Chapter 871: I am the fish (below)

Zhang Laozhi's words are reasonable. In fact, regardless of whether he is an official or an ordinary person, he must be fair and impartial in order to convince people. Liu Wei'an was not angry, glanced over the others, his tone was flat.
"Is there anyone else? If you have any, stand up, if you set your position, it won't change easily. If you are confused or have different opinions, you can only resolve it today. In the future, you must follow the rules and regulations of Tianfeng Province. Act. At that time and again, there will be no emotion to talk about. "
As soon as this remark was made, there were more people with color changes, and a few more people got up. Some people were swaying, but hesitated for a long time, but they didn't stand up after all.
"It's almost time, and there is other time to deal with later, this matter will not be delayed too long. If you don't get up, I will be the default." Liu Wei'an's statement is equivalent to closing the coffin.
Inexplicably, standing people jumped in their hearts, while those who were not standing were loose in their hearts, as if they had avoided any evil.
"Next, I would like to discuss with you the origin of the division of positions. Zhang Lao, here you are the oldest and have the most extensive knowledge. If you are wrong, please correct me." Liu Wei'an said.
"Don't dare to be taken, the provincial governor Liu has a high weight, and the words must be reasonable. Why should I be an old-fashioned and dim-eyed man?" Zhang Langzhou snorted, ignoring the goodwill Liu Liuan handed over.
This behavior made Liu Wei'an's ties like the undead cat all angry, and the killing intentions in the eyes of the elephant were undisguised. Zhang Langzhou didn't care.
"The military rank is evaluated, so I came by military merits. Do you have no objection to this?" Liu Wei'an looked at the crowd and no one spoke. Positions in the army naturally depend on military merit. This is even known to bandits who occupy the mountain as king. As long as you are not stupid, you will not make a fuss about it.
危 Liu Weian glanced at Jia Ning and signaled that he could start.
Jia Ning stood up, holding a tablet computer in his hand, and began to say the same as watching Ji Feixiang: "Ji Feixiang killed 12 zombies of level 2.4, 10 zombies of level 2.5, 8 zombies of level 2.6, 5 2.7 zombies, 4 2.8 zombies, 3 2.9 zombies, 3 3.0 zombies, 1 ghoul, 1 ogre, accumulated 968 battle points. I do n’t know these numbers I said fly you Are there any objections? "
"How did you get these numbers?" Ji Feixiang stared with a stern face. When he killed the zombies, he concentrated his energy and asked only to defeat the enemy. Where would he remember so much?
Seeing Jia Ning's record in such detail, it looks like it is not fake, but the key is that he is not sure.
"I know you must have doubts, it doesn't matter, I'm prepared, everyone looks at the big screen." Jia Ning's words fell, the lights in the hall suddenly dimmed, and a projector appeared on the background wall. The people in the content hall saw their eyes shrink, without discoloration.
The scene in the picture is a circular building. From the beginning of the zombies breaking through the gate, everyone tried to stop and finally had to flee. The video along the way was very detailed. Although some places were cut out, the context was clear and all around Ji Feixiang, he killed several zombies, them, clearly, at a glance.
Some people at the scene paid attention to it and found that the zombie killed by Ji Feixiang was exactly the same as the figure read by Jia Ning, without any errors. Not only secretly, how to do it. The scene of the escape is countless, and there is still time to shoot a video. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you could hardly believe it.
Ji Jifei's expression is more gloomy, not because
The numbers are correct, but in the picture, he escaped several times and pushed his hands out. This kind of thing, I believe many people have done it, but it can be done, can not be announced, announced, the impact will be great. Ji Feixiang clearly saw that the eyes of others around him had changed.
If this story goes out, his team is afraid that it is not good to take it.
"If you still have objections, you can watch the finished version of the video, but it will take a long time. It may take some time." Jia Ning turned on the lights, and the hall returned to light.
"No need." Ji Feixiang is not stupid, knowing that Jia Ning will not cheat on this kind of thing, unless it is a mistake, but this possibility is very small, so he will not take his own shame, but he does not want to Give up, take a look at Lao Qin, and said coldly: "The quantity is good, but the value of war effort is not so calculated."
"I am about to ask for advice." Jia Ningbin is polite, although he is not an evolutionary, he is not weak in the face of Ji Feixiang.
"Hundreds of people under my command, aren't their merit worth me? The zombies they killed add up to 800 without a thousand. It's more than enough to change another commander." Ji Feixiang stared at Jia Ning, his eyes sharp .
"Have you commanded them?" Jia Ning asked a question leisurely.
"What do you mean?" Ji Feixiang frowned.
"The so-called credit is not because following you is your credit. You have to direct them. You have to be well-directed. It is credit. Otherwise, this credit has nothing to do with you. You flee along the way. Resist the abominations for you, once ordered to run away, and after being interrupted by your subordinates, and once again to order the subordinates to resist Zhang's order, am I right? "Jia Ning's calm eyes could not look directly at Ji Feixiang .
