Chapter 850: Sword-drawing

There is not only asp in his face, but also potholes. When he walks for a long time, he has long hair fluttering and exuding wild breath. It's so ugly, it doesn't have any scruples, except Zhang Mazi. The people behind Zhang Mazi have different looks and fierce eyes, none of them are good.

At the gate of the gate, the guarded evolutionaries all lay on the ground. Although there was no death, broken hands and legs were indispensable. Zhang Mazi shot fiercely, but this time he stayed a bit.

I was on the 39th floor of the building where I was hiding, and Wu Xiangxiang and his party were there. Nearby this building has the best view, but other buildings do not. In order to let Zhang Mazi and his party go, they had to go down a few floors.

"The Lu family in Lengshui District also sent someone." Wu Shiyi suddenly said that as a scout, he was undoubtedly very qualified, and no one could hide it in his sight.

"Where?" Wu asked immediately.

Wu Wu billion pointed out the direction, others looked at it, and sure enough, a group of big-sized Han men approached quickly. They mainly wear suits, and if they add a pair of sunglasses, they will immediately become bodyguards. The Lu family is a family of merchants. It started with a security company. Later, it entered the real estate, trade, electronics, and education fields, and finally became a commercial aircraft carrier. But the security company, which is the foundation, has not left, but just turned into the background and became very low-key.

The security company said that the good thing is a professional bodyguard, and the bad thing is a thug. It is inevitable that they will be involved in some gray industries and have a bad reputation. The Lu family later went into politics, and was very taboo about this. In a deliberately low-key, few people remember that the Lu family started out as a security company. But do n’t remember, it does not mean that it does not exist. On the contrary, the security company of the Lu family has long been a behemoth. The controller behind half of the large and small security companies in Xiangshui Province is the Lu family.

The Luan Security Company secretly escorted the Lu family ’s industry and dealt with some unseen things. Otherwise, how could the Lu family develop into a behemoth in just a few decades, even the mayor had to make an appointment to see them.

力量 This force came to the front from behind the scenes after the troubled times. When the zombies ran rampant, I didn't know how many people died. The bodyguards maintained by the Lu family are part of the population with the highest evolution rate because of their good physical fitness. They have become the backbone of the defense against zombies. In the wave of the most dangerous crisis, not only did the Lu family not have much loss, but instead they used the power of the security company to encroach on unknown industries. It is not polite to say that the wealth of cooling water is almost concentrated in the hands of the Lu family. Had it not been for the world of zombies, the Lu family was afraid that it would have annexed several nearby areas.

Because the foundation is good, and the Lu family is also good at forbearance. When the world is most difficult, he is willing to hide and quietly accumulate strength. So they are one of the best areas in Binzhou Road. It has the largest population, the largest number of evolvers, and the best living conditions. It is rare to maintain general order.

In fact, it can be seen from the clothes that during the period when most people have problems with their fullness, the security of the Lu family can still have a straight suit and a round waist.

"Only more than thirty people were brought in. Lv Jishan led the team to check the news." Wu Wu lost his interest after a few glances.

"Get up, look!" Wu San called out.

这么 "So fast!" Wu Shiyi was taken aback and quickly turned his eyes back. I saw that Liu Wei'an had killed Zhang Mazi together. I thought I had to say at least two words. I didn't know that Liu Wei'an had no nonsense.

"Who is this person?

Harm! Wu Wu looked at the gold-level master who was blown away by the elephant's punch. He spewed a series of blood in the air, and when he fell to the ground, he couldn't get up. He took a breath.

"It's because he couldn't spit blood from Ye Xue." Wu Shiyi was so dignified that when the elephant and Ye Xue fought, he was there, the others rushed over behind him, and did not see that scene.

"He is an elephant!" Wu San was surprised.

"It's strong!" Wu Er, who hadn't talked, burst into the eye.

"Ear, how does he compare to you?" Wu Xiangxiang asked.

Others immediately raised their ears, Wu Er was silent, but the martial arts talent was extremely high, and what was even more rare was that he got two evolutions, one was the evolution of strength, and the other was the evolution of action. His fighting power has always been the head of the people, and to what extent they have reached now, their brothers who live with each other do not know.

"It can't be seen now, he still seems to be hiding power, if it bursts out, it is probably not under me." Wu Er groaned for a while.

"What? He still hides the power?" Wu Wu was taken aback. When he hides the power, he can also use the gold-level high numbers as a sandbag. If it is at full strength, what will it look like?

There is a sense of urgency in other lives. If only the second child is abnormal, it can still be attributed to an accident. There was a grandfather Xue before, and now an elephant has emerged. If this continues, there will be a fourth and a fifth. The sixth ... In contrast, their strength seems to be insufficient, and they must be increased as soon as possible.

"His grandma, is it good for me to be bullied?" Zhang Mazi saw the elephant destroying his four men, and all of them were gold-level masters. He was furious and forced his feet.


