Chapter 484: Rejection

The speed of the monster is getting faster and faster, and finally it ’s flying at the highest speed. At the moment when the speed reaches the highest value, a terrible impact is formed. Many people on the city wall of Changhui have closed their eyes and dare not watch this scene.
The monster ’s four hoofs were shot the last time with the help of the ground ’s anti-support force. An eight-centimeter-long bullet burst into the air and shot at the ankle joint of the monster ’s left forefoot. The monster ’s physique was strong, even if it was a special bullet It was also unable to shoot through the hoof, but this bullet appeared at this time, but it played a role of four or two pounds. The damaged joint suffered an instantaneous break of tens of thousands of pounds of explosive force. The monster's body was inevitably tilted. Under the action of inertia, it was like one. A shell hit the ground and slid more than ten meters into the city wall.
The city wall was shaken, and debris fell. Many people were standing unsteadily and fell to the ground. Looking at the bottom, the city wall was hit by a deep depression, and a gap more than ten meters long was shocking.
After a while, the soldiers on the city wall were afraid. If it was not a monster's sudden fall, the consequences would be disastrous.
A great gunshot came again, and under the corner, a cheerful rat monster scuttled the city wall headshot, and dark red blood sputtered on the wall.
Bang, bang, bang ...
The mouse monsters head after head, one dozen dead in the blink of an eye. The rest of the mouse monsters looked left and right, but they didn't find where the shooter was.
"There are soldiers!" Cheers rang out from the wall.
"over there!"
Liu Wei'an did not hide his body, and with the sound of gunfire, people on the city wall could easily see him. His expression was so cold that he could shoot one shot at a time. Large monsters could not shoot, but it was easy for a small monster like a mouse. Kill, one shot at a time.
He has rich experience in fighting with the abyss monsters, and at a glance you can see where the monsters' weaknesses are. Although there are many monsters on the battlefield, in fact, there are not many serious threats to Changhui City. Most of them are soy sauce. Strong, but not many, as long as the legs are beaten, it is equivalent to a tiger that has lost its teeth. Instead, it is a mouse monster, which seems to be less harmful, but it is actually a confidant. If the city wall collapses, the red light is missing None of the weapons in Changhui can survive.
There are not many monsters that can climb the city walls, and there are many masters on the city walls. As long as they are willing to work hard, they can basically kill the monsters. The people in Changhui were not stupid. Liu Weian's practice of hitting yak-type monsters inspired them. Immediately, dozens of rocket launchers were erected to specifically target the joints of the cow-type monster.
call out--
The rocket dragged a long red tail across more than a hundred meters of void, hitting a cow-type monster and some other large monsters, and it exploded with a blast, the fire was soaring, the smoke was rolling, and the monster was blown up several times. Most monsters stand up, if nothing happens to continue running, only a few monsters are injured.
Changhui City had no choice but to continue firing, firing more than a hundred rockets in succession, only to hurt a few large monsters, and immediately someone made a noise.
"Sniper, where is the sniper, uniformly snipe large monsters."
The idea is good. There are also many powerful snipers in Changhui City. The technology is good, but the equipment is not good. The bullet hit the monster's joint and was directly bombed. There is no fart.
The city wall was banged and banged, everyone felt sitting on the boat in a storm, shaking. Fortunately, the place where the monster hits is not selected where the mouse monster bites empty, otherwise it is really bad. Nonetheless, the people on the city wall carried it with one heart, and every time they saw a monster charge, they held a cold sweat.
Puff puff……
Liu Wei'an installed the silencer after the first few shots. He didn't want to be targeted by the monster. He was outside the city and there was no wall to defend. If the monster found it, it would be very troublesome. thing.
Nevertheless, several centaurs found him, and tickled towards the abandoned building where he was located, and he was shot relentlessly.
After he had killed more than a hundred mouse monsters and killed more than thirty, the remaining one smashed away. He rushed in all directions and disappeared in a blink of an eye.
The second bull-type monster broke his joint, turned over and fell to the ground, and the soiled head fell gray. He stood up from the ground, shouted from the sky, and was extremely angry. A pair of huge bulls eyes glowed red, but couldn't run. Limping.
A dark shadow swept from the sky, blinking in the sky above the city wall, Liu Weian's eyes narrowed, this is a group of birds similar to swallows, with sharp pointed mouths, shining golden light, giving people a sharp and unparalleled feeling .
The harsh cries sounded, and the birds shot like arrows off the string, as fast as lightning. Liu Wei'an mentioned his throat with one heart. The number of these birds is more than three hundred, even if he is a sharpshooter, he can't stop it. But when the birds approached the city wall ten meters, a blue power grid suddenly appeared in the air, covering the entire city wall. The blue light arcs jumped, and every spark contained the power of destruction.
嗤嗤 嗤嗤
Birds hit the power grid and were immediately scorched with white smoke. This bird is so powerful that it slammed the power grid and the place where it hit was noticeably dented.
