Chapter 415: Lack of talent

"Close the door." Liu Wei'an entered the first order after entering.
"How do you make this stuff?" Zhong Dingsheng looked at a row of instruments and buttons, sweating heavily.
"Don't you know the words?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"I don't know," Zhong Dingsheng embarrassed.
Liu Wei'an remembered that Zhong Dingsheng was only a small worker, but only sensitive to numbers. It was for accounting and wages. I didn't really know a few words. I walked over and clicked the OFF button. The door made a slight noise and closed slowly.
Liu Weian let Zhong Dingsheng and Xiao Wei stay in the control room. He rushed inside and yelled, "Every team, report the situation."
The warehouse is brightly lit, and when you look around, you can't see your head at a glance. It's extremely wide. Sporadic footsteps come from all corners. The enemy doesn't know how many. It's really hard to find.
"Warehouse 1 is safe." Qiu Quansheng yelled, his voice filled with excitement and excitement.
"Warehouse 2 is safe." Hong Tao yelled, his voice was loud, and he yelled out with all his strength, and the entire warehouse trembled.
"Warehouse 3-It's not safe. There are still a few mice." Liu Xiaohui said.
"Warehouse 4-It's not safe, the rats are hiding." Zhang Xueqiang whispered, lacking in anger.
"There are a lot of mice in Warehouse No. 5, come on, eh, my ass-you are a mouse hiding behind me-go to death." Then a scream sounded.
The warehouse is not a large container, but divided into large and small grids, and the height is basically about three or four meters. Liu Weian rushed up easily with the impulse of running, looking around, and fighting the most intensely. He rushed in the direction, some of the grids were connected, and some were two or three meters apart. This distance did not exist in his eyes, and he instantly reached the place where the crossfire occurred.
The two sides are fighting at a distance of five meters. In fact, mainly the warehouse personnel are firing. The Ping An team is basically empty-handed, there is no way, because there is no weapon.
The personnel in the warehouse are very easy to identify. The clothing is unified. The two large warehouses are printed on the back. They do n’t know what the designer ’s clothing thinks, lest others may not know it.
The members of the Ping'an team wanted to be close, but the warehouse personnel were too fierce to rush into, and they could only hide behind the bunker, very embarrassed.
One person's head exploded, and his body flung out towards the back. He slammed against the wall severely, and before the blood splattered on other people's faces, he saw that these people's faces were gone.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
The five warehouse personnel instantly became five headless corpses, and the fierce gunfire calmed down instantly, leaving the two lying people in the corner escaped because of the angle problem, but only a few more lives. Seconds, Wang Pengpeng stretched out his feet, wrapped around the necks of the two like a rope, twisted it hard, and clicked twice, and the two spit out their tongues and swollen their eyes.
Warehouse No. 4.
The warehouse staff was attracted by the safety team on the ground. Even Liu Wei'an came to the top of his head without knowing it. Like a target, he took one shot and hung two instantly. The remaining three detected the enemy appearing above his head and turned around. At the muzzle, Liu Wei'an's bullets shot them quickly.
The battle quieted down instantly.
"Search for the caught fish and count the warehouse." Liu Wei'an ordered.
"Yes!" The crowd responded suddenly.
The warehouse staff did not know whether the food was too good or the nutrition was too bad. The fat brains that ate one by one. Strangely, the physique was so good that there were only two evolvers, one was divided by Qiu Quansheng and the other was broken by Zhang Xueqiang. If this is not the case, it will take some effort to kill those who occupy the right place.
"Report the boss and caught a hostage." Liu Xiaohui Xingchong pressed a man back.
In the data room, Liu Wei'an heard this, his face muscles twitched, dropped the file and looked at Liu Xiaohui. Didn't you watch the police bandit? What do you mean when you take a hostage and position yourself as a bad person, you have never seen such an honest person.
Liu Wei'an's eyes fell on the hostages. It's not true. He is about 25 years old, 170 cm tall, and weighs 140 kg. Compared to slaves and civilians, his physique can be said to be robust, but Compared to other people in the warehouse, he was considered normal, at least he had no bulge on his abdomen and no fat on his face.
His eyes were afraid, his body was arched, his face was full of this fear, his fingers were trembling slightly, and the atmosphere didn't dare to breathe. It is probably because of this that he was not killed.
"What's your name?" Liu Wei'an's voice was calm, and he couldn't hear emotions.
"Cheng Jinhong." The hostage did not have any interest in trying torture, and answered immediately.
"Are you the staff here?"
"How many warehouse workers are there?"
"58, of which 38 are porters, four forklift masters, two cranes, two operators, one management, one deputy management, and 10 security guards." Cheng Jinhong didn't have to think about it, and the data came out with his mouth open.
"Go check the number of corpses." Liu Wei'an ordered a person, and that person ran out immediately.
"When the zombies attacked, relatives in charge of our warehouse came to insure, so there were ten more people." Cheng Jinhong hurriedly.
