Chapter 646: Must first sharpen

With each hammer falling, a lightning bolt penetrated into the blue ice iron being beaten, and the impurities in the blue ice iron were quenched by the power of lightning.
The stone-milled blue ice iron slowly became the size of a human head, and finally narrowed a circle. The more the back, the slower the volume reduction, the higher the density, the more the counterattack force Liu Weian suffered Coming bigger.
The sweat rolled down from his back, face, and forehead. It had evaporated and had not dripped to the ground. The others responsible for the smelting had completed their work, but were unwilling to leave, watching from the side. , But it ca n’t be too close, the temperature in the center is too high, plus the heat emitted by Liu Wei'an. Can be burned by heat.
After standing for three days and three nights, the hearts of five people have been shocked and numb. The purity of the material determines the quality of the bow. Whenever they think that the blue iron has been purified to the best, a few hours later, they find blue The ice iron was a little smaller, they kept thinking, and they were constantly overthrown by reality. However, this process is getting longer and longer. In the last trace, Liu Wei'an spent a day and a night.
Blue ice iron as the main body, with the material of the human spider, the initial purification was completed by five people with incomplete sounds. They raised to the limit of what they thought they were, and the next promotion was completed by Liu Weian. .
"Shaping!" The five-tone insufficiency and other people are all refreshed. This step is also critical. The accuracy, endurance, and tension of the bow are all related to this.
The thunderbolt fell with one hammer and one hammer. It was more violent and mighty than before. Each impact was full of shocking coercion. Five people with incomplete sounds retreated, and finally withdrew more than 100 meters. They still felt dizzy. Uncomfortable.
The iron goblet slowly turned into a long strip, and then slowly bent. The shape of the bow gradually emerged. A surging force felt like a waking beast. The flame inside the cave was twisting outward. The incomplete sound and other people were surprised and happy. The bow has not yet become so imposing, once the bow is formed, I am afraid that there will be abnormal changes.
As a blacksmith, abnormal changes in the equipment created are the highest reward for blacksmiths. Many blacksmiths can't reach this state in their lives. This has nothing to do with the level of the level, it is only related to the state of the blacksmith's original perception and the state of building the equipment. It looks simple. The things involved are really mysterious and non-trivial.
It should be over after the styling is completed, but the five members are incomplete and surprised to find that Liu Weian took out a straight brush and stroked his arm. At this moment, the soft brush became sharper than the dagger. His own left arm Immediate blood flow. Liu Wei'an turned a blind eye to this, dipped in raw edges, and painted on the still red bow.
When the blood and bow touched, it ignited and turned into a white smoke. According to the truth, at this temperature, no liquid can leave traces, but Liu Wei'an engraved a pattern on the bow with a deep repair, and this is just the beginning.
"Frost Charm!"
Liu Wei'an has always used relatively few spells. Compared to the ice spell, the flame spell is more deterrent, but the material of this bow is blue ice iron, and the flame spell is obviously inappropriate. Only the ice spell can add strength to it.
"Frost Charm!"
"Frost Charm!"
"Frost Charm!"
On the small bow, Liu Wei'an portrayed non-stop, one by one flying spells were completed. In exchange for his practice on the wall of the Black Dragon City, he would never dare to do so, because the failure of any one spell would not only give back the whole. The spell is invalid, and will affect the quality of the bow, even destroy it. However, Liu Wei'an did just that. In the deep, he felt that he would succeed. More importantly, at this moment, he had completely entered an ethereal state, and his body's instinct was in control of behavior. His mind became a spectator.
Seems to be awake!
In the end, he drew 28 "Frozen Charms" on the bow, corresponding to the 28 stars in the sky, and then connected 28 "Frozen Charms" to form a matrix. Individual spells are also powerful, but naturally cannot match the power of the battle method. A single spell is similar to 1 + 1 = 2, and the power of the formation method is equivalent to 1 + 1 = 3 or even 4 or 5.
This is the hardest step. Liu Wei'an took only half an hour to get it done. It was done in one go. It was smooth and unbelievable. With the last spell connected, the formation was successful!
A terrible cold radiated from the bow, the charms on the surface bloomed with dazzling light, the five people with incomplete sounds were dazzled by the light, and closed their eyes. At this time, when the body was cold, the whole person couldn't move. Opening my eyes, I was horrified to find that the entire cave was covered with a layer of white frost, and it instantly turned into a white mist. The frost melted quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. The frost on their body also melted, and the whole person was surrounded by the mist. Reoccupy the cave.
Liu Wei'an bowed for the first time, but he has n’t bowed since he entered World of Warcraft. The bow is a part of his body for him. A little strange.
