Chapter 582: Before the storm

A moan broke the silence in the room.
"Wan, you are awake" Wu Lili, who was lying on the bed, suddenly got up, her red eyes blinking at the person on the bed.
With the nature of Liu Wei'an's consciousness, blood flowed quickly, surging in a blink of an eye. Dantian, which was the size of a small lake, turned into a sea of ​​oceans, and the broken meridians were only repaired at a time. Liu Weian couldn't believe it. The heart is flowing, there is no obstacle at all, a thousand miles away.
In a tea time, my heart changed for a week. Liu Wei'an knew that his injuries had been cured. Not only that, because the hidden dangers caused by continuous ascension in a short period of time were completely eliminated, the injury was not a bad thing, and his eyes were opened. .
Wu Lili's eyes were red and swollen like peaches, and her bright eyes were full of bloodshot hair, and her hair was stuck on her face. I don't know how long it hasn't been cleaned. The anxiety and anxiety in her eyes made Liu Weian, who had just awakened, feel warm.
"Stupid girl, I'm just injured, not dead, don't worry"
"I knew you couldn't die." Wu Lili saw her reflection in Liu Wei'an's dark eyes, clutching Liu Wei'an's hand with both hands, very tight.
"I can't bear you" Liu Weian smiled slightly, without any falsehood, sincere and extremely sincere.
"Well," Wu Lili nodded strongly.
"Water" Liu Wei'an didn't get up and lost a lot of blood, which made him very weak. Wu Lili got up quickly, there was pure water on the table.
Liu Wei'an took the opportunity to look at the room, and the high-end installations saw at a glance a five-star luxury hotel with carpets on the ground. He found that star hotels have a feature. The white lights in the room can never be seen in white. Bright, all slightly yellow lights.
"Who saved me?" After drinking a bottle of pure water, Liu Wei'an felt that most of his strength had recovered.
"Moon Moon Shadow Girl" Wu Lili gently wiped the corners of his mouth with a towel. The environment is the best teacher. Wu Lili will not be so careful before changing to the end.
"How long have I been in a coma?" Liu Wei'an looked at the thick porridge on the coffee table, which had no temperature, exuding a faint taste of ginseng.
"Fifteen days and fifteen nights" Wu Lili heated the porridge.
"How many days have I stayed in the White Peach Tree"
"15 days"
"15 days" A flash of doubt flashed in Liu Wei'an's eyes. He spent at least one month in Baiyuetaoshu space, but soon he responded. The space of Baiyuetaoshu was created by himself. It is possible that some differences from real time are possible.
Wu Lili brought the already-heated porridge. Although Liu Wei'an just woke up, she had a good appetite and was not afraid of heat. She drank three bowls in one breath, and her strength recovered as her stomach was satisfied. Within 100 meters All the movements in his ears were heard, and the sound of conversation, breathing, and footsteps could be heard clearly. Before, he could not do this with meditation, but now he can do it naturally.
"What's wrong with Xu Ying" Liu Wei'an lowered his bowl and asked suddenly.
"Ah" Wu Lili's face changed suddenly.
"Notify the ten captains and deputy captains of the Ping An Team, as well as those who have been notified. The meeting will be held in the large conference room after half an hour, and must not be absent and late for whatever reason."
After half an hour, Liu Wei'an got out of bed, and his face was more gloomy than the sky, and almost dripped water.
"I'll notify right away" Wu Lili said involuntarily. Liu Wei'an's voice had no emotion, and she couldn't judge whether it was angry or calm.
During the disappearance of Liu Wei'an in Baiyueshushu space, the Ping An team was intact, followed Liu Wei's orders, stayed quiet, and remained quiet. The thing happened after he came out of the white crow peach tree, detonating the devil exploded into the space, but he also wounded himself, hurting far more than he imagined, if it was not for the first time that Yueying had discovered and continued for three days and three nights For treatment, he was afraid of a corpse at this moment. Escape from the cracks in time and space is far more dangerous than he thought.
He Yueying said that he could survive, it ’s God ’s eyes.
Even so, he was unconscious for half a month. After the white crow peach tree space exploded, the white crow peach tree disappeared, along with those transparent Xumi monkeys. Without the threat of the Xumi monkeys, a Shekou Tao, who was frightened by Fuzhou Road, took the lead. Captured the Fuzhou Road, the Ping An team hesitated because there was no order from Liu Wei'an. In the end, the captains of the top ten teams jointly decided not to let people pick peaches, and they also sent troops to Fuzhou Road.
It is a little late to send troops at this time, because Fuzhou Road has been invaded by Shekou Road, but the Ping An team is relatively strong. After a fierce battle, Shekou Road is defeated, leaving tens of thousands of captives, and returning to Shekou Road, the Ping An team is happy. Accepting these tens of thousands of captives, did you know that this was a conspiracy.
