Chapter 906: Snatch (on)

"Meteor, meteor again!" Someone exclaimed.
Liu Wei'an looked up, and in the distant universe, white dots gliding at an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, the white dots became larger, dragging a long tail, and had already reached the Martian atmosphere.
One, two, three Liu Wei'an only glanced at the number and 121 were counted. These 121 meteors scattered the entire Mars. Liu Wei'an's mind automatically appeared in the map of the entire Mars, and it was instantly determined that there were 31 falling into the territory of Tianfeng and Xiangshui provinces.
If it's a meteor, no matter how much, you don't need to pay attention, but this is obviously not a meteor and you can't let it go. He didn't look back, but could also know that the people behind him showed hesitation.
"Everyone listens to Bai Ling's instructions. Meteors in other regions are left alone. The 31 meteors in Tianfeng and Xiangshui provinces must be obtained." Liu Wei'an's voice was beyond doubt.
"Observe!" The crowd stopped immediately.
Liu Wei'an said this, and the speed increased again, leaving the air, and the distance from everyone instantly widened, the afterglow scattered, disappeared without a trace. Among the people who followed, there were several speed evolvers, and when they saw Liu Wei'an's speed, they all showed horror.
Houses and buildings were passing by at a rapid speed, with a distance of more than 30 kilometers. A sunken pit appeared in front of me, and a fifty-story building not far away moved a corner, apparently hit by a meteor.
Liu Wei'an stopped at the edge of the big pit, feeling the fiery heat, a white crystal the size of a walnut lying quietly on the ground. The surrounding soil is cracked in black and is caused by high temperature carbonization.
The sound of breaking air sounded, and a gust of wind came from behind.
"Get off!" Liu Wei'an didn't turn his head back, and his backhand was a punch. The big trial punch was just as fierce. He struck solidly on the sneaking predator's chest. In the dull voice, the power of the thunder exploded and the predator He flew more than thirty meters across the ground, fell to the ground and twitched a few times, and remained motionless. Half of the body was scorched black, and he could not die anymore.
The rapid sound of footsteps came from all directions, and hunters, ogres, ghouls, and abominations were used from all directions. The expression was as if the hungry wolf saw the meat and was extremely crazy.
If Liu Wei'an remembers correctly, this place is Canghai County and belongs to Texas. The capital city of Xiangshui Province around Texas belongs to one of the areas that was liberated by the Ping An Army earlier. The zombies inside were swept back and forth several times, and were basically invisible. Even if there are three or two of them caught, there are a lot of zombies at this moment, which is almost incredible.
Liu Wei'an was not afraid of the high temperature. He appeared at the bottom of the pit and picked up the white crystals. It is similar in nature to the seed of power in World of Warcraft, but with different energy. The seed of power is pure energy and belongs to a driving force. And this white crystal contains the vitality of heaven and earth, which is both power and grain.
It's like oil and rice. Oil can provide power and is an important industrial material, but it is not essential. Rice is different. People have to die without eating rice.
This metaphor is not very vivid, but it is probably so.
The surrounding zombies were attracted by this crystal. Actually, it's not just zombies, he's not. Far away, he was restless when the white crystal was still above the sky. White crystals are now clutching in the hands, and every cell in the whole body is eager.
"Eat it!"
"Eat it!"
"Eat it!"
He restrained this idea with great willpower, and judged this crystal with his senses and transcendence of ordinary people, but it was harmless, but he didn't dare to care. When he was going to study it carefully, he suddenly felt something, suddenly raised his head, the second batch of meteors fell, the number was almost the same as the first batch, 129. However, in this batch, one meteor has a particularly high brightness, almost exceeding the sum of the brightness of other meteors, like a small sun, dazzling. Because of its proximity, the overall brightness of Mars has improved a little.
The zombies were afraid of the flames and high temperatures, but ignored them at this moment. The zombies who had rushed to the edge of the big pit had no worries, and rushed forward with breath.
"The Book of Darkness"
The black engulfing all exploded suddenly, covering all the zombies near the big pit, and the power of death was like a tornado invading, destroying everything wherever it went, it was only an instant, hundreds of zombies died. The black tide faded away, as if there were no signs of it when it appeared, and there was no trace. Also disappearing was Liu Wei'an at the bottom of the pit.
Liu Wei'an has traveled a few miles away and hasn't exhausted all his energy for a long time. His speed has surpassed that of floating cars. At the corner of his eyes, he saw the hunter leaping from the air. If he didn't realize it, when the two passed by, Lightning hit the hunter's head in a boxing.
"Great judgment punch!"
The head of the hunter exploded, like a watermelon falling to the ground. The headless body broke through two walls before stopping. Liu Wei'an had crossed the long street and disappeared.
After Liu Wei'an put the white crystal into the space ring, those zombies who followed him were as if they had lost their targets and no longer followed him.
