Chapter 224: Victory club


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1360 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:34:18

In Zhu Zhu's anxious waiting, he finally waited for the news of Yin Zizhang.
On the second day after she learned about the Dragon Star Compass, someone ran to the courtyard of Zuo Huaping to inform that the three masters of Wu Guolin had arrived. Bai Liu hurried back to the room to get dressed up, ready to go to the guest house where Lin Sanshao lived.
The reason is that she had already prepared. The new wife representing the ancestor of Tai welcomed the arrival of Lin Sanshao. She was afraid that the generals would not be entertained.
Compared to Fan Jianzong, Lin Wuguo's status is undoubtedly higher, so even if Lin Sanshao is just a monk in the gas-refining period, he deserves this special treatment.
Bai Liu stopped to dress, and instructed the other little girls to prepare delicate meals, refreshments, and spirit fruit wine, etc., and they were ready to leave. As I passed the garden, I saw Zhu Zhu, whose gray-headed face squatting on the ground and fertilizing a three-color camellia loose soil, suddenly thought about it, turned his head and glanced at the two young girls who were behind Qingxiu Suona. .
She is the protagonist. Take these two little fox charms. In case the three masters of the forest refused to accept them together, wouldn't she be too big? Must be replaced.
Bai Liu immediately called for the housekeeper, and instructed him to find another rough-looking maid who looks
simple and simple
, plus Zhu Zhu, go to the back to freshen up, and change into a new dress instead of the original two little maids. she goes.
Zhu Zhuzheng was so anxious that he couldn't find a chance to meet Yin Zizhang. They did not expect that Bai Liu would come in such a hand, and she was so happy that she almost laughed out loud.
She suppressed it hard and did not show her joy, but she trembled involuntarily. Bai Liu thought she was nervous and terrified. She yelled, "I haven't seen the earthen buns in the world. I'll see the VIPs later. Be careful, Dare to be ugly, come back and see that I will not expose your skin! "
Zhu Zhu nodded his head sincerely and sincerely, picked up the food container and followed Bai Liu, and left for the guest house.
The Taijia Manor covers a large area. Most of the members of the Thai family live on the west side, and the east side is a common place for banquet and practice. The north side is home to the disciples and subordinates of the Tai family, while the south side is the Keqing and entertaining guests. The guest house used. In the middle is a huge garden.
Yan Bailiu took Zhu Zhu and another rough-haired girl named Cuihua across the garden and walked for two and a half minutes before arriving outside the guest house where Lin Sanshao lived.
I happened to see two pretty little girls with pale faces running out of them. One of them, Zhu Zhu, saw it yesterday. It was the big girl next to the wife of the Tai family, as if she was named Chanhua.
Wu Chanhua didn't expect to hit Bai Liu, and immediately realized that she was dysfunctional. She changed her face and smiled, "It turned out to be Bai Liu's sister."
Yu Bailiu greeted politely, "Sister Chanhua, are you here to entertain the distinguished guests for Mrs. Tai? Why are you leaving now?"
The little girl next to Tong Canhua was frightened and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Chan Hua's eyes.
"Mrs. has something urgent to call us back to serve, Sister Bai Liu, is out of company, and will go to you in a few days." Chan Hua smiled and pulled her companion and turned away.
When the two went away, Bai Liu put a smirk on his face and sneered coldly, "Is this ugly and weird and want to get into Lin Sanshao's eyes? It's really beyond our control! Let's go, the two of you will hold things well Now, give me a bit of flexibility! "
华 Chanhua who walked away turned around and took a sip in the direction of Bai Liu: "Fox fox, wait to see Lin Sanshao, you are so happy!"
My sister-in-law who came with her patted her chest and said, "Everyone said that Lin Sanshao was romantic, how and how terrible? I was scared to death, he would kill me if I walked half a step!"
Chan Hua frowned, and said, "Mrs. Hui will send someone to find out clearly, so fierce ... it's like two people talking to the rumors!" A beauty like her was sent to the door and was swept out. She just wanted to see See what happens to that white willow!
There, Bai Liu twisted her waist and hips, entered the gate of the hospital with the most enchanting and charming gesture, and in the distance saw a young man with an indifferent expression, such as snow, but handsome, talking to another man.
美 This beautiful man is dressed in a luxurious brocade, standing in the courtyard and teaching the spring scene of the garden to be overwhelming, so it is not necessary to say that the outstanding appearance is the third in the Lin family!
Even if this kind of talents are not for anything else, Bai Liu is willing to post it.
Her smile became more charming and charming, and she took a few steps to bow and salute, "Slave has seen Master Lin San." After a word, Yu Yinhuan, just listening to this voice is enough to make people ecstatic.
According to legend, Master Lin San, who is lustful, doesn't have a half-smile, and looks coldly at her without saying a word.
"Slave is the maid next to Mrs. Tai's new wife. Our lady was afraid that her servant would be stupid, she neglected the noble guest, and specially made slaves come to serve ..." As soon as the voice fell, I heard a loud bang, and one The teacup clip flew towards her face with the sound of wind.
Fortunately, Bai Liuyou Xiuwei was in the body, and the reaction was not slow. He hid away from one side, but was not too frightened. He looked up at the beautiful man with an upright frown in front of him, not knowing what he had done wrong.
"Get off, this kind of woman, get out, Master Ben who didn't get off will kill you now!" Master Lin San ate a cannonball and stared at Bai Liu fiercely.
The man beside him reluctantly pulled him to persuade him to anger, and another ordinary female monk beside them stepped forward apologetically and took the three of them to the side. He lowered his voice and said, "My master's body ... Discomfort, grumpy, offended. "
Bai Liu remembered the appearance of Canhua just now. Suddenly, it turned out to be more than just himself! Damn Chanhua, the cheap hoof was clearly waiting to see her joke.
"What happened to Master Three?" Bai Liu did not understand.
The monk didn't answer, and looked at Zhu Zhu and Cuihua behind her with an ambiguous expression, saying: "The young man kicked out the girls in the yard. There is really no one here to serve. Since it is the kindness of the new lady, the two of them Stay. They look good too ... "
Yan Bailiu suddenly looked back at Zhuzhu and Cuihua like marmots behind him, and couldn't believe his ears.
These two aunts are better than her? Is there any truth to this? Lin Sansan and his followers were blinded?
Yu Bailiu felt unbelievable until she was "please" discharged from the hospital.
Master Lin Lin ’s unusual behavior quickly spread throughout the entire hospital. Even before noon, even Wuchi knew. Everyone inquired, and finally learned through the euphemism of Master Lin San's entourage that Master Lin San, who was famous for his and greedy flowers, had been "discarded by martial arts" by his father before going out. Now I see a woman with tail I dare not touch it.
This incident immediately became a hot gossip joke, but because of the reputation of Wu Guolin's family, everyone dare not make fun of it in public, only whispering ambiguously when they met.
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