Chapter 609: ,Create confusion

When Liu Wei'an took the initiative to integrate Yangming Street, Shi Hu quietly appeared in the largest prison in Xinfeng City, Shuidong Prison. He was originally a member of the public security system, and coming to Shuidong Prison was almost the same as returning to his hometown. I came to the prison director's office without alarming anyone. There was naturally no one in the office. The prison director entered by relationship. It would be weird if he was diligent and diligent.
Shi Hu came to get the key. As expected, the key was still in the original place, but the password was changed. A layer of powder was sprinkled on the keyboard. He brought special glasses and immediately saw the six keys clearly. With his clear fingerprint, combined with the prisoner ’s birthday and phone number, Shi Hu cracked the password a third time.
Silently exposed a safe, a remote control appeared in front of him. Nowadays, they are all electronic locks, and ordinary keys are rarely used, otherwise hundreds of prisons will take hundreds of keys and they will find it troublesome.
The remote control is much more convenient, one-button operation.
In the second place, Shi Hu appeared in the monitoring room, and there was someone in the monitoring room. They are all babies, naturally dare not slip through the class like the warden, but they are not looking at the monitor, each holding a mobile phone in the landlord. One-third of the criminals in the prison have starved to death, and the remaining two-thirds are dying. There is no need to worry.
In today's society, I ca n’t eat enough. As a criminal without personal rights, I have a lower status than a slave. Naturally, there is no food. Only a little pig food in three or five days, plus a tube of energy, can survive. By luck.
The door suddenly opened, and the jailer with a crooked cap turned his head and cursed, "The king and eight lambs are coming—" Before he finished speaking, he was greeted by a huge fist as fast as lightning.
His body seemed to be hit hard by a high-speed locomotive, and the whole man flew up from his seat, as if a cannonball hit the wall and landed heavily. The monitor on the wall slammed and shattered.
The other three raised their heads in horror. The first sight was a fist, and the second one saw the master of the fist clearly.
It's over! Shihu revenge is here!
This is the idea of ​​unifying the three people. Shi Hu has changed from being a high-ranking Interpol Captain to a prisoner. It has something to do with Shuidong Prison. There is no personal grudge. It is just a struggle for rights. The prison director and the people above benefited. Such a thing, the leader spoke, naturally, the following Xiao Yan did not have the right to oppose, but did not do the right thing, will inevitably encounter a ghost.
The severe pain rose from the abdomen, and the power of the landslide and tsunami was passed from the fist, which instantly destroyed the internal organs, the undisclosed force flew away with his body, hit the wall, almost smashed the wall, and disappeared after landing sound.
As if doing something trivial, Shi Hu stripped off one of his jailer uniforms and put it on. His body is burly, and ordinary people are inferior to him, but he suffers a lot during this time, leaving only skinny bones when he is hungry. Although the clothes are a little smaller, it is still fine to wear them.
The fastest speed appeared in the second monitoring room, killing the jailer with a thunderbolt, and then he entered the prison slowly. Even insiders rarely know that there are two monitoring rooms in Shuidong Prison, one dark and one dark. Prisons are a special place and must be double insured.
The door of the prison suddenly opened, and the prisoner inside was stunned. It was not time to let off the wind, no, since the zombies, the prison had canceled the benefits on the wind.
The prisoner was detained for a long time, his thoughts were a little numb and delayed, and he took a few seconds to walk out carefully. Hearing the sound of cries, a man in police uniform was opening the prison door one by one.
Soon, more and more prisoners came out of the prison, one by one looking confused and stunned, but soon, the restlessness turned to excitement, and the mother-in-law was just out.
Someone rushed towards the stairs at the moment. I was just holding on to the idea of ​​trying it. I didn't expect the door was open. I couldn't help but scream. This scream immediately attracted other prisoners and rushed over. .
The structure of the prison is complicated, the road is roundabout, and there is a door every 50 to 60 meters, but it is hard for criminals. Those who can survive in the prison have a unique skill. The longer they survive, the more powerful they are. The more amazing. The prisoner ran in the prison as if he were in his own home. It was clearly the second time he walked, but he was as skilled as the regular patrol officer, which made many people feel ashamed.
"Hey, why did you come out?" The patrolling guard spotted the criminal and shouted loudly. As soon as the truncheon was taken off, he saw a shadow of lightning strike, blocking his hands, and a terrifying force passed.
Broken arms, followed by a huge body shake, the whole person flew out, landed on the aisle of seven or eight meters and slid for a distance before stopping. After a few unconscious struggles, there was no movement.
