Chapter 889: Xingjiang Road

Xingjiang Road. [-Handwriting text version novel]
There are ten things that are unsatisfactory in life, and this sentence is also valid for the Lu family. The Lu family is a northern clan, and has always been said to be the largest in the north. Lu Jingjiang's rise in the south again, one south and one north, complement each other, symbolizing the real growth of the Lu family, from the provincial to the national. However, just as Lu Jiagong leaped forward, he was stopped by Ye Rongxiu and cut directly.
Ye Rongxiu was motionless, and it was thunderous. The power of the Lu family in the north was almost uprooted, and the trees fell apart, leaving some unwilling side branches to survive. Ye Rongxiu also knew that it was impossible for a large family in a constricted place to wipe out in one breath, and he set a path for the people who went south of the Lu family. A small part of the scattered Lu family's children wandered around the world, and most of them fled to Lu Jingjiang.
In other provinces, there are more than a dozen Taoist roads. Only Xiangshui Province has only five Taoist roads. As the Taoist master, Lu Jingjiang has great authority. After the fall of the Lu family, his branch became the first of the Lu family. It is like a lighthouse in the dark, which continuously absorbs the arrival of scattered Lu family children.
The Lu family as a local giant, many of the children in the clan are elites. Their arrival greatly enriched Lu Jingjiang's strength and made him prestige step by step. But under this glory, there are hidden dangers.
Lu Jingjiang was a prostitute, and it was a prophylactic outburst.
The Lu family bases on Heiyue Province, and the most outstanding disciples stay in the base camp for business. The base camp has the best resources and connections, which can continuously push him to the high position. Ordinary people enter the officialdom, starting from the lowest village officers. The children of the Lu family are officials, starting from the town level, with the deputy mayor and the secretary of the county head. Civil servants without an identity background are struggling from the bottom. Without any mistakes, their ability is calculated according to the upper middle. It takes basically 30 years to reach the position of mayor. If you want to go one step further, it is not time that can be accumulated. You need luck, you also need people.
The children of the Lu family came to the position of mayor, with an average of 15 years, and the highest record was 11 years. That is a line of the family of the Lu family, and the 14th year is already a Taoist. The governing party became the youngest Taoist in Heiyue Province, and this record has not yet been broken.
Lu Jingjiang has performed extremely well since he was a child, but because it is not the main thread, he enjoys little resources, especially after competing for the position of a deputy director of the Finance Bureau and being kicked out by a child with a mediocre ability. Far away from Xiangshui province, and broke off contact with the family.
After that, he seemed to hang up. With his own strength, he went from nothing to low, from low to high, and went to the position of deputy mayor for 10 years. This is still in the case of not using any resources of the Lu family. In this comparison, Lu Jingjiang is better than the most outstanding children of the Lu family.
The upper level of the Lu family finally noticed the excellence of Lu Jingjiang. In addition, the Lu family encountered a bottleneck in Heiyue Province. It is urgent to expand outward. The emergence of Lu Jingjiang just provided them with the best choice. After the relationship was repaired, a lot of resources were tilted towards Lu Jingjiang. It took the vice mayor two years to the mayor, and then three years to complete a step that many people could not complete in a lifetime. The carp jumped into the gate and stepped into the position of Taoist master.
Before the end of the day, Lu Jingjiang was appointed the vice governor of Xiangshui Province and Xingjiang at the age of 48
Dadaozhu became one of the most powerful people in Xiangshui Province.
Lu Jingjiang opened branches and leaves in Xiangshui Province and became a mainstay, but his family was uprooted. One high and one low, the situation has long since reversed. The main vein went to Lu Jingjiang, carrying a lot of resources, but also brought an inextricable problem to Lu Jingjiang, who is the main one.
Butt determines head, right determines status. According to the truth, in Jingjiang Road's construction site, Lu Jingjiang was naturally listened to. In fact, this truth did not work in the big family's door.
The reason why big families become big families is because there is another set of rules within the family to make the family power constantly stronger. With the main vein as the core, the generations are divided into regular programs, and the rights are from high to low, from the inside to the outside. This can ensure the prosperity of a family and endless generations.
Lu Jingjiang has a low grade, belongs to the side branch, and is still out. This makes him have no right to speak within the Lu family even if he has great power.
The Lu family mansion covering an area of ​​more than 20 acres looks very different in a high-rise building. The tallest building in the mansion is only three stories high. It adopts the style of ancient garden architecture with beautiful environment and fresh air. If it were not for the power of Lu Jingjiang, it would be impossible to approve such a large area in the central area of ​​power of Xingjiang Road.
And these are taken for granted by Lu's senior officials.
