Chapter 533: , Promotion of gold (on)

Zhengping Road is like a huge machine. After falling asleep for a long time, it finally started to run. Many equipment was damaged during the war. Many jobs can only be replaced manually. Fortunately, there are many idle people and you don't need to worry about lack of people. The survivors worked hard for a bite of food and did not act lazily.
Ping An team absorbs fresh blood every day. Fighting zombies and monsters is always dangerous, and death is inevitable.
"Members initially fought, with very few casualties. The casualties basically occurred after the war. Tiredness and too late to rest caused the reaction speed to decrease. At this time, if monsters and zombies appeared, it was easy to cause injuries." Zeng Huaicai said.
"Meaning that physical strength can't keep up?" Liu Wei'an looked at him.
"Food is getting less and less, and the soldiers can only save money and save money." Zeng Huaizhong regretted that it was not a lack of fighting power, but that he was not full, but this was no other way. There was no food on the entire Zhengping Road. The Kyushu Chamber of Commerce The grain cups of food delivered are now being relied on to be transported, but in the face of hundreds of thousands of mouths, seemingly a lot of Warcraft meat, is actually enough to fight teeth. The rations that can satisfy at most one-tenth of a person now need to be supplied ten times as much, and the pressure can be imagined.
"What about medicine?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"There is no potion in this area for the time being." Zeng Huaizhong shook his head, in fact, it is not without it. The effect is not good and cannot be achieved immediately. Second, the price is expensive, and the current finances of Zhengping Road cannot afford it.
危 Liu Wei'an suddenly remembered. He seemed to have something to restore his physical strength. Ye Mingsha, pulled by bats on the rock wall. At that time, under the guidance of Xiaohuahua, he learned about the benefits of Ye Mingsha, but he dug three feet and packed a full ring, but too much happened later. I forgot this. Take off the ring and give it to Zeng Huaicai.
"What is this?" Zeng Huai asked puzzledly. After hearing about Weiming An's introduction of the benefits of Ye Mingsha, she was immediately overjoyed: "You don't have to worry about physical strength anymore, and our stress can be reduced a lot."
After Xi Zenghuai went, Liu Wei'an spent no more than two hours and took care of other things, and then found a quiet and secret room and began to retreat.
Peanut rice-sized power seeds, the hills are generally piled up on the bed, with a size of 5,000, and the price paid is also large. The gold coins that the Ping An team has always earned, as well as his own gold coins, are all spent, and now all are left. Several copper plates. In order to buy power seeds, he picked up almost everything the Ping An team could sell for money, including his own. The underwear was worthless, otherwise he bought it.
In order to advance to victory, he had to make full preparations.
The last promotion of Silver Great Success relied on the milk that Xiaoyaohua helped him find, saving a lot of seeds of power. This time, no one helped him find the natural treasures. He could only rely on himself to find out how difficult it was to get promoted. No wonder there are so many silverware players, but he did n’t dare to pass the barrier easily. I also rushed.
Cultivation is a matter for rich people. At this moment, his experience is particularly obvious. When Zhu Guo took it out, a fragrant fragrance was immediately radiated into the air, and he took a sip gently. The 360 ​​million fine hairs of the whole body were dead and opened Confucius, which was extremely comfortable.
Liu Weian has a hunch, five thousand power seeds are for many, for ordinary play
For the Xu family and even the family, a huge number of deaths, but for him, it may not be enough, and the final burden will be on Zhu Guo.
Sit cross-legged and start running. One day, two weeks, three weeks, on top of his head, slowly began to emit white mist, and the temperature in the air gradually increased.
Twenty-six weeks later, the clothes on her body spontaneously ignited, burning the city ashes, Liu Wei'an was naked, and each capillary hole was opened, like a hungry mouth waiting to be fed.
Strange things happened, the seeds of power on the bed began to overflow energy, drifting to Liu Wei'an's body, a trace of slow speed, such as a trickle, supplementing Liu Wei'an's continuous expansion of the meridian that caused the unavailable water.
Seventy-two weeks ... After one hundred and eighty-eight days, a hidden emergence, the black air flow runs a more complex route than a hundred times, the energy consumed suddenly increased by a hundred times, the amount of water in the meridians suddenly emptied, and the capillary blood cells at this moment When Zhang Da reached the limit, a horrible suction was issued, and the energy emitted by the power seed skyrocketed by a hundredfold.
The light of the power seeds went from bright to dim to gray in less than ten minutes. The power seeds in the outer circle changed from crystals to waste stones, cracks appeared, and crackled into powder. Over time, Over time, more and more crystals became powder.
Liu Wei'an closed his eyes and knew nothing about the outside world. His mind was already concentrated in his mind. After running for 72 weeks, all the meridians in his body, regardless of their size, were mobilized. These veins glowed with heat. As if a charged light bulb was transmitted through the skin, the original darkness was lost and became colorful.
When the power seed was consumed by half, Liu Wei'an expected that the already existing gate slowly emerged in the void, from empty to real, from far to near, a thoroughfare avenue led to Tianyu, and the only road in the middle was blocked by a giant door. , Thick as Tarzan.

