Chapter 499: Werewolf

As if a piece of residual leaves fell to the ground with only a slight sound, Liu Wei'an's sniper rifle was replaced with black humor. The sniper rifle is too long for indoor combat.
There are generally no zombies on the upper floors of the building. This is Liu Wei'an's experience, but he did not dare to carelessly. A glass marble dropped from his hand and rolled down the stairs.
Da Da Da Da Da Da ...
Because the speed is well controlled, the glass marbles just rolled on every step, and the crisp sound passed out, which seemed harsh in the quiet corridor.
Liu Wei'an stood looking down the stairs and waited for about five seconds. The uneven footsteps sounded from the eighth floor. Liu Wei'an didn't move, and waited for a few seconds. The sound leapt forward, jumping down the gap in the stairs.
Huge sounds echoed in all the corridors. The fastest zombies rushed headshot on the spot, and the black juice splashed all over the place. On the second shot, Liu Wei'an has fallen to the eighth floor. He stretched out his hand and pulled it on the stainless steel railing. The railing, which can bear hundreds of pounds of weight, deformed instantly. On the eighth floor.
Shoot with both hands.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
Six shots, six zombies were headshots, and the corpses had not yet fallen to the ground. Liu Weian reached out his upper body and fired wildly on the seventh floor. The tongue of fire burst out. The sound of bullet intervals was too short, sounding like a machine gun.
The seventh floor of the zombie fell down.
The moment the clip fell off, Liu Wei'an retracted his hands and pressed it around his waist. There was a crisp sound of snapping. The clip had been replaced. The black humor spurted out the tongue again.
Once and again, the time does not exceed 0.2 seconds, and the first-class special forces can only sigh at seeing this speed.
Eighteen zombies on the seventh floor were all resolved by Liu Wei'an within three seconds. He jumped out of the stairs and landed on the seventh floor gently and cleverly. A zombie lying on the ground suddenly exploded and opened his disgusting mouth. A sharp fangs shone from the cold, almost touching Liu Wei'an's skin, and he saw a lightning fly when he could not twist his hands.
The toes and the zombies came into close contact, the force of elephant-like horror in one
An instant erupted, the zombies shot out like a cannon, hit the ceiling, and the lime fell off. There was no pain in the zombies, and a pair of blood-red eyes stared at Liu Wei'an, waiting for the landing to launch another attack, but he had no chance.
The black humor trembled a little. For such a short distance, the rules of the bullet could not be seen at all. Only the skull of the zombie exploded, and the debris and the juice splashed in all directions.
"Hurry up, keep up!"
The members of the Ping'an team gesticulated, this was taught by the salmon special forces. The more professional the team is, the more complex the content must be expressed in the simplest language. No sound is better than no sound. Special forces operations are generally performed in the most difficult and dangerous tasks, most of the time they are conducted in secret. All, sound is taboo.
This is why the number of special commanders has multiple sets of sign language.
The members walked down the stairs all the way, they could only hear the continuous sound of gunfire. Every time they only captured Liu Wei'an. When they rushed to the floor, Liu Wei'an had already reached the bottom.
Because this building has confirmed that there are no living people, the Ping'an team did not look at it. It descended to the first floor at the fastest speed, near the stairway. From the eighth floor, the lower floors were filled with zombies.
"My son!"
The Ping An team finally caught up with Liu Wei'an, but it wasn't they who caught up, but Liu Wei'an stopped to wait for them.
"The two of them broke up in search of live animals. I am here to the zombies." Liu Weian changed his mind before he died. The original idea was that he was also looking for living people, but he rushed to the first floor to find that there were too many zombies Now, lest the elephant can't stand it.
"My son, you are too dangerous alone." Some members couldn't help it.
"Perform the order!" Liu Wei'an was unquestionable.
"Yes!" The thirty members roared, spreading out as fast as possible, away from the building. They had just gone away and heard that the moving zombies had surrounded the exit, and some zombies went to chase the security team.
Bang, bang, bang ...
Liu Wei'an held the gun in both hands, and black humor continuously ejected the tongue of fire. The gunfire was dense, and the corpse's dead body was connected into one piece. Within ten seconds, Liu Wei'an emptied three magazines. Those who pursued the Ping An team The zombies were all dead. Zombie behind
The sound of gunfire attracted and had forgotten to leave the Ping An squad.
The two buildings are less than 30 meters apart. Those rushing zombies couldn't rush into the opposite building, and naturally all of them came here. Liu Wei'an looked somber, his hands were like iron casts, and black humor was strong. Does not seem to feel the slightest. With every slight shake, there must be a headshot of the zombie.
Liu Wei'an's eyes scanned the entire battlefield. As far as his eyes were concerned, the bullets caused him, but there were too many zombies ~ ~ The space where he could live is getting smaller and smaller. The death of the zombies in front couldn't go down, but instead Was pushed forward by the zombie behind.
Ten meters, five meters, three meters ...
The strong rancid smell ran out of breath, making it almost impossible to breathe. The bullet sprayed the head and sputtered the juice and flew to Liu Wei'an. His face was as usual, he suddenly closed his gun, put it in the ring, and extended his hand. At that time, there were a few yellow runes.
Runaway Charm Rune!
Light and shadow flickered, Fu Yan disappeared, and it was neatly posted on the wall. Liu Wei'an turned back with lightning, and the zombies rushed up.
The walls on both sides collapsed, burying the zombies in the smoke, Liu Wei'an rushed to the second floor, the silver wing bow appeared on the hand, but the sound of the long bowstring continued.

A long string of arrows whistled out, and suddenly burst into the air in the air, hitting the hearts of nine zombies with great accuracy.
Bang, bang, bang, bang ...
The corpse curse attached to the arrows burst out, and nine zombies suddenly became headless monsters.
咻, 咻, 咻 ...
Streams of light emanated from it, as fast as lightning. I saw the zombies blasting one after another, line by line, and the spattered brains and fragments were like small fireworks, quite spectacular.
The roar of the zombies echoed the sound of bowstring vibrations.
On the first floor, there were constant vibrations, bricks and stones smashing to the ground, and violent impact sounds. I didn't know what the zombies were doing below. Liu Wei'an stared outside, but his ears thought about listening to the movement of the stairs.
When the fingers were about to be loosened, they suddenly pinched, because they were too hard, they almost crushed the arrow shaft, and a black eye blinked calmly, and he saw a person, a person who rushed into the zombies.
(End of this chapter)
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