Chapter 754: , The magic tree (below)

"Listen to me, everyone will evacuate the city wall!" Bai Shuzhan ordered that the official general, of course, became the highest commander after Liu Wei'an. Responsible for everything in the siege.
The military order was so mountainous that no one dared hesitate to evacuate the city wall quickly.
Without the soldier's attack, the zombie blasted the city wall like a frenzy. The soldier standing behind the city wall felt the vibration coming from the wall, his heart was afraid, lest the city wall be broken in the next second.
"Release high voltage electricity!" Bai Shuzhan has rich experience in fighting and fighting humans and aliens. Although the number is not as high as that of zombies, there is no tension or fear on his face. Ruthless.
The faint blue arc fired, such as a lover's kiss, lightly touching the body of the zombies, and instantly, the body of the zombies hit was blown away and turned into a ball of fire. At one time, a mass of fire ignited outside the wall The flames, like fireworks in the Lantern Festival night, are dazzling.
The arc covered a range of more than ten meters outside the wall. Zombies farther away were also kissed by the arc, but the voltage was low, but the body was blackened, fell to the ground, and did not die immediately, but it also lost its ability to move. .
A voltage attack killed nearly 200,000 zombies, but also consumed a third of the power of Tianfeng Province. But as long as the zombies are killed, everything is worth it.
Zombies have strange structures and poor electrical conductivity. Only high-voltage electricity can cause zombies to their bodies. 220 volts can kill people, but they are basically useless to zombies.
"Open the gate and take the initiative to attack!" Bai Shuzhan ordered.
The new type of bullet has been used up, ordinary bullets are not effective for zombies, and it is no longer possible to harm zombies by hiding in the city. Close combat is a helpless choice, but in order to destroy zombies, there must be sacrifices.
Of course, the most important thing is that the 籼米 material can not stop the impact of so many zombies. The load has already lit the red line. These information are unclear to ordinary soldiers who are infused with 籼米 material. Once the walls were broken, the consequences were unthinkable, so they had to take the initiative.
The barley material is highly intelligent and can be opened and closed anywhere without leaving any traces. Gates appeared one by one, Ping An troops rushed out, and when the distance was three meters away, Daoguang had already begun to shine.
All of a sudden, scary skulls flew up into the air.
The weapon made of new materials is sharp and unmatched. It cooperates with the powerful evolutionary, even the zombies above 2.0 can't hold the sword.
A breeze of wind blew, and the zombies continued to run without feeling at all. When they ran to the third step, the skull suddenly fell off. It turned out that the neck had already been severed. It was a speed warrior, almost like a shadow.
"To stab!"
The yellow-eyed soldier's palm was lowered, and he suddenly lifted, dozens of ground stabbed into the sky, and immediately put a dozen zombies on the sky.
The cold air fell on the zombies, and the running zombies were instantly stiff and turned into ice sculptures. The passing soldier smashed with a fist, and the zombies turned into thousands of pieces.
There are thousands of abilities, and there is only one purpose, to kill zombies, otherwise they are all useless. The Ping An soldiers are all evolutionaries. Each person is equipped with the most advanced weapons and the strongest performance robes. However, there are still members falling down. Within ten minutes, more than 300 people have been lost.
Lu Laocan, Yang Zhemen, Shi Hu, You Mengshou, Werewolf and others walked in the most dangerous places on the battlefield to destroy those powerful zombies while protecting insufficient members, but the numbers of the two sides were very different. Casualties are still increasing.
"Serial Arrow!"
"Lianzhu Archery!"
Liu Wei'an's bullet was immediately replaced with a platinum bow. The bowstring vibration of the fertility insurance did not stop at the beginning. Silver rays shot out, as fast as lightning. The space of hundreds of meters was almost ignored. When the sound came, the zombies in the distance had fallen.
Ogres, ghouls, iron chains zombies ... Liu Wei'an has exhausted all his strength, but the number of zombies is increasing, half an hour, an hour, an hour and a half past, and replaced with ordinary archers, afraid It was already too late to open the bow, but Liu Wei'an's face did not change a bit, and his arrows were still shooting at the fastest speed.
Two hours later, Bai Shuzhan ordered the second wave of troops to fight, in response to the first wave of troops to go back to rest. In the fourth hour, the third wave of army led the second wave of army. Evolvers are also human, and they have limits. It is impossible to fight endlessly, 2.5 hours is the limit, and two-hour shifts are just right.
Masters have far more endurance than ordinary members. Their rest time is controlled by themselves, and no white stretching arrangements are required. Liu Wei'an reached out and felt empty.
The arrows have run out!
For more than four hours, he didn't know how many arrows had been fired, and he took away the platinum bow with utmost importance, his feet stood in a figure, and his hands became fists.
"Great judgment punch!"
The light flashed and the explosion sounded. A huge crater exploded on the ground and dozens of zombies exploded into pieces.
