Chapter 958: Xia Huaiying

"Governor Liu!" A steady voice sounded from behind him.
Because he was about to enter the residence of the Grand Duke, naturally he could not drive in with a chariot. Liu Weian and others all got out of the car to show respect for the Grand Duke. For tanks, there is a special place to put them.
"Big boy!" Liu Wei'an turned around and saw Linghu big boy, smiling girl, undead toad, and wind leopard. There are also a few strangers, whose breath is very strong, and his lean body seems to hide a fierce beast.
"I originally wanted to invite the Governor to come with me. There was a temporary delay and I was a little late." The lingering prince smiled calmly. The old indifference and frivolity completely faded away, and the changes were very great.
"The granddaughter is walking with beauty, wouldn't you please!" Liu Wei'an smiled slightly, nodded towards the girl and others, saying hello.
There is also a woman who accompanies the eldest son. Liu Wei'an also has some impressions on this woman, surnamed Huo, a girl with a sense of justice.
"The Governor laughed." Linghu looked at Fire Girl, but Fire Girl's expression was a little cold, very strange.
As I was talking, a chaos came from the east, waiting for people entering the mansion to look sideways, but it was a bruised convoy. There are only 4 chariots, and each of them is severely damaged, that is, the engine is not broken, otherwise it would not be possible to drive here.
The surface of the chariot is covered with deep scratches and is extremely smooth, making people feel the sharpness that remains. The immortal cat carefully and massively, suddenly his eyes narrowed, his expression became dignified, and he said to Yan Shi: "This seems to be-"
"That's right!" Bai Manzi said.
"What did you say?" Linghu could not help asking. But was interrupted by a burst of wailing.
The team stopped not far away because they were lined up here and they couldn't get in. Just stop. The convoy stopped, and the moving people removed the injured and sent them to the Duke's House for treatment.
The best hospital in Yingzhou is undoubtedly in the Duke's Mansion.
Although the first few people were seriously injured, they still hung up. When the last one was lifted out, they didn't get through, their necks were crooked and they hung up.
"Father, father, you can't die!" The only woman wobbled the body, but woke up somewhere.
"Uncle, uncle, wake up!" The young man looked panicked.
"Three brothers!" The old man with white hair was lying on the stretcher. He heard the cry and jumped down all of a sudden. The painful expression moved.
The others cried and screamed, panicking in pain.
"This person is so badly wounded, but he is not dealing with wounds on the road. Although he is an evolutionary, but he has left too many, he will die." Liu Wei'an also stood on the right side with a group of people, one of whom was a young voice.
The place where the deceased was injured was the chest, near the heart. It was pulled by a claw, at least half a catty of meat was torn off, but at least it was pressed with a coat, and there was no other treatment, such a wound could not be carried by the evolutionary.
"At that time, the situation should be very anxious. They didn't have time to deal with the wound!" The middle-aged man with the young man shook his head. "Look at the last tank, the lid of the trunk was less than half, which shows that they were chased by terrible things. . "
"In the future, you still have to take it to the first aid box." The undead cat has a heart in her heart, and she bleeds to death, which means that she feels a little bit of death. It is too painful.
"This person died because of a broken heart." Liu Weian suddenly said. Except Huang
I didn't understand what it meant, the others changed their faces and said nothing.
The wound of the deceased was scratched, with an arc, and this kind of wound was hardly unfamiliar to anyone at the end. It was caused by zombies. Because of the structure of pointed and long nails, zombies cannot make a fist, that is, when attacking the target, they are mainly cutting, scratching, and tearing, without the power of shock.
From the perspective of the mourning person, the identity of the deceased is not low. Such people, even if the situation is in crisis, will look twice when dealing with the wound, at least there will be no bleeding and death. In other words, when the deceased was treated for a wound, he was deemed not to die from bleeding. Will do simple processing.
As for why this person died later, and why his heart broke, it is very interesting. The undead cat and others believed in Liu Wei'an's vision. He said that the cause of death was due to a broken heart, and it must have been a broken heart.
However, this is a family affair, and they do not know each other, so naturally they will not bother.
"They are from the Du family!" Someone recognized the identity of the team.
"It was them!" Linghu was surprised.
"Who is the Du family?" Liu Wei'an asked. He had never heard of any Du family, and Sanwa, Yang Yuer, and Huang Yan did not know, indicating that such a Du family is not too famous.
"Someone and my dad were fighting for the position of general in the past, and in the end they were inferior." Said the prince Linghu.
"It was them!" Huang Yan rang suddenly.
The great general Tianzhuang Wizards walked along the way and pushed everything horizontally, but it was not that he did not encounter a powerful opponent. The general would have said frankly that among the opponents he met, the general of the Du family was one of the three most difficult people.
