under Xiaowei's tireless training, Qiu Quansheng successfully overcomes the bad habit of closing his eyes, but the scalpel has problems. The small gaps are dense and look like saws. When Qiu Quansheng rushed out of the dissection room, Grabbed two scalpels, this is already the second one, the first one is blunt and lost.
The zombies rushed over, Qiu Quansheng gradually became unable to help, and looked back at Liu Wei'an from time to time. Liu Wei'an just didn't take the shot. In the end, Xiao Wei was soft and asked Liu Wei'an: "Big brother, uncle can't support it anymore."
"If I were you, I would just cut the muscles on the zombie's neck. As long as the neck was broken, the zombie would die." Liu Wei'an finally spoke.
Qiu Quansheng's eyes brightened. This idea is good. Compared to dissect the whole body of meat, cutting the meat in only one part of the neck significantly reduces the pressure on the scalpel. However, the problem came again.
Qiu Quansheng has a fighting instinct, but has no fighting consciousness. His habits change, and he starts to get messy again. Changing habits is not an easy time. Qiu Quansheng is obviously more difficult than normal people. After a while, his body is covered with bruises. In blood, Xiao Wei had tears in her beautiful eyes in the back, very unbearable.
"Uncle, hurry up."
"Uncle, don't cut your belly."
"Uncle, your is bleeding."
Qiu Quansheng stepped on the minced meat and fell down, just sitting on the paw of a zombie, with all five claws in his buttocks. Qiu Quansheng took a jump on the spot, jumped more than two meters high, and just fell when he fell. Only the zombies appeared in front of him, and he stabbed across with a reflex.
The trembling sword light made a circle around the zombie's neck. The fast naked eyes were difficult to discern. The knife light disappeared. The zombie's neck had only one spine bone left. It was clean and there was no meat at all. The movement was too big, and he broke his own head, grunted, rolled a few meters on the ground, and did not move. Xiaowei is still concerned about Qiu Quansheng's ass.
"Uncle, you have a paw on your butt, you have to be careful not to sit on the ground-ah, uncle, you just cut the meat around the zombie's neck, you did it, you are so good, uncle-"
With the first success, the following things are logical. I don't know if this success gave Qiu Quansheng great confidence or whether the claws on his kept spurring him. After that, he made rapid progress and finally was able to take the initiative Killed the zombie, not the zombie.
The knife light waved, but it was empty. Qiu Quansheng staggered, only to find that there were no zombies in front of him. He was hesitating to go down the stairs to see it, but found that Liu Wei'an had entered the door.
"It's time to rest. The stairs in the middle have collapsed. In a short time, there should be no zombies." Liu Wei'an returned to the rooftop and said.
"Yeah—" Xiao Wei cheered.
Qiu Quansheng screamed, Xiao Wei turned around, and just saw Qiu Quansheng jumping up from the ground, and his claws in his became deeper. After hearing that he could rest, he forgot that there was still something hanging on his butt, and sat down with one butt. The ending is sad.
Liu Wei'an didn't care about Qiu Quansheng's ghost crying wolf pulling his claws on his buttocks and walking to the edge of the rooftop. The entire Nanlong city was covered by monsters and zombies. The first half was mainly monsters, and the second half was mainly zombies. They are in the second half and belong to the area of ​​zombies.
Speaking of them, they are taking advantage. Most zombies are not flexible enough. For reasons of fear of heights, as long as they hide in the building, there are actually not many zombies facing them. However, this is not a relatively large number. Naturally, there aren't many people who have the ability. For people who don't have the ability, there are many.
The ogre roars on the ground and the building is magnificent, but subject to the gates and corridors, it is very inconvenient for the ogres to enter. The main people who hunt and kill humans are intermediate zombies. Smarter people have escaped into the building. Those who did not have time to escape People who entered the building were basically hung up.
There are also people who will have to venture into the street when they have exhausted their food in the building. Some are looking for supplies and some are looking for humans. UU reads www.uukanshu. com team can provide greater strength.
There were constant screams, and the lights flickered from building to building, some turned on suddenly, some suddenly went out, and occasionally a loud noise, the glass fell from dozens of buildings, making crackling noises, and zombie flies on the streets. It smelled like a rush, and the head covered with glass was wounded. However, the glass had shattered and had insufficient power. It just wounded the zombies, and only a few were hung.
"Should we go down to save people?" Qiu Quansheng treated the wound and came over.
"Okay, you go, I cover." Liu Weian responded quickly.
"That ..." Qiu Quansheng smiled. He was so good at it. He knew very well that three or two zombies could barely deal with it. There were so many zombies on the street. One paw could divide him. . Now there is another layer of thought. His scalpel is blunt, and it is not far from being scrapped. Without the scalpel, he is a tiger without paws, and it is nothing, so he is very disturbed.
"I'm serious and I'm not kidding." Liu Wei'an said.
"Ah-" Qiu Quansheng was dumbfounded.
"You saw it too. I'm a sniper. My skills are at the back. You can't let me rush to the front?" Liu Wei'an explained: "Seeing that, there are a few people in that street who can't stand it. You go down to help, I will cover you in the back. "
"I really want to go down, how to go down?" Qiu Quansheng was righteous just now. When he was about to act, he began to retreat.
"Go on, they are all mutants. Saving them is equivalent to strengthening our strength." Liu Weian took out several fire hoses and connected them together to form an extra-long rope and left the building.
"Okay, I'll go." Qiu Quansheng gritted his teeth, and his sense of justice overcame fear.
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