Chapter 418: ,belief

Liu Xiaohui yelled, only two minutes later, he couldn't hold it, he was hurt, mainly because he had killed too much before, and his physical strength had not recovered. Wang Pengpeng said nothing, his hands and feet softened, and the rope generally walked on the ground. Stir on the zombie's foot, and pull on the zombie's back, it can extend a distance of nearly ten meters at the longest. Although it cannot cause damage to the zombie, it greatly relieves the pressure of the Anping team.
Hong Tao was frightened, and Liu Wei'an gave him a shield of gold and stone spells, which was broken on three sides. Now he can only punch with his bare hands, and after a few moments he hangs his colors, and there are several wounds.
But Qiu Quansheng was the most desperate, as if a tireless machine, a scalpel bloomed in his hands, accompanied by flying flesh, one head after another, and he rushed to the place The body behind it. The three-inch nail, which is the strongest fighting force, is not suitable for group battles. Zombies killed are not as good as others.
boom! boom! boom!
Three shots, three zombies shot out, one head became a broken watermelon, and it would not move after falling to the ground. The old, weak, sick and rushed down from the third floor turned pale, Liu Weian only looked At a glance, Zou frowned. Either women or children, and several young women, holding the babies still in their babies, they walked all the way. They really admire them and how they live.
Deng Bonian kept watching Liu Wei'an. When he saw Zou frowning, his heart suddenly raised. Fortunately, although Liu Wei'an was in distress, he didn't regret it, and slowly released his heart.
The two soldiers in front and the three soldiers in the back are wearing camouflage uniforms. This is the only guard power of this team. All five are covered by blood, and the body, face and hands can no longer be seen. Face, I do n’t know what kind of fierce battle, this is the case. Between the eyebrows, the exhaustion is extremely extreme, but the deep eyes are still firm. It is the most firm eye that Liu Weian has seen so far. In order to complete the task, Until death.
When seeing the last soldier, Liu Wei'an's heart trembled fiercely. This soldier had only one hand and the other hand broke shoulder to shoulder, but he simply wrapped it with clothes. The most basic The cleaning work was not done. The wound was rotten and there was a foul odor. It had lasted for at least three days. The soldier's face showed a layer of black gas. Most people were injured like this, and they fell down long ago. He turned out to be like nothing. It was noticed that his most fatal wound was still in the abdomen, which was just blocked by the body armor. If he did not notice the turbid yellow liquid dripping from his feet, Liu Weian would not open the eyes of the demon to look.
"Stick for three minutes, no less than a second." Liu Weian yelled at the Ping An team, his voice hoarse. The sniper rifle vibrated, and the two caught fish that broke through the line instantly killed.
The women and children have exhausted all their strengths and want to go faster, but they are physically weak, coupled with prolonged hunger, they would not have the strength to stand up unless they were threatened by death. Five fighters also joined the ranks of blocking the zombies. The guns in his hand were long gone, and all were replaced with bayonets. Without mutation, they can still have the upper hand in fighting with zombies. They are definitely elite in the army.
The five soldiers knew that for every second of delay, they might have a chance to lose their lives, but no matter how dangerous, no one urged a word of firmness, firm eyes, firm steps always facing the zombies, women and children saw the soldiers They are always back, not tall, but the back of the magnificent shore.
The last bullet was fired, and the women's and children's gates got into the car. Five soldiers also did not have any casualties. This was thanks to Liu Wei'an's unequivocal gunfire.
"Get in the car!" Liu Wei'an shouted, his hands fluttered, and a piece of rune paper shot out. After landing, it turned into a fierce flame. The temperature rose suddenly, the zombie was frightened, and the action was slow. The Ping An team took the opportunity to get on the car. Five fighters got on the car last, and only four went up. The last one, the one-armed fighter, was left.
"Live well, brothers," the one-armed soldier gently said to the four soldiers.
"Captain!" The four soldiers with tears in their eyes and a pair of fists squinted, trying to persuade, but did not know how to speak.
"Captain Fold, get on the bus, what are you doing?" Deng Bonian was not sure what happened.
"Dr. Deng, I can't accompany you for the next journey, I'm sorry." The one-armed soldier came to Liu Wei'an's car and said in a sincere and sincere voice: "Thank you, I am not qualified to ask you anything I can only say thank you. "
"I'm sorry." This is Liu Wei'an's first apology to an unknown person.
"Come on." The one-armed soldier laughed. Liu Wei'an apologized for not being able to save him. Because of this sentence, the anxiety and worry in his heart disappeared instantly, and he paid a respectful respect to Liu Wei'an, suddenly Turning around, he rushed towards several zombies that had broken through the flames.
"Go—" Liu Wei'an's voice roared from the back of his throat, filled with an indignant anger, and thought of looking back, his eyes staring at the road ahead.
