Chapter 188: Very outstanding


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1363 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:34:00

Others have no opinion about Zhu Zhu going together. Zhu Zhu is not good at repairing, but it is definitely not easy to bully. Whenever it is critical, she can do something unexpected. She is never tired among them, but instead It is a very important or even indispensable member, and it is an amazing soldier in their hands when facing the enemy.
She will prepare them deliciously, and can provide a variety of high-quality elixir at any time. Before they "do good", she can listen to enough information. When "do good", it is the bait that can reduce the enemy's vigilance. After "do good", If necessary, it can also be responsible for the rapid and complete destruction of the corpse, and there is no younger sister who is more powerful and easy to use.
Although Di Chan still remembers that Zhu Zhu is not good-looking, he has already regarded her as her own.
After a few people discussed it, they went to the main city hall. Someone came to the front of the house to ask for their intentions, and they were kindly introduced to the hall.
At least twenty or thirty monks in the foundation period have been gathered in the hall, and it seems that the appeal of the ancestor of Yuan Ying is extraordinary. These monks came in pairs, and about half came alone.
When they waited for a tea in the hall, the city owner finally came out of the house surrounded by the guards. The city owner Shi Zhi was looking like he was only thirty years old. He was actually over 500 years old. for. Xiancheng is actually a stronghold of the Henghang School in the Xi Kingdom. Shijia have been disciples of the Henghang School for generations.
Zhu Zhu, they have listened to other people's discussions before, saying that Shi Zhi is the son of Shi Chang and the secular woman before he joined the Yinhang School. The difference between the father and the son is less than 20 years old. For the same reason, in the Henghang School, they are regarded as their peers.
This situation is not uncommon in the Xiuxian family, but Zhu Zhu thinks it is really strange.
Shi Zhi has a Chinese character face, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. It gives a bold and straightforward feeling. After sitting on the theme, he greeted everyone with a few words and went straight to the subject: "Point the fierce danger on the Four Peaks of Fengshan, I don't need me To say the least, this period is relatively safe. After a month or two, the Iron Claw Demon Eagle begins to fly back from the south, and it will be difficult if you want to go up the mountain. The treasures in the tombs of the ancient monks will be obtained. I only I ask you one thing. If you find your father, please bring it back. I will be paid! "
When Shi Zhi talked about his father, his face was bleak. He wanted to think that his father had suffered unexpectedly, and then explained the characteristics of his father Shi Chang again. Finally, he said, "If you find the body of another monk, it is convenient if you find it. Please bring it back so that I can settle properly. Shimou is grateful. "
The monks in the foundation period in the hall were touched a little, and some disagreed, but they all agreed verbally.
Shi Zhidao: "This time the team is led by the Gaochuan Xiaogao ancestors of the Dai school, and his three disciples and four disciples of the Dian Xinpai are all under construction. They have some important things to do tomorrow. At the beginning of the day, please invite everyone to gather in front of the city's main gate, and I will introduce it for everyone. "
Zhu Zhuzhu whispered to a base-building monk not far from him, "What's the matter? I'm afraid we can't bother to deal with us if we don't bother!"
Another said: "They come from three major factions, and it's hard to see how strange we are. We still have the light of their ancestors!"
三 The three major schools of the five western countries seem to be very powerful! However, she had contacted Qiu Baoyang, Xiao Sage, and others from Jin Baozong before, and even Hong Pan, the ancestor of Jinying School, seemed very kind.
In the early morning, Zhu Zhu saw the arrogance of the famous monks ...
A group of them waited for half an hour in front of the city's main government. The talents of the Henghang School and the Dianxin School were long overdue. The Yuanhang ancestor Gao Chuanxiao even was too lazy to greet others and stood Above midair, only a few disciples were called down.
Lu Yinhang sent three disciples, two men and one woman. They all looked like handsome men and women, especially the woman's facial features were exquisite and pretty.
Yan Shizhi introduced them to everyone one by one. The beauty was named Feng Jie, one of the two men was Ma Zida, and the other was Xue Tielong. They were well-known among the younger generations in the five western countries, and they were called "Long Ma Shuangying"!
Of the four people from Dian Xin faction, two of them actually met yesterday. They were the ones who mistaken Yin Zizhang as the "Lin San Gongzi". They were named Zia and Lin Chen. The other two were Land Rover and Bao. Shijie.
The four people sent by Dian Xin were just ordinary disciples, with a relatively peaceful attitude. The three members of the Yinhang School who were in the elite school and were also the ancestors of Yuanying's ancestors were the elite among the elite elite disciples. Cold and indifferent, without showing disdain, but the attitude is plain and clear-we are not people of the same world, don't try to climb us.
Naoishi Nao was a little helpless towards them and did not dare to wait for the ancestor Yuan Yuan to wait for a long time.
Zia and Lin Chen, who had a little Xin faction, paid special attention to Yin Zizhang. When he saw Zhu Zhu, he couldn't help but said, "This girl is going with him?"
Yun Yinzhang nodded, released a dial shuttle, pulled Zhu Zhu to sit up, and answered with actual actions.
Qi Zia and Lin Chen looked at each other, released their magic weapons, and flew along with the brigade in the direction of Dianfeng Mountain.
洁 Feng Jie drove Feijian near them and asked, "Do you know that monk?"
Seeing that they were from Xinpai, she was willing to ask.
She refers to Yin Zizhang. Compared with other monks, Yin Zizhang and other five people are too special. He has different styles from Ji Yougu, but they are all beautiful and unusual. They look absolutely young, but they are all in the mid-construction period. Coupled with a Di Zen Shang who seems to be less than ten years old and is also in the middle of the construction period, it is difficult for others to ignore them.
Although Shi Yinglu wore a veil to make her appearance unclear, from the exposed bright eyes and enchanting figure, she was definitely a beautiful woman. I do n’t know how many monks who came to her secretly stared at her, drooling, including with Xue Tielong and Ma Zida from Feng Jie.
Xuan Piao just like these four outstanding characters, brought a more "outstanding" Zhu Zhu, the village aunt appearance plus repair to nothing, mixed in a pile of foundation monks, is more conspicuous than four other people such as Yin Zizhang.
Zia and Lin sincerely saw the beauties for inquiries, and naturally knew everything and said endlessly.
After Feng Jie heard what they said, Liu Mei said, "You mean, he may be from the Wu Guolin clan?"
Wu Guolin's family is extremely simple. Especially the heads of this generation, who hold the positions of emperor and elders of the priests, have at least half of the power of Wu country, and Wu country alone is enough to compete with Dan country in terms of monk strength. Hegemonic power.
Zia Ya nodded and said, "Eighty nine stay close to ten. Otherwise, how could they be so similar to the three sons of Lin?"
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