Chapter 793: Xu Blind

There are three Zhao, Li and Wang families in the Blue City. Other families, such as the Liu family, Sun family, Zhang family, and He family, have no presence in the Blue City compared to Zhao, Wang, and Li.
The size of the blue city is basically controlled by the three companies.
The empty conference room was a little dark because there were no candles. The people who design the conference room don't know what to worry about. The window for daylight is very small, as if this way they can keep the secret.
The meeting room was not full. There were only three major families, three major chambers of commerce, and Liu, Zhang, Sun, and He. The other small families were too lazy to come. There is no right to speak. Instead of listening to the announcement at the scene, it is better to sit at home and eat and enjoy the service of beautiful women. The result is the same anyway.
The news of indigenous siege continued to come, one worse than the other, less than an hour, the city walls collapsed, and the gates were broken. This was the fastest time since the indigenous siege.
The tense atmosphere enveloped the conference room, but the theme of the conference room was not the indigenous siege of the city, but Liu Wei'an.
"... The origin of this son is unknown, so don't underestimate it." Zhao Jingtian looked at Li Yinyang. "Yin Yang has dealt with this person. Can you talk about how this person can be used by us?"
"No!" Li Yinyang was expressionless, not only because he had just lost a defeat in front of Liu Wei'an, but also because when he returned, he found that the Li family had been attacked and suffered heavy losses. These masked men did not come for financial reasons, they were purely murderous, as if they had a deep hatred with the Li family. On the way to the conference room, he had been thinking about who they would be.
The Li family went all the way to today. I do n’t know how many stumbling blocks are under the feet. There are as many enemies as Jiang Zhiqing. He really ca n’t imagine who the other party is.
Fortunately, he came back quickly, otherwise the other party shocked the elder brother's retreat, and that was really the ultimate blame. After the opponent broke, he and him slaped each other, the strength of which made him uneasy. The enemy's breath, he had a familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember who it was. He checked the masters of the entire Blue City, but he still couldn't find anyone who matched them. The familiar feeling always haunted his mind. This discomfort made him stab in his throat, very uncomfortable.
The king of the King's family, Wang Yi and Zhao Jingtian, both looked at him. The eyes of others flashed a little. Li Yinyang acted arrogantly, and the word ‘ca n’t say from him was very surprising.
In the blue city, is anyone still afraid to reject him?
"If it's just strength, it's nothing. Although he is strong, he is still not as good as the Blue City. However, this person has a strong personality, and Meifeng is like a knife. What Li Yinyang said in front of him was nothing. The second half of the sentence shocked everyone present.
Xu Xuzi claims to be half-immortal, and naturally has no half-immortal ability, but people who point at rivers and mountains, and look for dragons and acupoints really have the true ability. And his most powerful method is to look at the photo, seeing people is very accurate. Counting along the way, he has seen almost five or six people. These people have all stepped up to the top and become human beings. The person he has watched recently is Li Jiutian.
九 Li Jiutian only talked about this after studying with Mr. Long Ju. It is said that Li Jiutian and the Li family still have an unclear relationship. Li Jiutian never claims to be the Li family, but the Li family is always used to see Li Jiutian looking at the Li family. Regardless of the grievances with the Lee family, Li Jiutian is young and one of the most outstanding people in the next generation. The future is bright, which is already recognized. As long as you don't die, it's almost a matter of getting on the highest circle.
Xu Xuzi's ability to see people can be seen.
Xu blind man is optimistic about Liu Wei'an, which is not a good thing. At least not for the big families. The cake in Blue City is so big, they don't want anyone to come in.
"I asked Lu Lao. If we are one-on-one, none of us are Liu Wei'an's opponents, so I advise you to have no idea." Li Yinyang said again, glancing at Zhao Jingtian.
On the grievances between Liu Wei'an and Liu Wei'an, the Zhao family was a little deeper than his Li family. After all, Zhao Qirui died in Liu Wei'an's hands. Zhao Qirui is a key line cultivated by the Zhao family. In addition to his extraordinary talent, in the eyes of the older generation of the Zhao family, he prefers Zhao Qirui. Although Zhao Jingtian is the person in charge of the Blue City, such people are not many in the Zhao family. It is not as important as Zhao Qirui.
"Heilongcheng really can cultivate such talents?" Zhao Jingtian was a little disbelieving.
"Lv Lao, we naturally believe it." Wang Yiyi smiled on his face, always a good-looking man, "But this sudden appearance in the blue city, always want to figure out what happened, he would not be Come here for a swim? "
"We all underestimated Black Dragon City and underestimated Liu Wei'an." Li Yinyang said something irrelevant.
"Lao Wang, about Liu Wei'an's visit, I guess you have to get old before you can figure it out." Zhao Jingtian took a photo of the horse fart.
既然 "That being the case, the old man walked cheekily." Wang Yiyi's expression that never died for everyone.