"Captain, what are you doing, come back, come back soon." Deng Bonian shouted a few words, found that the one-armed soldier turned a deaf ear, turned and shouted at Liu Weian again: "Is there still a place on the car? Captain got in the car? Haven't you promised me to protect everyone. "
Liu Wei'an pursed his lips without saying a word.
"And you, why did you let the captain die alone to die? Why don't you persuade me, aren't you the best brothers? Why can't you die?" Deng Bonian yelled at the four soldiers, with an angry expression. The four soldiers clenched their teeth tightly, and the expressions on their faces were filled with helplessness, sadness, remorse, anger, and deep weakness.
The four re-opened like a angry beast, roaring out. Occasionally, a few zombies blocking the way were ruthlessly hit and flew, leaving the one-armed soldier behind him in a blink of an eye. Looking at the four soldiers, speechless. A desolate and husky military song floated from behind.
"We defend our country, we have no regrets."
"Forged with blood, the Great Wall of Steel."
"Even if he throws his head, he will never die."
Along the way, there was no danger. The only wave was the appearance of an unknown monster, which detoured for more than ten minutes, arrived at the warehouse, and closed the gate.
The left Ping An team immediately set fire to cook, and the returnees went to take the shower and change clothes as soon as possible. This is something that must be done, otherwise it will make people appetite.
I do n’t know how long Deng Bonian, who had n’t taken a bath, washed and changed clothes and almost cried, but when they saw the steaming white rice, they really cried, and they cried while eating, and they stopped. Can't live.
"Don't worry, eat slowly and fill up." Xiao Wei softened and went to comfort one by one.
The food dispelled the pessimistic mood. The mood of Deng Bonian's party gradually improved. In addition, although Liu Wei'an and the Ping'an team were not of good quality, the people were still very good, and their hearts were also stabilized. Only four soldiers were silent, the fragrant rice was like chewing wax.
"Sorrowful!" Liu Wei'an walked to the four soldiers, and the four of them were in a corner alone, incompatible with the others.
"Thank you!" A soldier murmured. "The wish of the captain is to protect everyone's safety. We should be happy."
"It's only temporarily safe here, and I hope you understand that," Liu Weian said. "Your responsibilities are still heavy."
"We understand." The four soldiers stunned in their hearts, only to find that the fighting spirit had unknowingly subsided.
"I'm sorry." Deng Bonian came over, embarrassed to apologize to Liu Wei'an. He was later explained to him by one of the soldiers, and then he knew why Liu Wei'an was dead.
"We're still too weak." Liu Wei'an shook his head. He didn't blame Deng Bonian's misunderstanding. He just sighed that this time it was the captain's break. What should he do next time for his relatives?
"Actually ..." Deng Bonian kept talking and finally shook his head and said nothing.
"Dr. Deng, I have something to tell you." Liu Wei'an said.
"What's the matter?" Deng Bonian was surprised in his heart. From Liu Wei'an's face, he saw an expression he didn't want to see.
"Several people, after eating, it is best to isolate them ~ ~ Liu Wei'an.
"What do you mean?" Deng Bonian's fingers shook, and the rice bowl almost fell off. He immediately thought of the cause, and the zombie bit.
Liu Wei'an opened the side and couldn't bear to look at Deng Bonian's expression.
"Really ..." Deng Bonian turned to look at the four soldiers and asked with a quaver.
The four soldiers didn't say anything, but the expressions could tell everything.
"After dinner, I will send someone to buy a gene potion. This is the only chance. Good luck, can save life, bad luck-" Liu Weian turned and left: "You eat slowly."
After eating, Liu Wei'an immediately sent three Ping'an teams to take the corpses to buy a gene potion at the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce. He stayed in the Ping warehouse to arrange various matters, and suddenly there were so many people, and it was women and children He must sit in town, or else he will be prone to trouble.
With the cooperation of Deng Bonian, four people who had been bitten by the zombies lived in a separate room, and one of them was a five- or six-year-old child. Liu Wei'an was very intolerant but helpless.
Fortunately, the four soldiers quickly reorganized and taught some army skills. Although simple, but very practical, a brief explanation for half an hour immediately benefited the two peace teams.
"When I checked the room just now, I found that there seemed to be another mystery underground." Zhong Dingsheng found the busy Liu Wei'an.
"What do you mean?" Liu Weian asked.
"There is still space underground, I suspect there is a basement below." Zhong Dingsheng said.
"Call Cheng Hongjun over." Liu Weian's eyes flashed. It was at this time that Deng Bonian also found Liu Wei'an.
"What's wrong, Dr. Deng?"
"Yes." Deng Bonnian nodded.
"The problem of the basement is up to you." Liu Weian finished speaking to Zhong Dingsheng, and took Deng Bonian to a quiet room.
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