Outside the forest, the Ping An Team waited nervously and anxiously. They were responsible for protecting this area from accidental invasion of Warcraft, leading to refining failures and worrying about misbehaving people.
"Why is it suddenly dark!"
Everyone looked up, I do not know when, a nearby sky was covered by dark clouds, the sky in the distance was still clear, and a strange scene raised anxiety in everyone's heart.
A thunderbolt fell, broke through the mountain and directly broke into the karst cave, landing on the just-adjusted bow.
At the moment of the bow, an extremely dazzling light bloomed. Some people's light bulbs were different from the light emitted before. Although the previous light was dazzling, it was only high in brightness. This time, the light was not only dazzling but full of destruction. Five people with incomplete sounds were swept by the light, and they fell down without a word, and their souls were broken in an instant.
Liu Wei'an was full of tremors. When destroying his soul, the power of destruction suddenly turned into a vast universe, and the power of destruction turned into lightning again. But the terrible lightning in the vast universe is like a hair. The silk was so subtle and floating away that it dissipated.
Wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, Liu Wei'an looked at the black bow in his hand, and wanted to cry without tears. It was originally an ice-blue bow, which was translucent throughout, although it was metal, it looked more like a gem and exuded. It is dazzling, but after being struck by a thunder, it is like an ugly birthmark on the face of a beautiful woman, which destroys the overall image.
Inside the cave, the furnace, the iron pier, and some of the materials
Destroyed by a thunderbolt, it can no longer be used. Only the lightning strike wooden hammer shone, absorbing a hint of lightning, and the power was doubled. However, it may not be a good thing for the incompleteness of the five tones. His realm is too low, and the power of the lightning hammer is too strong, and he may not be able to control it.
After going out, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated after the thunder and lightning, and the sky returned to light.
"My son!" The Ping An team rushed to see Liu Wei'an intact and were relieved, only to blame Tianlei for being too scary.
Liu Wei'an asked people to put away the contents of the five people with incomplete sounds so that they could give them back after they were resurrected, and they walked in to start the bow test.
With the bow in his hand, he felt that the bow was a part of his body. He didn't need to try it. He knew every cell of the bow and closed his eyes silently. When the Ping An team thought that he was going to feel, he suddenly pulled out a branch. arrow.
An ordinary iron arrow.
Winding, bowing, full moon, aiming, shooting, a series of movements and clouds, as fast as lightning, an electric light hits the performance, as fast as a shooting star in the sky.
The arrow hit a big tree more than 80 meters away. The big tree embraced by the four people was covered with white for a moment. If you look closely, the white is frost, and the temperature in the air instantly drops by more than ten degrees.
Click, click, click ...
The subtle sound changed from small to large, cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on the surface of the big tree, and the triangle was less than time, and the big tree fell down.
The tree shattered into hundreds of pieces, and members of the Ping An team rushed to pick up a piece, the tentacles were cold, and the leaves were hard. They looked back at the traces of the arrows, all the nearer branches and leaves were covered with a thin layer of frost, and they did not melt for a long time.
It is remarkable that Fujian can possess such power, and this is just an ordinary arrow.
No one noticed that there was a scorching black in the position of the arrow in the tree. If you look closely, it will be caused by lightning. Liu Wei'an opened his eyes. The range of the bow was within 150 meters, and the power of 150-200 meters would drop. Above 200 meters, the sight and power would drop significantly.
"My son, did this bow get its name?" Nie Pohu looked at the bow with envy, and it was able to condense the cold air into the arrows automatically. He still saw such a bow for the first time.
"Dong Lei!"
‘Dong Lei Zhen Zhen, Xia Yu Xue. ‘Turn impossible into possible, that ’s the purpose of this bow.
There was a sudden movement in the forest, accompanied by a roar of pigs, full of violence. The sound of a broken tree branch approached quickly.
"It's a hyena giant pig!" There are no 500 or 455 hunted by the Ping An team. The UU reading book is very familiar with its cry. Then, a huge Warcraft rushed out. , Tusks are sharp, black hair, ugly looks, who is not a hyena giant pig?
Before the members of the Ping An team had time to start, they saw a slip of light penetrating the void, and when the sound of bowstring vibrations came into their ears, the hyena giant pig had turned into a moraine. Because of inertia, I rushed for more than ten meters before stopping, my body slowly cracked, and my biggest mouth could reach into a fist, but no blood flowed out.
The vitality of the hyena hog diminished rapidly, and when members of the Ping An team rushed in front of him, their eyes just lost sight of it.
Shoot with a single arrow!
"Use your bow in your sacrifice, just right!" Liu Wei'an was satisfied, and pork represented food, and it was a good sign. ()
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