Chapter 845: Zombies Strike

"This old man is stubborn!" Huang was very distressed. A small district chief, his grandfather was not so stubborn as he was more than ten years old.

"Are they very old?" Liu Wei'an glanced at her. At today's average age of 90, Zhang Quanshen in his forties can only be regarded as a young man, or a little more, who has just entered his mature years, saying that the elderly are too reluctant.

"Older than me." Huang said sternly.

"Why don't we just keep doing it forever?" The undead cat made a beheading action, his eyes were murderous. He has reconnaissed that the strongest in Yushan District is the late golden period, and the success rate of beheading was very high.

"No!" Yang Zhangmen resolutely opposed. "This is not a problem that can be solved by killing a few people. We want their support. Zhang Quanshen's prestige in Yushan District is too high. Killing him will only bring us hatred. If it is a group of enemies, it is better not to. "

"Killing people may solve the problem," Liu Weian suddenly said.

Yang Yang was surprised and looked at Liu Wei'an in puzzlement. He knew that Liu Wei'an was not a killer, at least he would not kill innocent people.

"But it's not us who kill." Liu Wei'an said.

"Who kills?" Huang ?? doubted.

"Zombies!" Liu Wei'an looked around, and the nearest building was 300 meters away. He picked up Huang ??, and ordered: "Go, let's go upstairs to watch the fun!"

When Yang Yang took charge and the undead cat rushed to the building, he understood what Liu Wei'an meant, and a large wave of zombies came over. Can not help secretly lamenting the governor's deep internal force, more than 500 meters earlier than them to detect the existence of zombies, if it is a matter of life and death, the distance of 500 meters does not know how many times can be dead.


The harsh alarm sounded throughout the Yushan District, as if the calm water surface suddenly boiled. The resting person suddenly jumped from the bed and rushed out of the tin shed; the person who was eating snorted and sucked the porridge that he could not eat into his stomach; the doctor had just wrapped the wound, the wounded muscles were tight, and the blood vessels Cracked, blood stained with gauze ...

"There are thousands of zombies, there are thousands of zombies to the east"

"It's also on the west side, with more than a thousand."

"Iron cables zombie, abomination, predator, my god!"

Uh ...

"What are you panic, so many people are coming here, are you afraid of this zombie?" At the critical moment, a loud thunder exploded in the air, miraculously calming the panic scene all at once, with such prestige nature Only Zhang Quan, the mayor of Yushan District, has a deep mayor.

"Wang Ermako, you take a thousand people to support the east."

"Brother Hu's trouble you with 500 people to support Seomyeon."

"Zhang Zhiliang brought 500 people to the south."

"Deputy District Chief Luo, you 1,000 people go north to sit in town."

"Zhang Yexi takes 3,000 people to stay, and in which direction is critical, he supports which direction!"

Uh ...

Every order was issued from Zhang Quanshen. Everyone acted in accordance with the order, and the army moved in four directions. Everyone thought that as before, killing for five or six hours or a day, the zombie death would almost recede, and then go home and rest for the next night and continue the next day, but when they arrived at the front line they found themselves wrong, wrong It's outrageous.

防 The defense lines in all directions in the southeast, northwest, and north were broken, and the zombies rushed in like a tide. The evolutionists were killed as prey and brutally slaughtered. The blood stained the earth red, and the air was filled with a strong breath.


The screams of screams spread far and wide, the slowly evolving heart of the evolutionist had been hollowed out, and the nostalgic eyes slowly turned gray.

I do n’t know where the thick thigh iron rod was hit on the head of the abomination, the terrible power burst like a torrent, the head of the abomination was sunken a few centimeters, but the head of the iron rod was bent like a noodle, stuck on the head, abomination Lightning struck the iron rod. The evolver flew in an electric shock. His neck was held in the air by a poisonous black iron thor, and his head was separated from the body. The evolver died before he could scream.

The hunter appeared behind the female evolver ghostly, flashing past, the female evolver suddenly stood still, and the next second, a blood line extended from the back of the head to the hips, with a bang, the body was divided into two halves, the intestine The internal organs flowed all over the place, steaming hot.

Uh ...

进化 Every second, the evolutionist dies, it is terrible. The supported evolutionaries were amazed. They were not afraid, only anger, suddenly accelerated, rushed into the zombies, and attacked frantically.

The blood of the puppeteer has cooled down for a short time. This wave of zombies is the most powerful zombies they have ever encountered. Within ten minutes of fighting, their casualties have exceeded half. Rescue teams were unable to transport the injured.

"Back up and back to the second line of defense." Zhang Quanshen had to order. He killed three ogres and a ghoul by thunderous means, but was accidentally stung by a predator, his left shoulder was missing Several flesh, and half of my body was numb.

The evolutionists retreated while fighting, retreated to the second line of defense, and held on for about half an hour. The second line of defense collapsed, and Zhang Quanshen ordered to retreat to the third line of defense. The third line of defense collapsed faster and was breached by the zombies in just a quarter of an hour. Behind is the base camp, there is no fourth line of defense.

"East is urgent, ask for support!"

