Chapter 572: Mysterious old man

"It's a predator!"
Suddenly the sound of surprised everyone, and conditionedly pulled out the sword, facing the place where the sound came, but did not see anyone.
"Who is this?" Yang Wujiang squinted his eyes, his fist shining with a faint light.
"Don't be nervous, I'm out." The air of nothingness was slightly twisted, and a figure emerged, from vague to clear.
The chubby little fat man covered his vital parts with his hands, naked and naked.
"That ... my ability is too weak to hide clothes, so ... everyone forgive me." The little fat man smiled awkwardly, ran to the side and picked up a corpse's clothes to put on, and did not dislike the blood.
"Who are you?" You Mengshou looked like a knife, staring at the fat man, but the sword was retracted.
"I am the little Cui in the chef class. Everyone calls me crispy and is responsible for chopping vegetables." The little fat man saw the Ping An team put down their weapons, and his expression was not so nervous.
"How old are you?" Liu Wei'an said.
"22 years old." The little fat man kept the style of the army and asked what to answer. Although he was fat, he stood straight.
"Your ability is stealth?" Liu Weian had previously seen a stealth person, Fu Jiang's men, but he was slaughtered. However, the person's stealth ability was not as strong as that of the fat man. He didn't find the fat man at first and knew his voice to judge the exact position of the fat man based on some traces.
The appearance of Little Fat Man proves that the eyes of the demon are not invincible.
"Yes!" When the little fat man spoke, his eyes kept looking at Liu Wei'an, apparently he also knew who was the head of this group.
"Predator you just said, how much do you know, say it." Liu Wei'an said.
Among humans, there will be some mutants, called superhumans or evolvers. The same is true in zombies. Predators are such a existence.
The predator feeds on other zombies, but if there is no choice, if there is a choice, its first choice is human, the second choice is powerful zombies, and then those low-level zombies.
The predators did not know how to produce it. The zombie riot broke out in the military camp. It was not so miserable because the predators ate all the officers in the meeting. The crowd below was headless, plus the situation at the time. Too confusing, and because a large number of citizens came in, the soldiers feared that they would accidentally injure the citizens and lead to the annihilation of the entire army.
He only fled more than a hundred people. The fat man escaped a disaster because of his special ability, but because of his invisibility, he could not fight. He was zombies in all directions. He could not escape, but he kept hiding in Tibet. It was also because of the long time spent in the barracks that the predators were discovered.
"What is the predator's combat effectiveness?" Fu Jiang asked with squinting eyes.
"There were originally two ogres in the barracks, and they were eaten by the predator." A trace of fear passed across the little fat man's face.
"Is it so powerful?" Fu Jiang asked You Mengshou, who had fought a predator.
"It's really strong, but-" You Mengshou was a little puzzled. The predator didn't seem to be able to kill the ogre.
"This predator is injured." The fat man uttered a shock.
"What do you mean?" You Mengshou stared at him.
"About a week ago, an old man passed by here, stopped at the barracks, and just met a predator. The old man fanned the predator with a slap, and the predator climbed up and continued to pounce on the old man. The old man seemed impatient I kicked the predator, the predator flew more than 50 meters, landed on the ground, and got up after ten minutes. I wanted to say hello to the old man to see if he could save me, but the old man was too fast. Almost, there was no trace in a blink of an eye, and I had to continue hiding in the barracks. "The fat man recalled.
"What kind of old man is this?" You Mengshou, Fu Jiang, and others were all immobile. They were all killed by ogres. The ogres' fighting power is very clear. Predators use ogres as food. The ogre is more than 1.5 times, and this kind of combat power was swept away by the old man. How high is the old man's fighting power?
"I can't see clearly, the light is not good, the old man stays too short." The fat man shook his head.
"What level is such a person?" Yang Wujiang asked.
"At least the golden peak." Fu Jiang must be authentic.
"How many people are there in the barracks?"
"I'm one!"
"How many predators?"
"Where is the food?"
Uh ...
I cleared the information of the barracks as quickly as possible, and the fat man naturally joined the Ping An team. Although the little fat man has no fighting power, he has a strong stealth ability that even predators cannot find.
There is still a lot of food, mainly because the army has fallen too quickly, and there is too little food to eat, but there are not many weapons and equipment. The scattered army has consumed too much ammunition in order to destroy the zombies as much as possible. There are quite a few guns, but lacking bullets is not as good as burning a fire stick.
"The predator must be eliminated, otherwise it is a big hidden danger." Liu Wei'an set the tone.
"The predator is now injured, the attack power is equal to the gold level, but the speed is fast." You Mengshou said.