The ground exploded, and a large pit appeared. The crack spread over tens of meters. Zhang Mazi shot an elephant like a cannonball. In the air, a black wild boar phantom accompanied it, causing the thunder and lightning to change, and it was appalling.

"Good to come!" The elephant's eyes shot with excitement. The ordinary gold-level master was not his opponent at all, and he was not playing well. When he saw Zhang Mazi rushing over, he was not only afraid, but very happy. The arms swelled in an instant, the swollen muscles were tangled like tree roots, and blood vessels skyrocketed.


With a thunder on the ground, people with lower strength had blood in both ears and turned pale. Unbelievably watching Zhang Mazi and the elephant separated from each other by an electric shock, blinking and hitting them again.


There was another loud noise. The shock wave swept through, and no one dared to stand within 50 meters of the circle. A pit with a diameter of more than 10 meters appeared on the ground, and the crack spread over 100 meters.

"Stay back in the middle of silver!" Liu Weian ordered.

Those who couldn't hold back long ago, such as Meng Dahe, slowly retreated. The people brought by Zhang Mazi are elite, and the lowest strength is also in the middle of silver. Xue Ye recruited a variety of men, and many of them were in the early stage of silver. In this battle, they were reduced to cannon fodder.

A figure shot from the headquarters building was Xue Ye. If it was before, he wouldn't come out even if he was out of business, his only hobby was retreat. But now it's different. Baimao District is not his master. He is just a younger brother now.

Ye Xueye's injury has almost recovered, but his face is still a bit pale. He saw Zhang Mazi at one glance, and warfare erupted immediately.

"Your opponent is him!" Liu Weian pointed at the battle

On the market, a young man in Xuanyi who has never shot. His face was sober, and he wandered casually on the edge of the battlefield. In such a melee, no one's attack fell on him.

"Yes!" Ye Xue didn't bother to ask, and killed the past.

On the battlefield, after the low-strength people withdrew, Liu Wei'an side lost these people, and let go of his hands and feet, and suddenly suppressed more than one hundred people in Zhang Mazi. Especially after the undead cat and Yang shot, Zhang Mazi's situation was even worse. Several gold-level masters lay down on the back and lay motionless on the ground.

"Li Xieshui, if you don't take another shot, we will not be able to turn the plate." Zhang Mazi looked back and found that Xuanyi Youth was still playing soy sauce, and immediately became furious.

Xuanyi youth, that is, Li Eshui, was attacked by Xue Ye 36 times. He did not fight back, but just avoided all the attacks by relying on the pace, and faintly created a trend that forced Xue Ye not only to stop, Instead, he must increase his strength, otherwise the returning trend will crush him to death.

Hearing Zhang Mazi's urging, hesitated and stopped suddenly. Ye Xue was overjoyed, Li Eshui's steps were exquisite, he could not capture the figure of the other side, and now Li Eshui stopped actively, and naturally he would not be polite. A force exploded from Dantian, and a volcanic eruption force passed through the middle of the chest and was compressed into a bundle, which burst out from the fist.

This is his evolved ability. The reason why he and the elephant can fight for strength without falling into the wind is relying on this trick. It can make one point of power exert two points of power, which is very magical.

With a punch, the world suddenly turned into the sea. When the stormy waves surrounded Li evil water, when he was about to be smashed, a slick of swordsman rose into the sky. If the lightning broke through the dark clouds, it would be extremely extreme. Also extremely bright. So many people don't know when the sword will disappear, because the sword awn has remained in view for too long.

When the sight returned to normal, Xue Ye, who had the upper hand, had fallen to the ground, a sword mark on his chest was left with blood, and he stared at the back of Li Eshui with unbelievable eyes.

"You are Liu Wei'an?" Li Eshui stopped in front of Liu Wei'an, his eyes, expressions, and voices were very dull.

"Yes!" Liu Weian smiled slightly at Huang Huan, begging her not to worry. Huang Zheng looked at Li Eshui uneasily. The sword just made her tremble. Although she can't do martial arts, but she has never seen how many powerful people have seen it, and it is the first time that she can have fear.

"Someone asked me to kill you!" Li evil waterway.

"Oh!" Liu Wei'an didn't care ~ ~ Instead he was very interested in Li Eshui's swordsmanship, "What is your swordsmanship?"

"Sketch!" Li evil water truthfully told.

"You clearly use a sword." Liu Weian said.

"It's just the name." Li evil waterway.

"I see!" Liu Weian nodded, "Go ahead!"

"Draw sword!" Li Eshui's body straightened, the whole person's momentum changed dramatically, such as the flood and wild beasts awakened, and their breath was soaring. The moment his hand fell on the hilt of the sword, the dazzling sword-mang soared into the sky, and the heavens and the earth were divided into two halves at once, which could be seen for dozens of miles.

For a moment, people with a radius of several hundred meters all felt severe heart pain. They couldn't get through, and their body shivered uncontrollably. Even the gold-level masters were excluded. Only a few people could keep their hearts calm, but they shot with dignity in their eyes. Extreme eyes.

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