Liu Wei'an was surprised. There is a lot of good things in the small Changhui city. He has never seen such grid defense equipment in Nanlong and Wuxun.
The defense of the power grid was 360 degrees without dead ends, but Liu Wei'an still found that some birds broke through the defense of the power grid and rushed in. A scream rang out. Several soldiers were instantly penetrated through the heart and died. The evolution on the wall They tried to kill birds. Less than ten birds successfully entered, but they killed at least fifty soldiers.
When the birds were all killed, the power grid slowly disappeared, as if it never appeared.
The city wall was shaking again, and the cracks expanded like a cobweb hanging. The largest crack could reach a thigh. The soldiers on the city wall were scared and scared to stand on the wall.
The city wall was cracked, and many of the turrets installed inside were damaged and unable to shoot. The defense capacity of the city wall was greatly reduced, and the monsters were densely packed and killed so much. However, it seems that the number has not decreased. Liu Wei'an sighed and put away his sniper rifle. Can only wait for the Ping'an team to come over and grab Changhui from the monster.
The soldiers on the wall showed a look of despair, but at this time, they heard a loud drink.
The two turrets that had been silent for a while emitted red light, such as a peerless sword, across the ground, wherever they passed, all the monsters were cut open, the cuts were smooth, and they died instantly.
The two turrets moved left and right, shattered the monsters and shattered them. In less than a minute, nearly a thousand monsters were killed. The remaining monsters turned around and suddenly turned away, as if they knew they were not red-light opponents. In the blink of an eye, as long as they can still run, they all ran, they came fast, they fell fast, but they did not see, the brightness of the red light was weakening, and the energy of the two forts seemed to be exhausted.
Liu Wei'an blinked his eyes. It was the first time he saw a monster escaping, and he looked at the monster's corpse decaying at an alarming rate. It felt particularly unreal.
The abyss monsters he met before were all endless. You must separate a dead or alive before you can rest. Whenever you learn to fight, you can fight, and if you ca n’t escape, you will have trouble. A crisis-conscious monster is more difficult to deal with than a mindless monster.
Liu Weian came out of the abandoned building and came under the city wall. He just arrived and something unexpected happened.
A section of the city wall collapsed, the smoke billowed, and several soldiers fell from above. They were crushed by the gravel, screamed in pain, and their legs broke.
The above people did not pay attention to the wounded fighters, but instead aimed at Liu Wei'an.
"I'm not malicious!" Liu Wei'an raised his hand.
"Stand fifty meters away!" A black-faced warrior said politely.
"Okay!" Liu Wei'an retreated to a distance of fifty meters.
The people above sent four people first, and rescued the injured ones before they addressed Liu Wei'an: "Who are you?"
"I am a wandering hunter. I followed a few mercenary regiments. Later, the mercenary regiments dispersed. I wandered alone. I just walked here today. Can I go in and add water and food? Rest assured, I can give both Times the money. "Liu Weian cried.
"Who can prove it?" The dark-faced warrior stared at him, staring at the bad guy.
"Do you want to check your ID card?" Liu Weian spread his hand. He was alone. How can he prove it?
"Where's your sniper rifle?" The black-faced fighter apparently realized that he had asked a stupid question and shifted the subject.
"Everyone has their own secret ~ ~ Liu Wei'an is a little bit authentic, his tone is a bit cold.
"We must think about the safety of every citizen. Without investigating clearly, you cannot enter." The black-faced soldier said.
"If I was malicious to you, I wouldn't have shot it just now." Liu Wei'an said unhappy.
"If it wasn't for the fact that you just shot, you are already a prisoner at the moment." The black-faced soldier can't be doubted: "If you want to enter Changhui, you must hand over your weapons. This is the rule of Changhui, otherwise please go away."
"In the troubled times, we still adhere to the rules. This kind of behavior will hurt you sooner or later." Liu Wei'an sneered and turned away.
"Vice Mayor, do you want to shoot?" The black-faced soldier asked a middle-aged man beside him.
"No, he will come back." The deputy mayor affirmedly.
"Deputy mayor, he may not fall back." The black-faced soldier watched Liu Wei'an go further and further, only a black spot remained in the end, he couldn't help it.
"This shows that this person has a delusional ambition. The only place where there is food is Changhui City. He didn't hesitate to leave, there must be a plan," the deputy mayor affirmed.
The black-faced soldier stopped talking, and was slightly displeased. He couldn't kill Liu Wei'an. He didn't care much, but Liu Wei'an's sniper rifle was very good. How can a good weapon play a role in troubled times? It was already very clear in the first war.
Now Liu Wei'an has gone far, and he can't keep up with it.
"Grandma, you really are right. These people are too vigilant." Unable to see on the city wall, Liu Weian turned into an abandoned building with the guard of the security team forty. Many captives said that the city of Changhui was closed and it was not easy to enter. He went there alone, but he was rejected.
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