Suddenly passed. The three major chambers of commerce and other families barely spoke. For the half-hour meeting, basically the three major families were talking and others were listening.
I walked out of the conference room, and everyone quickly returned to the family. A few minutes later, they hurried to the city gate. The condition of the city gate has been extremely bad, and the continuous emergence of Level 4 Warcraft has caused major casualties to players.
Tancheng South.
The land occupation is not small. With Liu Wei'an a few people can't manage it naturally, the first thing is to recruit people.
7000 copper plate a month, players who join the Ping An team, including accommodation. Doing business in Chengnan requires only half of the tax. Shi Niu posted the recruitment notice, and the applicants almost crowded the door.
I am not saying how rich this condition is, the focus is on the rules of the former dragon. There is no basic salary to follow the funeral dragon. All the income depends on the usual extortion and extortion. Be more diligent, the income will be more, bad luck, and provoked people who should not be provoked. It is also often the case that one month's income is stolen by others. Thing.
Packing food and accommodation, but need to pay property management fees. Yes, it is the legendary protection fee. The subordinates collect protection fees from others, and the funeral dragons collect protection fees from subordinates. They eat one level at a time, and they are so bright and righteous.
做 Doing business in the south of the city requires paying two taxes, one for the direct rulers of the Blue City, which is the three major families. One was handed to the mourning dragon. The so-called condition was no harm without comparison. Liu Wei'an's conditions were really good.
However, although there are many people coming in, there are not many people who can enter the eyes of Shi Niu, not even one tenth. But because of the large population base, it took half an hour to recruit 300 people. Black Bull pulled the recruitment notice and stopped.
"Why not?"
"What do you mean, we ran here from the west of the city and worked hard. You will not be recruited as soon as you arrive. Isn't this fun?"
"If you want to recruit, you can't recruit or not. It's so easy. When is our blue city?"
Uh ...
"Any comment? Come and talk to my broadsword." The black-faced stepped out, his face was vicious, his looks fierce, and the child could stop crying when he didn't speak. Everyone burst into a chill as soon as he spoke.
"Is it reasonable to just do it? You are gold, we are only silver, we ca n’t beat you, but most things in the world are just a word, our blue city people are bone-minded, absolutely not Succumb to your military power. Even if you die, we won't let you bully. "
Voices huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, no one can tell where it came from, but the words were poured on Mars, igniting the anger of everyone.
Do not suffer from widows and suffer from unevenness. When everyone is in the same harsh conditions, there is nothing to lose, but if someone breaks out of such conditions and enters a better place, there will be an imbalance in people's hearts.
These players have this mentality.
"Who is it, get out of me." The black-faced was angry, and the fierce gaze swept towards the crowd, but the head was moving, and he could not find it for a while.
"What am I going to do to get you killed? Will you be ashamed and angry when you say what's in your heart? Even if you kill me, there are millions of others."
Silver rays of light shot out from the window on the second floor. Meteor flew through the void into the crowd. When he was about to hit a big man, his arrow turned sharply, hitting a middle-aged man with a dark face.
The middle-aged middle-aged man's eyes burst open, and unparalleled fear appeared on his face. He retreated with all his strength, but the arrow was too sudden. His body had just moved, and his arrow had penetrated his heart.
"You" said a word and fell to the ground.
The player on the side of "kill" just said a word, so he couldn't say anymore ~ ​​ ~ The huge murderous force came out with Nie Pohu coming out, as if a hill was pressing on everyone's head on.
"Go!" Nie Pohu's arrows have opened their bows, pointing at everyone. The penetrating power of horror did not trigger, but every player who was swept by Nie Pohu's eyes had a feeling that if he dared to be naughty, he would be smashed by the arrows.
The black-faced also released his own breath. The breath of two gold-level masters enveloped this space. The flames in the hearts of hundreds of players were immediately poured out by a basin of cold water, and the whole body was cold and gray.
The 300 people recruited by the Black Bull are naturally not randomly recruited, but these people are members of the Ping An team. They were arranged to enter the Blue City a long time ago, and now it is time to return.
Only when your own people do things is assured.
First thing, copy home. The time of the funeral dragon panning the south of the city was not short. The minzhi and ointment collected were all cheaper. Meat sacs, power seeds, various equipment, and props filled half the warehouse. It is a pity that there is no Warcraft meat. What Liu Weian is cracking is not wealth, but Warcraft meat.
A team of more than 50 people quietly left the south of the city, took all the gold coins to the whole city to buy Warcraft Meat, and then courier to Tianfeng Province.
The second step is to rectify the rules in the south of the city drastically, without any innovation, just copy the modified parts of the rules of the Black Dragon City.
The third step is to visit the forces in the Blue City that are worth attracting, but it has not yet begun. The following people report that it is not easy for the Wang family to come.
"Coming very quickly." Liu Weian smiled slightly.
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