Chapter 684: Luo Zikou

The word that the robber Luo Zikou often hangs in his mouth is the hook stealer, the country stealer. The meaning of the words is well understood. It is a crime to steal a needle. It is a crime to steal a country. The country is yours. You have the final say in the law. You will not only die but you will also get a country. Luo Zikou, a young thief, had such a terrible idea, and did not know who instilled it into him.
Luo Zikou is 42 years old in the party's archives. For a legion leader, this age is definitely young and promising. Throughout his life, he will find that either quitting or thorough thinking has been integrated into his bones.
之前 The files before junior high school were unremarkable, showing at most maturity beyond those of the same year. When high school began, it suddenly broke out when it opened.
The first thing is the election of the chairman of the high school student union. He got the black material of the candidate who was the least surprised, and he also got the second and ninth place of the glorious history, and then the tenth glorious person who took the number to become the chairman of the student union that year, The only student union chair ever to fail to make the top 10.
However, at that time, although Luo Zikou was bold and outrageous, after all, there were still many shortcomings. The first was the son of the principal, so he was expelled without finishing high school, becoming the only chairman of the school's expelled student union. Luo Zikou did not attend college, he disappeared.
It was 8 years later when I appeared again. I didn't know where to learn a high-strength martial art and join the army, becoming a major in the Second Army.
At that time, because of the general election, political turmoil, and the pirates of Mars were rampant, the travel of the people was seriously threatened. Except for the First Legion, the other nine major legions had brains to eliminate pirates. Among them, the eighth army was ambushing the pirates and suffered heavy losses. In a military meeting, I did n’t know if it was a matter of rushing or what was going on. Long position let's talk out.
At that time, everyone didn't take it seriously and laughed as a joke. But one person took it seriously, yes, that person was Luo Zikou.
The usual meetings were only qualified by the heads of the regiments. That meeting was due to the loss of the Eighth Army and the other legions had a sense of crisis, so they came to an enlarged meeting. Majors and above participated in the meeting.
The colonel is qualified to speak, and the lieutenant colonel and major are only qualified to listen. The words of the eighth army commander fell, and Luo Zikou immediately stood up. He could issue a military order immediately within three months, and solve the problem of pirates within three months. The word fell, and a great deal of waves arose. There are those who are surprised, those who are angry and scolded, those who have profiled eyes, and they all react differently.
Luo Zikou did not abide by the rules of the meeting and was punished in a strict military meeting. However, Luo Zikou established a military order, which was above all else, and even the commander of the Second Army could not interfere. Due to Luo Zikou's interference, the meeting broke up in advance. At that time, everyone was not optimistic about Luo Zikou, and never expected that he really solved the pirate problem in three months.
The rampant pirates disappeared. Until now, it was difficult to hear news of pirates. Occasionally, it was a shock. For three months, Luo Zikou has ensured the safety of Mars for decades and made great contributions.
After three months, Luo Zikou's position as the head of the Eighth Army still caused a lot of trouble. At first, it was not compatible with the law. Second, Luo Zikou's level was not enough. Major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, and colonel were separated by three levels. It's like putting one
Primary school students are simply placed in the position of college students, and opponents are overwhelming.
These people are basically from the upper levels, and the supporters are even more numerous. These people are basically low-level officers and soldiers. Luo Zikou pointed out a shortcut to success. If Luo Zikou succeeds, everyone can follow suit. From then on, he does not have to suffer hardships. The soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers. No one can endure such temptations.
In the end, after a game, Luo Zikou took the position of the eighth army commander and created the record of the fastest, lowest rank, and youngest record of the army commander after the establishment of the dynasty in the Han Dynasty. Until now, this record has also Not broken.
At the time, many people read jokes and thought that the position of the eighth army commander of Luo Zikou could not sit for three days. But three days passed in a flash, Luo Zikou sat well, and some people asserted that he could not sit for three months, and soon three months passed, three years passed ... Until now, no one has to talk about this, Luo Zikou Give everyone a hard slap with the facts to those who don't believe and watch his jokes.
There was nothing wrong with Luo Zikou's superior means. Everything was under the supervision of everyone, but after all, he violated the promotion regulations and the army did not propose such behavior. Therefore, Luo Zikou's deeds were not only publicized, but suppressed. Ordinary people don't know, and only a family like Huang Zhi knows such secrets.
"Great!" Liu Wei'an sincerely admired. He has owned a province from nothing to the present, and the difficulties are clear to him. But he knows better that he is in a troubled world, all rules are broken, and all his actions are basically according to his own wishes. Luo Zikou successfully succeeded in the ranks but stepped up within the rules, dancing with shackles. The difficulty was 100 times that of him.