The ruler of Shekou Tao was Chen Yishan. It turned out that the old principal of Xinfeng University, Tao Liman, had high prestige. After the doomsday opened, Xinfeng sent a unit to pick him up to a safe place, but he refused, he Said that this is a dying person, unwilling to live alone, anyway, there are not many days left, it is better to play a little waste heat and make a contribution to Shekou Tao.
His contribution is definitely more than a little bit. In the panic of people, he exclaimed, organized all the forces that can be united, and twisted the entire power of Shekou Road into a god, military, political, business, civilian, and academic together. Although the zombies were not driven out, they also rescued the people who looked up. It can be said that Shekou Road is the city with the highest survival rate in the whole Tianfeng Province except Xinfeng Road and Jiangjiu Road.
Chen Yishan has a heart for the country. He has no selfishness and is well-intentioned. Although the zombies in Shekou Road were not cleared, they still actively sent troops to Rao Feng Road and Fuzhou Road to rescue other more dangerous humans.
Fighting with the Ping An team was also because the Ping An team wanted to recapture them. They also wanted to include the Ping An team. One more person would have more strength, but the method was used incorrectly. Several battles were played. They were defeated, and in the last battle, nearly 50,000 prisoners were left.
The Ping An team did not know that there was Chen Bohan, the grandson of Chen Yishan in the captives. Afterwards, it was not clear what happened to the Ping An team, but the result was that the prisoners found and blew up the place where the Ping An team stored their food. , Just happened to be discovered by Xu Ying, Xu Ying wanted to stop, was seriously injured by Chen Bohan, and then was hit by an explosion. She was seriously injured. After four days and four nights of rescue, her life was saved, but she became a vegetative. Wei is almost the same.
The Chinese people have a feature. The big names are the last ones to play. However, when the captains of the Ping An team entered the meeting room, they saw Liu Wei'an sinking into the water. Sit well.
"Is anyone here?"
Liu Wei'an lowered his head. He was watching the time. When the second jumped to zero, at 20:00, he spoke.
"Luo Weiwen hasn't arrived yet," Wu Lili said.
"Tell him about it for me, there is no need to participate in future meetings." Liu Weian calmly said.
"The captives have been very uneasy these days. He's worried that something will happen, so he's over there," Bigfoot blame.
"Is Luo Weiwen notified?" Liu Wei'an turned to look at Wu Lili.
"Notice arrived," Wu Lili said.
"Did you have to be absent and late?" Liu Wei'an continued to ask.
"Say it," Wu Lili said.
Liu Wei'an stared at the bigfoot like a knife, "What else is unclear?"
"Clear." Bigfoot has never been afraid of anyone since it entered the gold level, but at this moment, it was inexplicably guilty. In fact, not only him, but Lin Zhonghu, You Mengshou, Fu Jiang and others have never seen Liu Wei'an look so serious and cold, and they are extremely uncomfortable.
"Who is responsible for guarding the captive?" Liu Wei'an tone flattened, leaning on the back of the chair.
"It's me." Zhou Xianyang stood up.
"From now on, you're relegated to Deputy Captain." Liu Wei'an said lightly.
"Yes" Zhou Xianyang opened his mouth and said nothing in the end.
"The old man has something to say." An old man who stood up from the Keqing seat was thin, clean, and wearing glasses ~ ~ exuding a strong sense of book vitality and clear eyes.
"Not yet consulted" Liu Wei'an has a good memory. He is convinced that there is no such person in his memory.
"The guest Qing he recently joined, Professor Liu now." Wu Lili whispered in Liu Wei'an's ear.
Liu Wei'an's military and political system is not perfect. Everything is still according to the original way. He is intuitive and military. The top ten captains are in full control. Except that the elephants are not gold, the other captains are all gold. The number will increase in the future. However, the ten teams will not change. He does not plan to increase the establishment, but there are masters to join, and he must not arrange positions. If he is not interested in the army, he can be a guest secretary. The treatment is the same as the captain. When meeting, I have the right to participate and speak, I have the right to make suggestions in the face of unreasonable things, and I cannot command outside the army. There is nothing different from the captain. There is only one point, and the entry conditions are golden.
"What does Professor Liu have to say?" Liu Wei'an looked at Liu today.
"The captive was imprisoned in the tower-type building. Although the captain Zhou Xianyang was executed, it was me who really should be punished." Liu Jindao said.
"If I were a judge, I would agree with you, but we are the military. What is a military knife? We only ask the results, not the process. If the gun we bought on the black market is beaten because of a jam on the battlefield. Death, would you blame the people on the black market? Obviously, you can only blame yourself for being cheap. I wonder if I can explain this in a way that Professor Liu understands. "Liu Wei'an looked calmly.
"I understand, but I don't agree." Liu Jindao said.
"That's enough." Liu Wei'an calmly returned to the top ten captain. "It's been five days since the explosion, have you come up with how to deal with the captives?"
I do not know why, as soon as this statement came out, everyone felt a chill, and I didn't know where it came from.
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