The brightest meteor fell in Jiangdong Province. The border with Xiangshui Province is not too far away, otherwise, Liu Weian would really consider whether to rush over.
Because it is too late to get nothing, it is better to take the next step and take what is available.
The Dead Emperor Scriptures and the Dark Emperor Scriptures are running at full speed, and the sound of the Pentium River rushing in the Yangtze River is thunderous. Liu Wei'an himself didn't think about it. One day, he needed to use these two magical skills to hurry.
More than a hundred kilometers, Liu Wei'an arrived in just ten minutes. As we approached the fall, a large number of zombies appeared in front of us. The zombies who attacked at the moment seemed to be invisible to him, and rushed toward the front. Seeing this scene, Liu Wei'an was relieved a little, and the motive to maintain the successors of the zombies was white crystals. Since the zombies had power, the white crystals were still there.
The zombies did not attack him, and he did not have time to fight with the zombies, flying towards the top of the zombies. In the distance, I saw several figures coming from other directions. One of them was not under his speed. He was an old acquaintance, Feng Leopard. Behind the wind leopard are the undead toad and the battle king Niuzan.
The king of battle Niu San did not grow up at speed, and was far behind. The undead toad bounced and made funny moves, but the speed was really not slow, only 500 meters behind the wind leopard.
The man who came from the east was an old man, with pale hair and a bitter face, which made people hard to come by at first sight. The body is ordinary, seems slow, fast, and amazing.
To the north was a monk with a bald head. Wearing Huang Shayu, he used a reed to cross the river with light power, elegant and light, as fast as lightning.
In the same direction as Feng Leopard, there is a woman on his left and right, which is as beautiful as a fairy, respectively a witch and a laughing girl. The two women saw Liu Wei'an look slightly changed.
In addition, there is a man with a strong build, a slender head, a beard like a brush, and a purple electric mane shot in his eyes, with a strong breath. Looking at a large knife like a door on his shoulder, he was very windy.
"Liu Wei'an, this is the boundary of Jiangdong Province. It belongs to the young man. You have crossed the boundary." Feng Leopard shot a deep fear.
Liu Wei'an hadn't spoken yet. The man with a small head laughed loudly and said loudly, "When the wind leopard, Jiangdong Province became a little boy, a certain family did not agree."
"Xiao Jingshan, you don't have to be cheap and sell well. If the little boy blocked the invasion of Daye Province, you would have been destroyed." Feng Leo was furious, and hate shot in his eyes.
For the sake of the overall situation, the little boy took the initiative to bear all the pressure of the foreign enemies. Xiao Jingshan, a sinister man, took advantage of the gap to rise, and now the climate is in place. The little boy's two attacks were blocked by Xiao Jingshan. Xiao Jingshan was insidious and vicious. He led the zombies to attack the little boy's backyard, causing the little boy's side to suffer heavy casualties. All the people belonging to the little boy hated Xiao Jingshan.
"I respect the great general as a person, but I don't agree with the idea of ​​the little boy. If you submit to him, you should. If you don't submit, you are wrong. The little boy can do good in Jiangdong Province. Tell people in Daye Province that they are wrong? "Xiao Jingshan said lightly.
"The young people today are really ink. Why do you say so much, you have to talk sharply, and finally you do n’t have to use your fist to solve it. You might as well just put your fist." The slightest change. If he hadn't watched his mouth move, he wouldn't be sure that the speaker was him.
Normal people speaking, will convey the emotions of the content through tone, expression, expression and action. The old man with a bitter face is completely different. It ’s strange to talk and talk to emotions.
"The old man is really right." The witch giggled, and the light flashed ~ ~ The magic knife appeared in his hand.
The smiling girl was barefoot in white, with a pale expression, but her eyes were wary, and the sword quietly came out. The wind leopard was sandwiched between the two, and the pressure suddenly increased. If Taishan peaked, the speed suddenly slowed down.
At this time, Xiao Jingshan speeded up, such as a meteor pounced on a huge pit with a fiery atmosphere. At the bottom of the pit, there was a huge white crystal, the size of a football. Temptation.
"Young people are really rude. Didn't you see the old man here? I don't know how to let it go!" The bitter-faced old man pointed in the air and saw nothing strange. After dozens of times, the man had returned to his original position when he finally stopped.
"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The monk folded his hands, and the treasure was solemn. In front of the old man with a bitter face, the nine scars above his head are very prominent. The bitter-faced old man had no time to look at the ring scar, and a Buddha statue appeared in the air. He stretched out one hand and held him down. Suddenly, he was trapped in a quagmire, only one meter away from the white crystal, but he couldn't escape the quagmire and couldn't get through.
"Foyun: Stop greed, stop ridicule, stop idiots!" The monk worshipped this time, this time facing Liu Wei'an, who appeared beside the bitter face old man.
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