Chapter 494: ,appointment

Liu Wei'an did not expect to see Huang Huang in Nanding. This ridiculous feeling is the same as seeing a star in a slum.
"Why ... now ... just ... come to rescue ... people!"
Huang Biaorou's boneless feet twitched, and she was very aggrieved. She only raised her head for a while, Pear blossomed with rain, long eyelashes were trembling, and a trace of fear and terror remained, and her fingers clung to Liu Wei'an's clothes. .
Liu Wei'an slaps her hands for a while. She doesn't know how long she hasn't brushed her hair. She gently pats her shoulders, looks at them with a smile, and doesn't speak.
"How do you know people are here?" It took a while before Huang Huang's emotions gradually stabilized, only to find that their posture was somewhat ambiguous, and some blushes took a step back.
"Why are you here?" Liu Weian was also a big question mark in his heart.
The last time he sent Huang Huan home, he broke up with Huang Hua. After that, he buried his memories very wisely. Huang Zhe and he were not the same. They didn't even have to do it with friends, and the identity gap was too big.
When the end of the world came, he never thought about Huang Huang, because he knew that even if all the people in Tianfeng Province died, Huang Huang would not die, whether it was the Ma family in Tianfeng province or the Bai family in the garrison. Even the Mars commander will try his best to get the Huangpi family out. The deputy prime minister of the Han Dynasty, who dare not stubbornly, do not try hard.
In his cognition, Huang Yan should be in an absolutely safe place. Even at the end of the day, he still lives a princess-like life. He is carefree and does not need to worry about comfort. He may have left Mars. , To human ancestor, Earth.
"When the spacecraft left the atmosphere of Mars, it was attacked, and I fled in a floating car." Huang Yan recalled.
"Who attacked the Huang family?" Liu Wei'an was taken aback.
"I don't know." Huang Yan shook his head, his fair face was blank.
"Then how did you come to Nanding?" Liu Wei'an asked curiously. She should go to Xinfeng City, where is the business scope of the Huang family. More importantly, the Huang family has an accident. The Ma family cannot ignore it. I dare not care.
"Is this Nanding City? I was going to Anyuan City." Huang Yiyi said, "When the floating car flew to Zhengping Road, the navigation failed. I came here by feeling. Ben I thought ... "Huang Yan glanced at Liu Wei'an and suddenly shy.
"Is there anything else for Captain You?" Liu Wei'an turned to look at You Mengshou, who was always standing on the side. He is not a person without a wink. Since staying here, there must be other things.
"There is another person who needs to see the son." You Mengshou said.
"Who is this?" Liu Wei'an was curious. It was amazing enough to have a Huangpi appear in the small Nanding city. Is there a big man?
"Money is like the sea!" You Mengshou spit out three words.
"That baron?" Liu Wei'an immediately remembered Zhu Jinbai, who had gone for thousands of miles to ask for help. Although he chose to surrender after considering three days, this did not prevent him from feeling good about this person.
"Isn't he dead yet?" Liu Wei'an felt a little weird. Zhu Jinbai rushed to ask for help, clearly indicating that Qian Ruhai was in extreme danger. Now, after many days, he is still alive.
Big men are just different.
"When I found it out of the prison, I lived very well.
Even if no one else had eaten, he could still have a full stomach. "You Mengshou laughed.
"Don't die, don't die, I don't have time to meet him now." Liu Weian said indifferently. In the eyes of others, the baron is extraordinary existence. Equality, there is no time to inculcate him in the hierarchy, so there is not much awe.
"He already knows the son, I'm afraid it's not good to see him," You Mengshou hesitated.
"Well, then bring him over." Liu Wei'an glanced around, the sound of the gun has stopped, and the overall situation of Nanding City has been set. It should not take too long to see the individual.
"This ... Baron Qian Ruhai is waiting for his son in the municipal government building." You Mengshou said awkwardly.
"Want me to meet him?" Liu Wei'an couldn't believe looking at You Mengshou.
"I'm afraid so." You Mengshou gave a positive response.
"Well, let's go, it's a baron." Liu Wei'an shrugged his shoulders, and saw him for a while, this long-known baron.
Huang Yan refused to go to rest and followed Liu Wei'an. On the way, Liu Wei'an learned the general situation of Huang Zhi.
The first thought after Huang Yan's accident was not to go home, but to come to Anyuan to look for Liu Wei'an. After entering Zhengping Road, the navigation suddenly failed. Her memory was amazing, and she felt that she didn't deviate too much. Finally, Landing in Nanding.
Nanding City was at the peak of the zombie outbreak, and there was chaos everywhere, and no one ignored her. She hid in the suspended car alone, and had to go out to find food until the food carried in the car was eaten. Nanding City has returned to normal, and the zombies have been destroyed, but the leader has changed a wave, and a rock giant has become the new leader of Nanding City.