"The South is in a hurry, ask for support!"

"The north is in a hurry, ask for support!"

Uh ...

Zhang Zhangxi's face turned pale. Not only did she send Zhang Quanshen's 3,000 supporters to him, she even dispatched 2000 reserve troops, and now there are more than 1,000 logistics left. Logistics is also an evolutionary, but the strength is too low, and the highest is only the black iron mid-term, which is stronger than ordinary people. When encountering zombies, it is a matter of spike, and sending them to death.

Zhang Zhangxi looked at the anxious and expectant look of Chuanbing, his mouth opened, but he couldn't make a sound.

"What are you holding off on? Reinforcement?" Zhang Quanshen appeared with a stain of blood on his body, and with one glance, he understood the reason why the reinforcement was not coming, not because it was delayed but because there was no reinforcement.

"District chief, what should I do now?" Several commanders looked at Zhang Quanshen eagerly.

"Don't worry, there is always a solution." Zhang Quan deeply comforted, but a heart fell to the bottom. He noticed from the first few battles that the power of zombies is getting stronger and stronger. Although their strength is also increasing, and evolutionaries are constantly emerging from ordinary people, this speed is far less than that of zombies. The gap between the two sides has widened amazingly. If there is no change, Yushan District will soon perish, but he absolutely did not expect to come back so quickly this day, which caught him by surprise.

大家 "Let's go back and tell your person in charge first, hold on, reinforcements will soon be available." Zhang Quanshen first sent the commander away. Chuan Lingbing wondered where the reinforcements were, but Zhang Quan's prestige was very high. In such doubts, they dared not ask the question and quickly hurried back to order.

"Father, you are here to guard, and your daughter goes to the south to support." Zhang Yexi naturally knows that Zhang Quanshen is a deceiver, and she knows if she has any reinforcements.

"Don't go" Zhang Quan shouted deeply.

Zhang Zhangxi stopped and looked at him puzzledly.

如果 "If" Zhang Quan took a deep breath, "If you can't hold it anymore, don't care about other people, take your mother out and tell her to find someone to marry while still young."

"Father!" Zhang Jianxi was shocked and couldn't believe looking at Zhang Quanshen. In her memory, no matter how bad the situation was, his father had never given up his confidence, but at this moment, he saw despair in his eyes.

"Is this bad?"

"Don't think too much, it's a matter of time before the zombies are big, and Yushan will be destroyed. I just plan for the worst." Zhang Quan smiled deeply, and in the blink of an eye, his face was calm and calm.

"I won't go, I will die together, our family will reunite in hell." Zhang Yanxi said seriously.

"You idiot, you are still young, your boyfriend hasn't looked for him, and you still have a good age. How can you die? There are some responsibilities. I have to carry your brother on my back. Sooner or later, you do n’t need to suffer. Zhang Quan said deeply.

"I will not go!" Zhang Jianxi resolutely said.

"You" Zhang Quan suddenly looked up to the west, his face changed greatly. A terrifying explosion screamed in despair. This sound is very familiar, it is the voice of Xiao Hu in the Hu brothers.

"Not good, I can't hold it anymore." Zhang Jianxi glanced through a strong anxiety. She saw the evolution of the Eastern Front retreat, and behind the buttocks were tide-like zombies. The slower-evolving Evolutionary was instantly drowned by zombies.

"District Save me"

A little up to 15-year-old evolving blaze, because he ran a slow step, was caught by the zombies, broke his arm with one sip, and drew off his shoulder with the second sip. The little evolver was facing death, his face was full of fear, and the flames were unprecedentedly hot, but what caught him was abomination, his strength was strong, his skin was burnt and he still did not let go, and the third was to pinch his neck.


The entire neck was bitten off, the head of the little evolver fell to the ground, his bones rolled slowly, and he was flattened by the ogre behind.

Zhang Quan shuddered deeply, a little tear appeared in his eyes, it was still a child. But looking at the dense crowd of ogres, ghouls, and iron cables, there was still a lot of disgust, and he didn't even feel the rush. What can I do if I rush over? Who can save?

"Go ~ ~ Take your mother to escape, and you won't be able to do it before you leave." Zhang Quanshen headed south, which is the direction that Zhang Zhiliang is responsible for. If he wants to die, let his father and son die together.

The thrilling impact sound of the sniper rifle rang through the wild, suppressing the killing sound a lot. An almost wanted to grab the head of the evolutionary ogre and explode, his body flew for five or six meters.

The ghoul's head exploded near the ogre, and his body flew away.

The head of the zombie zombie exploded, and the corpse flew seven or eight meters away. The flying zombie tore down a dozen zombies and caused a lot of chaos.

Bang, bang, bang ...

The gunfire was dense and scary. It was clearly a sniper rifle, but it struck a submachine gun. The harsh sound of the echo was still echoing in the ears. The zombie had fallen, and the evolutionist on the east didn't look back and rushed into the base camp. Found a life.

"Who is it?" All eyes startled at the nearest building. The distance of 300 meters is not too far. With the eyesight of the evolver, they can clearly see the unhidden figures. Many people There was a startle in his eyes.
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