Chapter 134: Don't be disgusting


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1356 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:33:03

Qiu Baoyang and Xiao Sage are both good-looking young people in their twenties, but Zhu Zhu knows that the age of a monk can't just look at the appearance.
Both people's expressions are a bit dull now. Xiao Sage's disappointment is even more expressive. He first saw Yin Zizhang, who was as beautiful as Zhilan Yushu, and heard him say that his cave was his sister, and he could not help but imagine a country Heavenly incense, a peerless beautifu, who did not expect to see a small village aunt who could not be soil anymore.
They don't want to believe it, but the Chinese herbal medicine in the cave is not scattered. Obviously, there is only this girl in the countryside. Fortunately, they were considered to be well-informed, and they soon adjusted their emotions and met with Zhu Zhu.
Xiao Sage didn't like to talk at first, but now he has no more interest in speaking. Qiu Baoyang can't let go of that fascinating Dan Xiang, and the person who can make such a good Dan looks to him like a money tree. How it looks is second.
"What kind of elixir did Zhu Zhu just make?" Qiu Baoyang asked.
Zhu Zhuwang looked to Yin Zizhang and saw that he nodded slightly before answering, "It is Yan Dan."
After listening, Qiu Baoyang barely glared on the spot, unconsciously leaning forward eagerly, "Can you let me look down?"
Yun Yinzhang and Zhu Zhu glanced at each other, and signaled Zhu Zhu to give him the jade bottle filled with elixir, and poured out one in the palm of his hand and handed it to Qiu Baoyang.
When Qiu Baoyang saw the pale silver medicine with a faint faintness, he could not help taking a sip of air-conditioner, and even Xiao Sage beside him couldn't help it.
Qiu Bao pleaded guilty to take the Zhan Yandan and looked at it carefully, and sniffed a few times on the nose, murmured: "It is really Zhan Yandan, and it is of superior quality ... a rare and rare ! "
He has seen that the elixir is indeed just refined, and it still has the energy of elixir on it. He reluctantly returned the elixir to Yin Zizhang, and then looked at Zhu Zhu, his eyes became very warm, like a hungry wolf who had been starving for three months saw fat pork, but he did not spit his face together and snorted.
Zhu Zhuzhu was flabbergasted by him and hugged the piglet to hide to Yin Zizhang.
"I do n’t know how many girls there are in Yan Dan? Can we hand them over to Jin Baozong? We can guarantee a satisfactory price for the girls!" Qiu Baoyang seems to have seen the beautiful prospects of countless spirits flying to him, and his attitude is extremely warm. .
Yin Zizhang thought about it, and said on behalf of Zhu Zhu, "There is no problem in consignment of elixir, but we still have some things to do. Can we discuss it later?" He plans to go back to the inn to discuss with others, and then discuss the conditions with the other .
Qiu Baoyang nodded immediately: "Jin Baozong opened a new auction firm in Fencheng, which will open tomorrow. If two are free, they can go directly to the firm tonight to find the next auction, which will open the first auction tomorrow southwest. Many customers, if Yantan can catch up with the auction tomorrow, they will be able to sell for a good price! "
Yun Yinzhang promised to come down, and after sending the two of them away, they released a dial shuttle and brought Zhu Zhu back to Fencheng.
Soon after they left, Qiu Baoyang and Xiao Sage appeared again in front of the cave. They still didn't believe that Zhu Zhu was actually a person who had been stationed in Yan Dan. It was inconvenient to look at the scene inside the cave just now. Then dived back again to see if any clues could be found.
Qiu Baoyang hoped that he could attract a powerful alchemist for the auction house as a long-term partner, so he would need to be very careful to verify the character of the candidate.
"Strange ... Danxiang is strong in this cave, but the energy of Danhuo is very light." Xiao Sage turned around in the cave and found nothing strange, and there were not many debris left. Obviously Yin Zizhang and Zhu Zhu Just staying here temporarily.
Qiu Baoyang squatted at the corner of the cave, pointing at a few defocused black-gray-yellow objects, "Master, come see this."
The two of them carefully opened the "things" and took some of them out in the palm of their hands to take a closer look. They even put them on the tip of their noses and smelled them for a while.
"It's the residue left after purifying the elixir." Xiao Sage looked very surprised.
"From the perspective of these medicinal residues, their ability to purify the essence of elixir is really scary. The flame of Danhuo in this cave is very weak. It has always been because the other party's fire control has reached the realm. Otherwise, the Danluo is used. It is a treasure, so it is possible to ensure that the fire is rarely leaked. "Qiu Baoyang was amazed and excited.
He carefully wrapped a few prickly ash residues on the ground, and planned to take them back for the uncle's personal identification.
Fortunately, Zhu Zhu, who had already returned to Fencheng soon, did not see this scene, otherwise she would be disgusted enough to eat. If Xiao Sage and Qiu Baoyang knew the origins of those things, they would probably wish to chop their hands.
Those are not ordinary medicine residues, those are pigs' ...
In the inn, Di Chanshang, Ji Yougu and Shi Yinglu are meditating and resting. The former is anxious to recover from the shoulder injury. The latter two are involved in multiple battles for two consecutive days and need to be restored.
收获 I have gained a lot in the past two days. Of course, the spirit stone has earned tens of thousands. The important thing is that the combat experience has been greatly improved. Although it is not immune to some injuries, it has several advantages for mana cultivation and spell use.
Only three days before and after the death, several of the Zhizhi faction's winning streak in Dou Fang Tong have spread throughout Fencheng, and the reputation of the Zhizhi faction in the southwest has been further enhanced.
Pu Di Chanshang and Ji Yougu became famous earlier, but their fame was not only spread among the four southwestern factions. Shi Yinglu did not really show up until the meeting of the Broken Fairy Valley, but now they have become hot characters on the streets and lanes of Fencheng.
Xi Yinzizhang and Zhu Zhu returned to the inn. Each of the five teachers, brothers and sisters showed the gains of these two days. When Zhu Zhu took out a bottle of forty Zhu Dan, even Ji Jigu, who had always been calm, couldn't help showing excitement.
Forty resident Zhu Dan is at least four million spirit stones! In the past few days, he also took the time to inquire about Fangshi. Indeed, as Zhu Zhu said, it is rare to find Danji in Yancheng. It was more than thirty years ago that Fencheng appeared this kind of elixir. As soon as he appeared, he was bought by the head of the united faction to give him the love lover, which is still an anecdote circulating in the house.
Such rare elixir, but now they have as many as forty, all of them feel a little incredible.
"This still makes people not alive, we are better than a little master to make a pot of elixir for a few days!" Di Chanshang was also excited and envious, and took a stomach sad and angry.
"Without the blood of a big brother ... I can't make these elixir ..." Zhu Zhu comforted.
"That's it! Lao Tzu's blood is so valuable. In the future, you can get a cup of it without selling it, and it's not too expensive. Just two cups of it, wow ha ha ha ha!"
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