Chapter 22: Master's Special Hobby


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1341 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:31:46

Zhu Zhu couldn't laugh or cry, watching Bao Fahu's trembling attitude as if he was close to the enemy, as if he was eating poisonous blood instead of a common dish. He has been poisoned by Pei Gu for many years, can he be so wary of what Pei Gu brings?
"咦?" The more Baofahu chewed his eyes, the brighter his eyes became. A piece of silver rat chewed through and swallowed, then picked up another piece and put it in his mouth, this time a little faster than before. Such a chopstick followed by a chopstick, less than a joss stick time, the whole pot of Wusu fruit stewed silver rat was eaten cleanly by him, but he just licked the sauce regardless of rituals as before.
"Cheer up! Haha! Cheer up! This Wusu fruit stewed silver mouse tastes really good!" Bao Fahu licked his mouth, sighed with satisfaction, how many years! His taste was almost crippled by Pei Gu, and he finally ate such deliciousness on earth!
Pei Gu chin to the sky, can't say in one lifetime: "I said that my Baiwei article is a peerless book, you believe it or not, can you take it today ?!"
Bao Fahu stretched his waist and hummed, "Serve half, you guys can't make it so delicious even if you cast another ten times. This dish is made by that little girl." Tricked and said, "Little girl, come over."
Pei Gu refused to accept: "That's how I write well! How about, this Wusu fruit stewed silver rat eats, do you ... feel better?"
"Old things are wrong, how could it be so effective, but it just made me feel more comfortable with this smell." Bao Fahu smiled, stretched out his hand and touched it, and found a piece of golden yellow the size of a palm. The shield was handed to Zhu Zhudao: "Little girl, this Vajra shield is a gift of gratitude. You have n’t even reached the first level of the refining period. You ca n’t use any other magic weapon. This vajra shield has some spiritual power inside As long as you bring it on, you will be protected by spells or mana attacks on it, and the enemies during idle tempers do not have to worry about it. However, they have only limited spiritual power and can only be used three times. "
It's great to be able to have three times. She is not Yin Zizhang who loves to find someone to fight every day!
Zhu Zhuzhu didn't expect to make a dish that could be changed to such a good thing, thanks in a hurry.
Bao Fahu looked at her for a while, and said strangely, "I remember that this door never accepts disciples who have no foundation over the age of ten ..." Although Zhu Zhu looks very young, how come he is thirteen or fourteen, with a little spirit on his body There are no power fluctuations, and it is clear that they have never cultivated. How did such people mix into the sage?
Pei Gu laughed: "She's Zhu Zhu. She is a disciple of Elder Ping Feng Zheng Quan, and she is your sister to me. The head and the elders have tested that she has no spiritual roots and is a natural waste. However, the sense of perception is extremely powerful. I read my Baiwei article yesterday, and today I can make this Wusu fruit stewed silver rat, which is simply a heavenly wizard! "
Will you be able to cook well? Bao Fahu didn't take it for granted, but he also guessed that Pei Gu purposely brought her here. One was to wash the snow before the shame, to prove that he was justified in Baiwei, and the other was to help him make friends with Elder Zheng Quan of Pongfeng Maybe one day he can make the elixir for his old injuries.
Even Pei Gu has studied the cooking methods of Ling Cao Ling Beasts in recent years, but he did not intend to use this to recuperate his body and heal his old problems.
Bao Fahu was really touched by Pei Gu, but he didn't hold much hope. He was arrogant and even reluctant to ask other people for help, especially disdain to associate with Zhu Zhu to please her master Zheng Quan, so he realized that Pei Gu's intentions were rather cold to Zhu Zhu.
Pei Gu has known him for many years. When he saw him like this, he sighed in his heart. In the face of Zhu Zhu, he was not good at persuading, and the atmosphere suddenly cooled down.
Zhu Zhu recalled the scene I just saw. This Bao Fahu seemed to have an opinion on Su Jing. The enemy's enemy was a friend. It would be nice to find a way to draw him as his patron. This month he was regarded as his own. Yuan Shigu is managed by a total of six disciples in the foundation period. Jin Wanliang is one of them, and Bao Fahu and Pei Gu are in front of them. They have a good relationship with them. At least half of the big bosses are standing by themselves. Side, there are still people who want to deal with her very difficult.
On the peak of Ying Ping, there was a master Yin Zizhang sitting in the town. Even if Zheng Quan did n’t look at himself, he would n’t let other people peak to bully her. This is a facial problem. Zheng Quan can afford this face, especially Qian Qiandu. Can't afford to lose this face.
Zhu Zhuzhu's eyes rolled around, and she said timidly, "Brother Bao, can you do me a favor?"
It's a good way to deal with such a arrogant and strong guy and show your asylum directly.
Bao Fahu was deceived, curious, "What?"
"The day before yesterday, when I first joined the Sage, I accidentally offended Su Ling, the great-granddaughter of Su Jingsu. Her family is so fierce, I'm afraid ..." Zhu Zhu deliberately vomited.
Bao Fahu looks rude, but he has a very careful mind. When he hears this, he understands. He sneered: "You see that I don't deal with Elder Su and want me to take the lead for you?"
"No, Elder Su is a senior. How could I have the ability to fight him? But I thought, if the two brothers heard any news, they would take care of it in advance, and Brother Yin and I would try to deal with it." Zhu Zhu made a very demanding request. Low, she actually aroused the pride of Bao Fahu and Pei Gu. They patted their chests and said that in Yuanshigu, she and Yin Zizhang were safe.
Zhu Zhuping added these two patrons, for the time being, let go of the big rock, and instead remembered Liao Yongqi's unclear words about Zheng Quan, and took the opportunity to ask them about Zheng Quan's temperament.
Bao Fahu and Pei Gu looked at each other with strange looks.
"Old man Zheng Chang is nothing, but a little ... hmm ... hobby." Bao Fahu's face seemed a little reddish, and he looked away from Zhu Zhu.
"What hobbies?" Zhu Zhu broke the casserole and asked.
"You, a girl, do n’t ask any more. Speaking of Su Jing, the old man did n’t know what he was thinking about. He heard that he wanted to send his great-granddaughter to worship Elder Zheng as a teacher. His grand daughter was born Peugeot. Now He is still young, and in a few years ... he will not be afraid ... "Pei Gu was very ambiguous in his speech.
Bao Fahu snorted: "Maybe this is the idea! Let go of a great-granddaughter and make a master of alchemy like Elder Zheng, and you wo n’t lose anything. Besides, his great-granddaughter is said to have a good reputation in alchemy Talent. Elder Zheng has been going down the hill to solve these years. He never heard of what he had done with his female disciples. He wanted to come to his own right. "
Zhu Zhuzhu is depressed, can you explain that white dots can't work?
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