"They are my men, after all, I have to do whatever I ask them to do." Ji Feixiang loudly, as if this can add confidence to himself.
"The governor said, because for the first time, reward-based, and no punishment will be made, otherwise it will be enough for you to resist the order and flee in front of you and drag you out. What else do you have to say?" Jia Ning's calm tone had already had a prestige.
"Liu Wei'an is nothing more than a soldier who wants to plan for me and his men. Why is it so impressive?" Qin Shide saw Ji Feixiang speechless and had to speak out.
"Mr. Qin's words are bad." Jia Ning shook her head slightly, and Qin Shide, who looked at him, was very disturbed.
"Did you say wrong?" Qin Shide squinted. Although he is also from Baimao District, he does not know Jia Ning. After all, he is on the first ring and Jia Ning is on the third ring. They are far apart, and Jia Ning is not an ordinary person. I didn't expect to follow Liu Wei'an to take office and even sat up with him, which made him very unhappy.
"I don't know who you say?" Jia Ning asked.
"The one who follows me is my subordinate." Qin Shide looked at Jia Ning, his heart was uneasy.
"I don't know who and who Mr. Qin is with?" Jia Ning asked again.
"I still ..." Qin Shide chuckled in his heart, and finally knew where the problem was. If anyone was following him, then the entire Baimao District followed Xueye. According to this logic, the entire Baimao District Everyone is Xue Ye's men. Ye Xue is now following Liu Wei'an, that is, the entire Baimao District is Liu Wei'an, so this sentence of his Qin Shide's men would not make sense.
Qin Shide opened his mouth
Rumba, I couldn't say anything later. His face changed from red to white, and he didn't know how to deal with it.
"You don't know the rules of my Tianfeng province, and I have excuses, so I will give you another chance to choose. Those who are willing to make a contribution for the fellows of Binzhou Road, please sit down." Liu Weian told everyone Away from Qin Shide.
I immediately sat down with two people, and they already regretted it. Others' expressions changed, and their hearts were in trouble.
"Thank you, Governor Liu for your kindness, and the old age will not interfere with Governor Liu's eyes and say goodbye." I felt it was impossible, and Zhang Langzhou turned around and left.
"I do n’t have my own place here, I will leave." Ji Feixiang knew that the operation to destroy Liu Wei'an's list was a failure. Who would have thought that Liu Wei'an had a video, even if they were thick-skinned and couldn't stay open With blind eyes, this game has already been lost, and you can only go back and talk about it for a long time. Qin Shide and others followed the same idea and followed Zhang Langzhou.
However, when they wanted to leave, it was not so easy. When they reached the gate, the two soldiers suddenly blocked the way of Zhang Langzhou.
"Go away!" Zhang Langzhou sounded like a bell. Under the pulsation of the internal force, the sound wave layer spread and spread. Wherever he went, there were cracks like spider webs on the walls and the ground. In the hall, many people's ears buzzed, and they couldn't hear the sound for a while.
Zhang Zhangzhou looked at the elderly people like Cixiang, but did not expect it to be so deep. However, Zhang Langzhou was even more shocked in his heart. The two soldiers blocking the door seemed to be unaware of each other, and even their eyes did not change, they still blocked the door.
"Liu Wei'an, what do you mean?" Zhang Langzhou suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and turned to look at Liu Wei'an. The two goalkeepers are so powerful. Who are Liu Weian's men?
"Others can leave, UU reads Zhang Laolubu." Liu Wei'an said lightly.
"This incident does not give the old man a reason, Hugh blame the old man for not showing affection." Zhang Langzhou angered in his heart, but did not dare to take action.
"Yes, I will give the explanation Zhang Lao will be satisfied. It should be almost." Liu Wei'an glanced at the time, his words were clear, and footsteps came from outside.
The sound of lame footsteps is clearly divided into two parts, one footstep is firm and regular, and the other is a sense of unease. Someone in the right hall guessed that Zhang Langzhou suddenly screamed angrily: "Zhang Zhiliang, you are so brave, you dare to catch my Zhang family!"
Zhang Zhiliang came in with a team of people. To be precise, a team of people came in. These people in the hall are no strangers. They are all children of the Zhang family. They are distributed in all walks of life. People who can speak. However, at this moment, these people's expressions were slumped and their bodies were wounded. They were obviously caught after some resistance.
Zhang Zhangzhou was the first to see because he stood at the door.
These Zhang family children were not only tied to their hands, but their mouths were also blocked. When they saw Zhang Langzhou, they were all humming and didn't know what to say, but the anxiety and anger on their faces were very obvious.
"Liu Wei'an, if there isn't a satisfactory explanation for this matter, my Zhang family will never stop." Zhang Langzhou was angry, and his tone was extremely firm.
"Since everyone has been arrested, there must be an explanation." Liu Weian said indifferently, taking a look at Jia Ning. Everyone jumped into his heart when he saw his eyes. Every time Liu Wei'an watched Jia Ning, something happened.
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