Bang, bang, bang ...
Liu Wei'an runs the Dead Emperor's Scriptures and the Dark Emperor's Scriptures. The internal force flows like a large river, making a booming sound. Fist shots pass through the eight veins of the strange scriptures. After the addition of the Great Judgment Fist, it causes incredible damage force.
I keep seeing the zombies being blown up and tumbling. With each punch, dozens of zombies fall down. They are directly smashed into the center of the attack and shattered. On the edge, the brain is shattered and the body is kept intact.
The Great Trial Fist is powerful and consumes a lot. Liu Wei'an thought that he had no problem persisting for three days and three nights.
Just about to go back to rest, suddenly a zombie came over like a wave, 80% were ogres, and his eyes flashed sharply.
"The Book of Darkness!"
The sky suddenly turned black, and a terrifying breath emanated from Liu Wei'an's body. A force of destruction, such as a death sickle, swept across the earth. Suddenly, hundreds of ogres fell down, no wounds were seen on their bodies, but vitality was cut off. At the moment when the Dark Emperor's Scriptures were offered, sword twenty-three, Taichu three baby, and Wuyueying were all felt a few kilometers away, and a heart palpitation, this power made them smell the death.
It felt more and more mysterious about Liu Wei'an, how a person without any background could master such terrible power.
Liu Wei'an returned to the city, and someone immediately delivered the cooked food. The cafeteria with more than 2,000 seats was full, all soldiers retreating from the front line, eating their heads and gorging.
In a desperate state, everyone consumes a lot. In order to deal with zombies, each hit is exhausted. If they are undead evolutionaries, they will not be able to support them for ten minutes.
The governor, Liu Wei'an, still has the privilege. He doesn't need to crowd the cafeteria with the soldiers, and has a separate room, but he looks like a gobble and a soldier. While eating, the phone rang.
"Did something happen?" Tang Dingdai called.
"Wu Lili has come to collect the power seed for the third time." Tang Dingluo said, "World of Warcraft" was managed by Liu Weian after she left, and she was also in charge of the power seed.
"Is it the third time? How many?" Liu Wei'an showed no urgency, but showed a hint of excitement.
"1000 for the first time, 3000 for the second time, and 5000 for the third time," Tang Dingluo said.
"It's almost ten thousand, it's not bad." Liu Wei'an showed a smile, "No matter how many power seeds Wu Lili needs, they are all satisfied. Buy enough, and try your best to satisfy them."
"Is it worth it?" Tang Dingyu didn't quite understand the reason, but he also felt too invested.
"It's worth it!" Liu Wei'an has personally experienced eating power seeds such as drinking water. It is clear that the more seeds of power absorbed, the greater the potential, the higher the achievement. Wu Lili rarely appeared in the second evolution, and exhausting everything would not leave evolution with regrets.
With a look of three days, Liu Wei'an slaughtered on the front line, and when he was tired, he ate, and continued to kill when he was full. With more and more understanding of The Great Trial Fist, the power became more and more terrifying.
On the fourth day, I encountered a few abomination sieges, and the predator attacked, and got a little wound. At noon on the fifth day, he noticed a strange thing, the blood of a certain area and the blood of members penetrated the ground and disappeared quickly .
He was startled, and immediately remembered the blood demon he had encountered, UU read a book www. The situation is the same for
"Eye of the demon!"
Two Shenmang shot into the ground, and immediately saw countless blood turns into a stream absorbed by the slender roots of fiber. The small root system seemed to be broken but it was astonishingly long. It was more than 500 meters in length. Then Liu Weian saw a sapling, which was very sensitive. The first time he detected his investigation, he emitted a green one. The light blocked his sight.
The green light pierced his mind like an arrow, and Liu Weian's head hummed, almost exploding, and closed his eyes instantly, shocked and happy. After all, the sapling was effective and responded quickly, but when he was expelled, he saw something.
A woman stood beside the sapling, with a touch of maturity on her playful face, and her slanted skirt was her mark.
Wu Lili is awake!
Wu Lili stepped onto the city wall, and she planted the saplings outside the city wall. Dozens of roots were pierced into the soil and turned into tentacles covering a range of 500 meters, absorbing all blood, whether human or zombie. At first it just timidly absorbed in the dirt, and soon became bold. The roots penetrated the ground, plunged into the body of the zombie, and drew nutrients. The zombie body shrank with the naked eye.
The small saplings grew up inch by inch, exuding a terrifying atmosphere, and no zombies dared to approach in a radius of ten meters. The young sapling is not half a meter tall yet, but has the atmosphere of a king. Zombies pass by this area and take a detour. Even zombies of this level cannot dare to approach.
Feeling this unusual breath, sword twenty-three, Taichu Sanwa and Yingyueying all flew over and saw the saplings being instantaneous. Taichu Sanwa was shocked, and his face was horrified.
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