Black Shadow caught the flying batons, pointed at Jiangshan with one stroke, and killed the second prison guard. After sweeping and sweeping with another stroke, Jiangshan fell. The patrol team of six people all fell down. All six prison guards died before the time of the alarm. And such a scene was performed simultaneously in various places in the prison.
As more and more prisoners pulled out of the prison, they finally caught the attention of the prison guards. Someone pressed the siren, and the harsh alarm sounded throughout the Shuidong prison. The atmosphere suddenly became tense. The criminals are irritable and restless, and the prison guard feels that the end is coming, afraid, frightened and wondering what to do. Densely packed criminals, among them are major criminals with extremely high force values. They cannot fight at all and must ask the riot forces for assistance, but the phone has a problem at a critical moment and the phone cannot be made.
咚, 咚, 咚 ...
A titanium alloy door that can withstand the explosion of several kilograms of explosives slowly deforms under the impact of huge forces. As the degree of unevenness increases, a heart of the prison guard's heart beats more and more intense, and the hand holding the gun is sweating. For the first time, I found that the gun could not bring me a little sense of security.
"Shi Hu, do you know that you've caught the wrong person?" A dark voice sounded, not loud, but it was noisy outside, but it did not hinder the transmission of this sound.
The prison specifications are similar, and the deeper they are, the more important criminals are. Shi Hu has come to the deepest part of the prison, leaving the last few criminals who have not been released. The voice came from the penultimate prison.
"If you kill 121 people, you won't be wrong even if you catch you 100 times." Shi Hu snorted coldly.
"Hahahaha ... why did you release me?" The man inside the prison laughed.
It's arrogant, but the sound is too bad, like an iron brush and glass rubbing.
"I use you because you still have the value of using it. If you don't want to come out, stay in it." Shi Hu said lightly.
The prison was silent, and the moment when Shi Hu raised the remote control in his hand, it turned into a dark shadow and flashed out of the prison. Only a faint shadow left in the air had disappeared among the prisoners.
Shi Hu ignored the person and came to the penultimate cell. His expression became serious. He pressed the switch and the cell door opened silently. The jail didn't turn on the light, and the light from outside seemed dim. Shi Hu saw the person cross-legged in a glance, yes, this person is sitting in the void, and there is nothing under his buttocks. This is not like those magical obstacles, he is really floating. The most terrifying thing is that the gravity in the prison is 15 times that of Mars. Under such gravity, even a trained person is difficult to move. It is estimated that ordinary people cannot stand up, but this person can hang in the air. The strength is unfathomable.
He had long hair on his buttocks. He didn't know how many years he had been in prison. He covered his face and couldn't see it, but Shihu knew that the man was actually a beautiful man.
At first, in order to arrest this person, he brought more than two hundred police forces, many of whom were borrowed from other elites, followed seven days and seven nights, and finally caught up with this person, killing more than two hundred police forces. After hanging two-thirds, he himself was seriously injured and was discharged from the hospital for more than two months. Although he was successfully arrested, this incident has also become a shame in Shi Hu's career. More than a hundred police officers died, such a large proportion of casualties ~ ~ is rare throughout the province of Tianfeng.
The long-haired man seemed to disdain the open prison door and remained motionless like a sculpture. Shi Hu stared for a few seconds, with a complex look on his face, and came to the last cell. He didn't come close, pressing the button on the edge of the remote control's sensing range, and staring at the door tightly. The door opened a gap and was smashed by the indescribable force. The broken titanium alloy screamed past his ears. The strong wind caused him to shake his body, his heart was shocked, and he quickly retreated, tearing the police uniform and integrating The criminal disappeared.
When this monster came out, Shuidong Prison was basically scrapped.
"Fuck, who released this monster, run away—"
"Crazy, whoever himself doesn't want to live anymore, don't bring us."
"Are the people in front of you asleep? Hurry and run, you won't be able to survive one by one!"
Not only were the criminals scared and scared, the prison guards also fought in double-stranded battles and stood unstable. The moment they saw the monster, the resistance quickly melted, and they turned and ran away. The criminals have run away and they have nothing to do with it. Let's keep their own lives and talk about it.
Shuidong Prison was demolished violently, and the prisoners rushed to all directions, making this city that was difficult to calm down quickly lively. Before them, the little on Yangming Street had already done a lot of work, turning off water, turning off electricity, pulling Disconnecting the telephone line interface ... chaos quickly expanded and spread to the whole Xinfeng city in the form of Ebara.
At twelve in the morning, thirty masters from Liu Wei'an, Shi Hu, You Mengshou, Yang Wujiang, Three Inch Nail, Metal Man, Werewolf, Wang Caozhi and Wang Caozhi appeared in Sujia Villa. With Liu Weian's order, the group sneaked in silently.
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