Go through the two courtyards, and then through a promenade, to the core of the Lu family, the parliament hall. When Lu Jingjiang walked into the gate, he found that the number was almost the same, all of which were Lu's high-level, main line, and some outstanding side branches.
There are 3 grandpas, 11 grandpas and more than 20 uncles. Lu Jingjiang didn't dare to neglect, one by one came forward to salute one another. There were not many peers who could walk into the Chamber, except for those who were too far away or who could not escape from important positions. 5 people, he does not need to greet one by one, nodded and walked to his seat and sat down.
"Everyone is here, and the meeting can start." Lu Jingjiang, the grandfather who presided over the meeting, ranked him. He didn't remember much, but he knew that his name was Lu Qingping. He was in politics when he was young. Borrow from family power. I lost a lot of money in doing business in the sea, and my life was a failure. But he couldn't stand the main thread, and was one of the grandchildren's most beloved grandsons at the time. He turned a blind eye to his failure, recalled his family, and managed the family business. Since then, it has been mediocre until now. There is nothing wrong, but it has not contributed much.
Because Lu Jingjiang came too late, so many people were waiting for him alone, and Lu Qingping's tone carried a hint of unhappiness.
"To call everyone over today, there is a major event, this matter is related to the success or failure of our Lu family, so we have to be careful." Standing up was Lu Jinghong, the second grandfather of Lu Jingjiang.
Grandpa lost his life because of an accident and hit a meteorite explosion on his way to Earth on a spaceship. Today, Lu Yihong is the respected grandpa.
Everyone's heart is tight. Every Lu family member is very sensitive to the six words that are about family success or failure, because the last time these six words were spoken was when Ye Rongxiu shot them.
Norda ’s Lu family is falling apart. If it was n’t for its profound heritage, it would have almost died out, and its memories are particularly deep.
Lu Yihong took out a piece of paper and put it on the coffee table, without any emotion in his voice: "This is sent by the mixed monstrosity of Heiyue Province. Let us Lu submit to him. Otherwise, let the Lu family destroy the family!"
"He dares!"
This statement immediately made a roar in the hall, even though the Lu family was not as strong as before, but the details were still there, the majesty and arrogance of the clan still existed, how can people be so degraded. However, the anger is disturbed. After going south, because the memory of Heiyue Province is too bad, many people consciously ignore the news there, but Xingjiang and Heiyue Province are adjacent to each other, and a lot of news is passed on continuously. Although they have not seen the terrible Messiah King However, it is also known that the power of the demon king far exceeds the Lu family occupying Xingjiang Road.
Although the words of the devil in the world are ugly, they are not crazy words. If the melee demon king wants to deal with the Lu family, the lu family cannot stop the melee demon blade.
"Cough--" Lu Yihong snorted softly, and there was no sound in the hall. Lu Yihong is not sharp, but everyone with extremely oppressive eyes has passed: "A mess, what kind of system, pay attention to your identity!"
The people in the hall had red ears and red faces, and all bowed their heads, afraid to meet his eyes.
Lu Yihong's gaze eased a bit: "Calling you all is to express your own opinions, one by one, everyone has a chance to speak. My third son, you come first."
"Put aside the question of face, let's take a look at the mixed-world demon king. He treats the enemy cruelly, but treats himself very well. If we can use his strength, the power of our Lu family will definitely go further." Punch.
After this remark, many people Zou Mei. As the land of the Lu family, they are very reluctant to submit to others.
"Mixed World Demon King's fighting power is unparalleled. We have no chance of winning. But his biggest certainty is that the management talent is blank. This is exactly our strength. If we can cooperate, it will be of great benefit to both of us ~ ~ Lu Jingjiang's four grandpas said.
"I agree with the third and fourth." Grandpa Lu Jingjiang said. The three of them must be down, others understand what they mean. The following speeches are basically inclined to surrender. Of course, the good words are cooperation.
Only five or six people abstained and did not speak.
"Jingjiang, why didn't you speak?" Fang Qingping noticed that Lu Jingjiang had come in and sat down, and he had been very quiet.
"Mixed World Demon King wants us to surrender, not cooperation. We need to understand this. Our status is not equal. This is bound to restrict our rights after the past." Lu Jingjiang put down the book of surrender, regardless of grandpa The generation's face was unpleasant, and looked around at everyone: "Instead, I am the demon of mixed worlds. The first thing after conquering the Lu family is to let the Lu family resist Liu Weian's peaceful expeditionary force. Since it can test the loyalty of the Lu family, it can also consume The strength of the Lu family. "Lu Jingjiang's voice aggravated: I don't know how much people think that the Lu family needs to pay to win the reassurance of the melee devil? "
The people in the hall were all discolored. Lu Jingjiang's guess is not nonsense, on the contrary, this possibility is almost 100%.
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