His greatest enemy at that time was Ma Xuewang, governor of Tianfeng Province, a province of strength. Luo Zikou's face is the entire country's system, as well as all the high-level Martians, and the rule makers on the planet. Luo Zikou persuaded these people to agree, and the hardships were terrible to think about.
危 Liu Wei'an and Huang Yan came out after dinner, and everyone was already waiting. No one mentioned what happened last night. For them, killing a few people is normal, and the dead are not qualified to leave traces in their memory.
Looking at Binzhou during the day and looking at night are not different. Dirty streets, garbage everywhere, plastic bags flying in the air. The strong rancid odor is disgusting where it passes through the manhole cover of the sewer. The rules of Binzhou City are still functioning, but they are also close to the edge of the crash, which can be seen from the look of pedestrians.
Binzhou City has complete water and electricity, but everyone is too lazy to take a bath to change clothes, and their hair is greasy. Everyone looks like a worker commuting from the construction site.
"Okay, okay, give me something to eat."
Seeing Liu Wei'an and others, a group of beggars squatting on the corner of the street suddenly burst out with amazing power. The elephant was startled and flew out and kicked at the person in front.
Because in the downtown area, the elephant has tried its best with the least amount of strength, but it is still unbearable. The man fired like a cannonball, hitting the back of the caller, and a scream came out. A dozen callers rolled to the ground. Fifty or six people had broken bones, painful sweat swelled directly, and the kicked population was sprayed with blood, which had already given more air and less air.
"Good majestic!" A harsh voice from
I uploaded it.
Everyone turned around and saw that a group of people supported a luxuriously-dressed brother with half-eyes obliquely in his hair, a bit more evil in his handsomeness, and it was unforgettable at first sight. He said the irony. There is a man and a woman on the left and right. The woman's breath is restrained and not exposed. The man's breath is released. If you look carefully with the light, you can see the faint pink. I don't know how many people have been killed. Behind the two were all men in full suits, a total of 20.
"Sorry, I don't know." The elephant 嗫 嗫 apologized to Hanako. His body shape was really scary. As soon as he walked up, he was so frightened that Hanako rushed away, and even the ninja who broke his bones ran away in pain, leaving the eyes of the lying person slowly turning gray.
"I thought you were bad people." The elephant was sorry.
"The cat cries the mouse." The evil young man spoke again.
"You are so unreasonable, the elephant said it was not intentional." Huang Yi said unhappy.
"If an apology is useful, what else do you need to do by law?" The evil young man saw Huang Huang, his eyes lit up, and he immediately became interested.
"Even if the law comes, we are justified in defense, at most we are a little too defensive." Huang Yan frowned slightly, she understood the meaning of the evil youth's eyes.
"This person is an evolutionary. They are just ordinary people. Is this called excessive defense? This is murder!" The wicked youth sneered.
"You-" Huang Yan Liu Mei raised his eyebrows.
危 Liu Weian patted her shoulder, and she closed her mouth immediately. Liu Wei'an told the elephant: "Go and kill two people."
The elephant had been angry for a long time. Liu Wei'an's words were just what he wanted, and he turned abruptly, his eyes widened, and he punched out. As soon as he moved, Shi Hu and You Mengshou followed their steps, staring at a man and a woman behind the evil young man.
As the age of the elephant grows, the body matures and its strength has been growing, as if there is no end to it. This kind of growth speed and potential, even the knowledgeable You Mengshou and the experienced Zhou Zhemen, are also shocked. Endlessly, unheard of, unseen. Because of the fire in his heart, this punch was not suppressed, and he used his full strength.
It's a sidewalk, and I don't know how many people come and go. At this moment, all the noise is suppressed, and only fierce fist wind is rubbing in the air.
Unexpectedly, Shi Hu and You Mengshou did not expect that a man and a woman did not stop. The fist of the elephant directly hit the bodyguard wearing a suit, and a dull collision sounded out ~ ~ Peng!
The first person's chest sagged and his body shot like a cannonball, hitting his companions behind him, then the fourth, fifth, sixth ... all the way to the last. A team of people rolled over and hit the fence more than 20 meters before stopping. The fence was seriously deformed.
The power of terror has shocked everyone.
The elephant retracted his fist, and suddenly made a stiff motion, and Shi Hu gave a soft ‘咿’. The bodyguards who fell to the ground stood up one by one. The next few people, because of the strength offset, were less injured, and there was no accident when they stood up. The first two people stood up innocently. The most surprising thing was the first person, the chest. They were sunken, and they even got up, with no pain in their expressions.
Twenty people rearranged the formation. The elephant's fist did not cause any harm.
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