I didn't hesitate. Liu Wei'an opened his bow is an arrow. It is strange that in this world that minds the illusory and real world, he not only has his own bow, but also a steady stream of arrows.
The arrow exploded when it collided with the giant gate, and the arrow split into pieces, turning into powder. The giant golden gate did not move, and even a piece of debris was not hit.
"Renju arrows!"
"Serial Arrow!"
Uh ...
The bowstring vibrates endlessly, and arrows one after another shoot out, and continuous explosions sound on the giant gate. Liu Weian's eyes were like electricity, and the whole person maintained an optimal shooting position.
I have silver perfect experience, he did not expect to easily open this door, he is ready to fight a long-term war, but he never thought that it would take so long.
Liu Wei'an didn't know that behind the golden gate, the sky he was in was suddenly covered with clouds and thunders and thunders. These dark clouds seemed to come out of nowhere to gather the sky, and over time, more and more Thick and growing. The people of the righteous path were horrified, and many people even saw fear in their eyes, thinking that evildoers were coming.
The lack of water on Mars is common sense. People who have lived here forever have never seen rain. Even if it rains, it is also an accidental convection of hot and cold air. It just happened for a while.
In small areas, the time is usually a few minutes or even ten seconds, and it is basically drizzle. The only time you can see the heavy rain is to wait for notification. When the authorities are in a good mood, they can pick up a few days of artificial rainfall. Min, that's probably the case.
Dark clouds like this scene, don't say that you haven't seen it, even if it hasn't happened in history, humans have never encountered this situation since entering Mars. Because of the troubled times, the communication was interrupted, and the accident on the level road can only be seen faintly in this area. The specific situation is unclear. During the troubled times, zombies run rampant and bottomless abyss can appear. It is not surprising that there is a change in the sky. Yes, people in the province of Tianfeng can see it, but they just look at the excitement, they can't do much, and they don't have time to do anything.
But the people in the fair way are different. They are in this dark space. They say it is not deceiving to be afraid. The clouds are getting lower and lower, the lightning is getting brighter, and the horrible energy is condensed in the air. It seems that the next moment Will break through the ground, the entire flat road, all the zombies suddenly disappeared, all the monsters also fled far away, Jinrui City, is one of the strongholds of zombies and monsters, but the most lively, but at this moment, all The monsters remained quiet, the ones that could hide were hidden, and the heads that could not hide were shrunk as far as possible, and even the giant tree retracted the branches and hugged them, converging all the breath. The city exudes An emotion called fear.
Gold-level masters such as Wu Fujiang, You Mengshou, Bobcat, and Ouyang Xiu Rui all put down their work and looked at the dark black ink sky. He was hesitant in his eyes, hesitated for a while, and returned at the fastest speed.
"Who's retreating? 嫦 Yueying girl?" You Mengshou asked Wu Lili, who was behind the back room. UU Kanshu
危 "Wenan!" Wu Lili said.

All Gao manually took a breath and looked at each other to see the horror in each other's eyes.
"What's the matter? Is it dangerous?" Wu Lili saw that their faces weren't right, and suddenly anxious.
"It's okay!" You Mengshou showed a consoling expression. She appeared in the east, and Fu Jiang, Bobcats, and others didn't have to wait for instructions. They scattered around the building, sat cross-legged, and turned into stone sculptures.
表面 They calmed down on the surface, but the sea was stirred up in their hearts. To be promoted to the platinum level, some evil-doers who are against the sky will cause the sky to change at the moment when the realm breaks. Such people, none of them, a small number of people, can cause celestial phenomena, which has been called a wizard. But the promotion to the gold level caused a change in nature. Not only have they not seen it, they have not even heard it. They are very aware of Liu Wei'an's realm. It is only a silver level. It is impossible to skip the gold level to advance to the platinum level.
A silver-level person's promotion to the gold level actually caused natural change, and it was such a terrible natural change. They dared not imagine to what extent Liu Weian's qualifications were against the sky. They were not only worried that such talent would not die. ?
Therefore, they did not dare to leave and chose to guard the building. Liu Wei'an was unclear, because his inferior qualifications made these former class members loyal and loyal throughout their lives, never having a second heart. Because they firmly believe that with such people, they will definitely succeed.
No one noticed that in the other building across the street, Wu Yueying was also nervously watching Liu Wei'an. It was also because of the changing nature that she had transformed Liu Wei'an into a person of the same level as the latter star, and even A little higher.
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