"Our speed is not comparable to that of predators. We must be surrounded. The design allows the predator to penetrate into the encirclement, otherwise it will be difficult to find it once it runs away." .
"I don't know where the predator is!" The fat man saw everyone watching him, and quickly shook his head.
既然 "Since you can't find the predator, it's only because it came out." Yang Wujiang finished looking at Liu Wei'an.
"Yes!" Liu Wei'an looked around and quickly found the ideal sniper spot.
"Who makes the bait?" You Mengshou asked.
"I'm coming!" Yang Wujiang refused.
The strategy is simple, but because it is a monster, it doesn't need to be complicated, otherwise it will be too worthy of it. The members in their hands were sent back to the car, and Yang Wujiang touched the blood on their clothes. In the air full of unpleasant and decaying smell, the concentration of smell is very small, at least for humans, but as long as it is a zombie, it is very sensitive to smell, even if it is a hundred meters away, Can smell it.
Qi Yang Wujiang strode to the barracks. His footsteps were heavy and his voice spread far. Fu Jiang, You Mengshou, and others smeared the liquid of the zombies, trying to disguise themselves as zombies.
The predator doesn't have much patience, or treats the wounds in order to inhale living people, which could have made it irresistible to living people.
He was thin and suddenly shot out from the ground. Yang Wujiang had been alert for a long time, but he was also disfigured by the predator's speed.
Scratches from face to nose, almost tore off the nose. Fu Jiang and You Mengshou rushed at the same time, one person out of the palm, one person out of the sword.
A thick, heavy mountain, a sharp, fast as lightning.
Dangdangdang ... The three were at a touch, and after Fu Jiang and You Mengshou landed, they took three or four steps in a row, with a slightly ugly expression. The predator shot back to the barracks. Yang Wujiang exhausted all his efforts and was still three meters behind the predator, and the distance was rapidly expanding.
By the time the shotgun was fired, the bullet had hit the predator. It didn't hit the predator's body, and it popped up.
Alas, the powerful power of the bullet made the predator tremble a bit, and the speed was immediately affected.
"Break me!"
Yang Wujiang roared, his fist banged on the predator's vest.
Yang Wujiang's colleague screamed loudly and flew out. He had a deep scratch on his chest and almost grabbed his heart.
The predator is just a few centimeters away from the body. If nothing happens to continue shooting into the dark place, it instinctively feels the danger, so he does not fight with the follow-up Fu Jiang and You Mengshou and escapes with all his heart.
From this point, it can be seen that predators are different from other zombies. Normal zombies, regardless of whether they have been beaten or not, are all large and either succeed or become benevolent. Because zombies have no emotions such as fear and fear.
This time, the bullet hit the head. The predator was one size smaller than the human head and shook it violently. The predator's balance ability was average. After being shot in the head, he almost wrestled.
The predator was provoked, suddenly stopped, turned and rushed to Fu Jiang and You Mengshou, the two ace masters, even before the predator did not persist for three seconds and then broke out.
Yang Wujiang has climbed up again, the healthy predator is just not far away, and he doesn't want to, but throws it with a fist again.
The predator was shaken by the fly, Yang Wujiang himself flew back, his arm hung down softly ~ ~, his face was broken, and his face was pained.
的 The sound of the sniper rifle was again transmitted far away, and the trajectory of the bullet, from high to low, hit the predator's head accurately.
The puppet bullet was still unable to shoot in. When it was flying, the bullet exploded, bursting into flames, and the blazing flame enveloped the predator in an instant.
The predator, like all zombies, was very disgusted with the flames, snarled angrily, and rushed towards Yang Wujiang with his instinct, scaring Yang Wujiang to run away, pulling his injured arm, and sweating in pain.
危 Liu Wei'an fell from a high place, and the sniper rifle was replaced with a silver wing bow. When he heard a bowstring vibration.

A sharp arrow made of steel, shot through the air.
The arrow is completely deformed, and it just shoots a small mouth on the predator.
The arrow exploded, and the predator's body shook violently, almost falling. At this moment, Fu Jiang and You Mengshou also pushed away. The predators were physically covered by flames and could run around. The two of them didn't dare. The temperature of the flames was too high, and they couldn't stand two meters away.
The plutonium explosion spread the flame for a few tenths of a second, revealing the head of the predator that was blown out of the crack. Between the flashes of lightning, a second arrow suddenly emerged from the void.
He flickered without hitting the predator's head and exploded.
The predator's head was blown off by half. The predator did not die immediately. He walked for a few steps before falling straight. He struggled on the ground for more than ten seconds before he was completely quiet. Only the shrouded flame remained. Burning.
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