"Who is this warehouse? How long have you been working here? How much grain is there? What is there besides the grain? You answer the question honestly, as long as you cooperate, spare you."
"The warehouse belongs to Mr. Zhu Lie. I am his slave. He is responsible for hoisting No.1. He has been working here for 8 years. There are a total of ..." Everything in the warehouse is well understood, and all kinds of data come out.
Liu Wei'an compared the data in the database and found that the scores are not bad. Even if there is a difference, it is also the hands and feet of the warehouse supervisor. For example, No. 11 granary has 3 tons less grain than the actual amount. The matter is only known to the people inside the warehouse.
Soon, the people who went out to count the number returned, 67 bodies, plus 68 people of Cheng Jinhong, no more and no less. Liu Wei'an didn't care, so let the people of the Ping An team thoroughly inspect the warehouse before reassuring.
"Let you count the grain in the warehouse. What is the result of the count?" Liu Weian asked the captains of the five peace teams.
"A lot." Qiu Quansheng looked excited.
"How much is it?"
"A lot!" Qiu Quansheng was stunned, his two hands gestured, but stretched to the limit, still unable to describe, flushed a face.
"How about you?" Liu Wei'an looked at Liu Xiaohui.
"A lot." Liu Xiaohui thought for a long time, and finally only two words came out.
"A lot of you?" Liu Wei'an looked at the remaining three.
"A lot!" The three nodded quickly.
For a while, Liu Weian was powerless. It was no problem to let these people charge, and it was more difficult for them to do civilian work than to let them see that the beauty was not hard.
"Zhang Xueqiang, your team is in charge of the alert work, telling the chef to cook and have a big meal at night." Liu Wei'an said.
"Yeah!" The five captains and the Ping An team behind cheered collectively. For everyone, the temptation to eat was even greater than the beauty.
"I really want to spare him?" Everyone else left, but Qiu Quansheng stayed.
Cheng Hongjun tightened his body and looked at Liu Wei'an uneasily.
"Anyway, there is so much food here, don't care about one more mouth." Liu Wei'an said lightly: "As long as he is honest, it doesn't matter if there is one more person."
"Honest, I must be honest." Cheng Hongjun quickly expressed his loyalty.
"This is a troubled world. There is hope for survival. Since you have not confronted other people, you are a smart person. As long as you don't kill yourself, I won't kill you, understand?" Liu Wei'an looked at Cheng Hongjun .
"I understand, I understand." Cheng Hongjun slowly fell with a heart, knowing that this life was saved.
The warehouse is very large. As a closed warehouse, there are not only rooms, kitchens, restaurants, toilets, but also shooting rooms, weapon rooms, boxing arenas, etc. If you exclude the factors of freedom, this is definitely the place where many people dream of Do n’t worry about eating, drinking, and having fun. Not to mention that compared with the slave area, even compared with many civilians, this place is paradise.
It is worth mentioning that the storage of 1,164 tons of grain in the warehouse can take about 60,000 people for a month, which shows how huge, and there is also an ammunition depot.
The warehouses where the grain is stored are all modern equipment. Vacuum, constant temperature, and constant pressure. As long as the grain is not opened, there is no need to worry about deterioration of the grain for a hundred years. Kill Cheng Jinhong, otherwise it would be really troublesome to operate these instruments.
"Right? What about three-inch nails?"
When eating at night, Xiao Wei suddenly asked, everyone was surprised, only to find out that this guy has never appeared.
"Nothing will happen, right?" Qiu Quansheng worried.
"Did you get lost?" Liu Xiaohui said.
"Or overdo it?" Zhang Xueqiang muttered.
"Stop talking nonsense, find someone." Liu Wei'an ordered.
Everyone reluctantly put down the fragrant rice and looked for someone on the ground. It felt like looking for a needle, staring at the ground, and some people were lying on the ground listening to the sound. It took him more than half an hour to find him outside. The three-inch nail was first drilled into the ground to find him. His head got out of the ground, his body was still in the ground, and he was exhausted.
However, the boy was quite resilient, brought back to the warehouse, had a full meal, and immediately jumped back to life. Xiaowei asked everyone what happened to the three-inch nail, and the answer was quite speechless.
The underground reinforced concrete is too thick, and it is also wrapped with a layer of alloy steel. The three-inch nail exhausted all its strength and only drilled a half-meter deep hole, but I thought this was the first one Liu Weian gave him. I did n’t want to give up this task halfway, so I worked hard, worked hard, and finally almost killed myself, stumbled back to the entrance of the dug cave, I could n’t hold it as soon as I got out. Quickly, otherwise it will be killed by the zombies.
Liu Wei'an didn't know what to say, but his thoughts quietly changed. Although he was in troubled times and the value of force was the first, he still needed some talents with high IQ, otherwise these two goods would kill himself by then. Today, I have worked hard and did not expect three inches of nails, otherwise I will have fun.
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