Huang Yan was first discovered by a man named Daduwang, and she was about to eat her. At this moment, the rock giant passed by and saw Huang Yan as a heavenly man. He wanted to marry her for Nanding City. Lady of the Lord. Because of Huang Huang's unwillingness to die, and because the Rock Giant has just evolved, his ability cannot be completely controlled, and it has been difficult to keep the rock body back to normal. Therefore, Huang Yan was not destroyed. Presumably, in order to make Huang Yan yield, she was imprisoned in prison.
Unexpectedly, Huang Qiang, a lovely lady with a lot of money, could hold back the terrible environment of the prison. Later, when the Rock Giant barely was able to control his abilities and planned to marry Huang Huang, he had to go out to find food due to lack of food. This search found Nanlong City, and he never returned.
"Here." You Mengshou uttered.
Liu Wei'an looked up and found that the city committee building in Nanding was really good. It turned out to be the style of the ancient palace compound. There were two large lanterns hanging at the entrance. Two lions with a height of nearly three meters guarded the gate. It's the blood on it, which hinders elegance. He was about to step forward and was stopped by a man who looked like a housekeeper.
"Stop, who are you? This is the city committee building. It is now taken over by the baron, idlers, etc., and must not be approached."
Liu Wei'an looked at You Mengshou with a grimace. Wasn't Nanding his place, when Qian Ruhai took over.
You Mengshou shook his head, signaled that he was not clear, and took a step forward, coldly: "This is the mayor of Nanlong City Liu Wei'an, and Nanding City was liberated under the wise command of Mayor Liu"
"You are the mayor of Nanlong City. Lord Baron has issued a handcuff early, asking the mayors of Zhengpingdao to send troops to help, why are you here now?
? Asked the steward.
"That's it. Zombies and monsters are everywhere in Nanlong City, and we did our best to come here." You Mengshou explained.
"Come in." The housekeeper snorted, not very satisfied with You Mengshou's explanation, but couldn't hold it.
Liu Wei'an, You Mengshou, Huang Yan, and two members of the Ping'an team just entered the gate. The housekeeper looked back and yelled, "Who made you come in, who made you come in?"
"Did you not let me in?" Liu Wei'an was inexplicable.
"You, you and you go out." The steward ignored Liu Wei'an, pointed his fingers at Huang Yan, You Mengshou, and two members of the Ping'an team. "Do you understand the rules? The baron's residence can be random Are you coming in? "
You Mengshou twitched, and two members of the Ping'an team flashed anger in his eyes. Huang Yan opened his eyes wide and looked innocent.
"Who are you?" Liu Wei'an said.
"I'm the baron's steward, Qian Jin." The steward proudly said.
"They are all my guards. Let them see the Baron Lord, too." Liu Wei'an said.
"Do you think Lord Baron can be seen by anyone?" Qian Jin was furious, as if Liu Weian's words insulted him.
"There are countless zombies, monsters, and rebels in Nanding. If the money steward thinks that the baron's safety no longer needs human protection, then they are not allowed to go in." Liu Wei'an said lightly.
"Why is there so much danger to invite the Baron?" Qian Jin's face changed again and again ~ ~ but his tone weakened.
"Will we invite the Baron back to prison?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"Huh!" Qian Jin was stunned. He shook his arm and turned to enter the building. No more people from You Mengshou could not enter.
The city government building is very large. If no one leads the way, it is estimated that you will get lost and go east and west. You will come to a hall similar to the early morning dynasty. The doorway had already shouted: "Liu Weian, the mayor of Nanlong City, reported, asking to see Lord Baron."
"Come in." A slightly tired voice came out.
Liu Wei'an followed Qian Jin. As soon as he entered the main hall, he was uncomfortable with Qi's gaze. In the brightly lit main hall, there was not a single person, but dozens of people. He squinted to find Baron Qian Ruhai sitting in the center, a large fat man, like a pile of flesh, at least three hundred pounds, three points fatter than Zhu Lie.
"I remember that the mayor of Nanlong City was Guo Longchang, how did it become you?" Qian Ruhai had not spoken yet, and a middle-aged man on the side spoke first, his eyes as sharp as a knife.
"Mayor Guo Longchang is dead." Liu Weian said lightly.
There was a boo in the hall. Guo Longchang had been in power in Nanlong City for decades. He was an old mayor and knew many people.
"Before you came, we discussed it and proposed that you be the mayor of Nanlong City. The Lord Baron agreed with our proposal to officially appoint you as the acting mayor of Nanlong City." Still middle-aged people speak.
Liu Wei'an glanced at the people present, both old, weak, and disabled. Only the noble spirit was the same. A satire of irony overflowed from the corner of his mouth, saying, "I am the mayor of Nanlong City! Who needs to Come to appoint? "
(End of this chapter)
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