The Du family ’s history is not long, but it has risen very violently. There are people in the military and government who are senior officials and are not listed as a family. However, the children of the family are not afraid to offend the Du family.
However, it was not known later when General Du retired but did not promote the general in accordance with established practice. This is a bad sign. Many people think that the government intends to suppress the Du family. After that, the Du family became very low-key.
Otherwise, if there is a general in the family, Yang Yuer cannot fail to know.
"Du Erye is mourning, and people ca n’t be resurrected if they die. Can you ask what zombies hurt San Ye?" Someone knew the old man with white hair.
"It's a gold-colored zombie!" When Du Erye said of the zombies, fear remained in his eyes.
"Gold zombies?" Many people heard this for the first time and couldn't help asking: "Is it a bronze armor?" The bronze armor is also yellow.
"No!" Du Erye said with certainty: "We have encountered the bronze armored corpse, it is not so powerful!"
None of the people present have seen the golden zombies, and there has been much discussion. Only Liu Wei'an and others didn't say a word and were very quiet. At this time, a group of people came out of the Ducal Mansion. The man headed is a young man in his twenties, with his eyes on his feet.
"Xia Huaiying!" Many people knew the youth and exclaimed. The people waiting in line consciously let the passage open. Xia Huaiying's pace was very fast, but he still did not forget to thank the person who gave way.
Finally stopped in front of the Du family.
"Uncle Du is sad, what's going on?" Xia Huaiying's polite smile disappeared and turned into a pain. This change was natural and unobtrusive.
As if this was a true reflection of his inner thoughts.
"Thank you
Master Xia's care! "Er Du Du dare not neglect, others are the same. Although Xia Huaiying said that they do not need independence, everyone insisted on saluting.
"We came to the birthday feast because something was delayed. When he came, my father decided to take a short cut. We met a very powerful golden zombie. We were not low. Many family members died. Only us escaped in the end. I didn't expect his father ... he ... "the girl said, her voice sobbing.
"Sister Du is sad, this is because of us. We will not stand idly by. You tell me where I will immediately send someone to destroy the golden zombies and take revenge for Uncle Du." Xia Huaiying cried.
The girl was about to say thank you, a deep roar whizzed, and it was extremely fast. The people on the road were so scared that they jumped to the side of the road and cursed loudly, but when they saw the brutal scars on the chariot, they could not swear the second swear word. There was a strong breath, and the team didn't know how many people had the blood.
The tires rubbed against the road, dragging long black marks, the braking system of the chariot was not very smart, and the front of the car was only one fist away from the crowd.
"Get out, get out of the way, there are wounded people in the car and need treatment!" The doors have not been opened yet, and the people inside have shouted loudly.
Xia Huaiying immediately directed a team to deal with the wounded. He should be sent to the hospital, to the crematorium, to the crematorium. This kind of thing does not require him to ask questions.
However, the team members saw Xia Huaiying, and sincerely feared, and quickly saluted.
"What's going on?" Xia Huaiying waved her hand, signalling that she didn't need to be polite.
"A golden zombie, I do n’t know what it is, it is extremely powerful, and it has killed a lot of people." The two-meter-tall man should be the captain of this team. There are scratches all over his body. ~ ~ is again a golden zombie! Du Erye resentfully said.
"What?" Dahan noticed Du's convoy, and his face changed when he saw the scratches on the body. "You? Could it be ..."
"We also encountered golden zombies!" Du Erye nodded.
"Everyone go in for tea and rest. If Huaiying is rude, just go there." Xia Huaiying held his fist. Everyone dare not even talk.
"Master Xia, I met the golden zombies with the people of the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce and the Yunlong Xiao family. They fled in a different direction. I don't know what the situation is now, and I hope the young master can rescue him in time!" Shouted with the back of Xia Huaiying.
"Relax!" The words Xia Huaiying spread from far away. Everyone took a closer look and found that Xia Huaiying had already left, and at least one residual image left in front of him disappeared slowly.
"Haojun's light work!" The prodigal Yan Shisan took a light body, but was also shocked by Xia Huaiying's hand.
Xia Huaiying didn't go alone. The Xia family didn't know how many masters were sent along. Everyone saw about 20, and secretly I didn't know how many.
Half an hour passed, Xia Huaiying hadn't returned yet. The crowd had already entered the mansion and sat down to rest. After another tea time, Xia Huaiying returned. His face was as usual, but everyone still found embarrassment and depression from the depths of his eyes, and looking behind him, it was wise to ask no results.
When he went, at least 20 men followed, and now there are only 6 people left. Everyone is injured. People from the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce and the Xiao family are also missing.
People who have not seen the gold zombies are surprised, is it so powerful?
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