Chapter 199: The mystery in the copper bracelet


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1299 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:34:07

Zhu Zhuzhu thought of asking him to let go of her brother and sister, so she flattered, "No woman would not like it."
This is also a truth.
The demon fox was really full of energy, and after a while he turned his face upright and said, "Don't like me, I only like Aqin."
Zhu Zhuzhu almost vomited blood, how she always encountered such a narcissist.
那个 "That ... you've finished your story, can you let my brother and sister?" Zhu Zhu thinks that the demon fox is in a good mood now, and should not refuse her.
Sure enough, the demon fox nodded happily, then smirked again.
"I'll take you to see your brother's secret, okay?"
At first glance, the demon fox smiled badly, Zhu Zhu whispered: "I only want to see my brother, his secrets, he will know when he is willing to tell me."
"You are so stupid." The fox picked up her wrist and wanted to leave, but this time felt that there was an extra bracelet under his palm. He just touched Zhu Zhu's right arm just now, so he never noticed that she still had a her left wrist. A copper bracelet.
"Huh?" The demon fox raised her left wrist in front of her eyes, stared at it for a while, and then sighed, "That's it! I said, where did your mana cultivation go? The original secrets are all there This bracelet! "
Zhu Zhu is very entangled, she wants to know and she is afraid to know, but if she can gain more strength, at least she won't be too much involved with Yin Zizhang.
"Do you want to know what the secret is?" The fox eyes of the fox flashed with charm and slyness, as if you could see all the thoughts of Zhu Zhu.
"Think." Zhu Zhu gritted his teeth.
The demon fox was in a good mood and did not sell the key. He knocked on the copper bracelet and said, "Your babies are hidden in this bracelet, including your wooden spirit roots and wooden spells. I am curious about your identity, You must be an important figure of the Dan tribe to get such sacrifices and inheritance. The late monk monk who was less than 20 years old can also separate the "wood spirit". Hey, only the Dan tribe can get it! "
The demon fox followed Fenbiqin. Fenbiqin was also a top Dan figure. He knows more about the secrets of the Dan than even some elders of the Dan. If Zhu Zhu's situation is analyzed, he can get Come to the most correct conclusion.
Zhu Zhuzhu heard her head swell, and something was circling in her head. She seemed to understand and didn't understand anything, and her face was like snow for a moment.
奇怪 "Strange, it is said that the Dan people have spent so much time cultivating you, how can you let you look like this?" The demon fox shook his head in puzzlement.
Since the Dan clan has been defeated by the Dan clan imperial clan, the name is dead.
Zhu Zhu thought of the various rumors about the Kingdom of Dan that were heard piece by piece, and what the demon fox said today, she was almost certain that she was from the Dan people, and the people who deal with her were the people of the Royal Dan people The more important her identity is among the Dan people, the greater the danger.
There is also the sacrifice heritage. It is clear that the monk monk transfers his life's mana to another person at the cost of life. This secret method is not only very restrictive and dangerous, it is not a monk monk. A willingness to sacrifice can be achieved.
The principle of Bianmu Ling is similar to that of Fire Ling. She already has a Fire Ling pig, and another Mu Ling is sealed in her bracelet ... she was originally a twin monk with no one.
She is less than 20 years old, then ... it is very likely that there are two Dan monks in the late Yuanying period who sacrificed their lives for her. This is a heavy gift.
She is not a naive child. Behind such a gift represents only one thing-the same or even a heavier responsibility.
The demon fox saw Zhu Zhu's irritated expression, and he couldn't bear it. In his eyes, Zhu Zhu and his Aqin outline were quite similar. He didn't want to see her pain, fear, and paleness, so he reached out his hand. Touching her face, she said, "Don't be afraid. In your current situation, no one in the world will be able to see through your true face except me. Be careful and be fine."
Zhu Zhumumu nodded and whispered: "Take me to find my brother and sister ..."
"You look like this to them, they must think you have been bullied by me." The demon fox raised his eyebrows.
Zhu Zhu's current virtue is indeed a bit miserable, her eyes are red and swollen, her face is white like a ghost.
Taking Xiu Xiu's cultivation as his nature, she was not afraid of Yin Zizhang and others. Zhu Zhu understood that he was out of kindness and did not want her to be embarrassed, so he obediently wiped his face and cleaned up before walking with him.
The demon fox's attitude made her feel relieved. Although she said fiercely in her mouth, she should not have a lot of hostility towards them. From a practical point of view, he is also a half Dan person, how should he give her the same face, and he also intends to find Dan people to reincarnate Dan for him.
The light and shadow flickered in front of me. The scene I saw in the big stone cave before—the white jade gate and the towering blue stone monument in front of it—except that the blue stone monument was written with the correct characters: Qinhuangling.
The demon fox saw Zhu Zhu staring at those three characters and proudly said, "Aqin was the most prestigious alchemist on the Jinqin continent. Although he has not yet broken through the Mahayana period, it was the Mahayana monk who called her when she saw her. "Quin Emperor", if it wasn't for me ... she might have broken through the Mahayana and ascended to holiness. "
Zhu Zhu's heart moved, if she kept running away like this, would she one day be like a demon fox and hurt her closest relative?
Pushed the door of Baiyu, Yin Zizhang and the other four sat cross-legged on the ground. There was no one besides them. The people of Yinhang and Dianxin did not know where they went, but Zhu Zhu did not care where they went.
四个 The expressions of the four people here seem to be experiencing some horrible and painful things, of which Yin Zizhang is the most.
The whole portrait was taken out of the water. His whole body was soaked with cold sweat, his face was red and white, his brows were locked, and sometimes he gritted his teeth. The most terrible thing was that Zhu Zhu saw him crying.
角 Tears of tears were seeping from the corners of his eyes, Zhu Zhu could see clearly, it was really tears. In normal times, even if he pinches off the bone meridians of his body, he will not shed tears.
Zhu Zhu grabbed the fox's placket with one hand and completely forgot that he is an eighth-order monster that is infinitely stronger than she is now. She loudly said, "What have you done to him? Stop!"
The demon fox smiled charmingly: "Do you want to know what he is going through? It has something to do with his secrets!"
Zhu Zhu was so anxious that her voice changed: "I don't want to hear any more secrets. As long as he is safe and sound, you promised that I would not harm them."
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