Chapter 381: leave


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1382 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:36:31

When Yin Zizhang was protecting Zhu Zhuzhi that day, she knew she was fierce and fierce. When she was holding Zhu Zhu, she happened to touch the copper bracelet on her hand.
As his consciousness gradually blurred, he felt that there was a faint fascination there, and he was quickly pulling and engulfing his mana, and even the soul was shaken by it.
Langzhong remembered the wooden spirit that once sealed Zhu Zhu in the copper bracelet, and remembered the burning of Biqin, so he could not resist or even actively cooperated to put himself into the copper bracelet.
His body was severely corroded by the dissolving acid solution, and his mana was also damaged. Fortunately, there seemed to be some nourishing effects in this copper bracelet. He stayed here for a few days and felt relatively better.
The bronze bracelet was very magical. He could hear the movement outside here. He heard that Zhu Zhu was going to venture into the belly of Baihai Rhino in Binghai and naturally wanted to stop it. But he tried his best, but made a little faint sound, but fortunately Zhu Zhu finally found that he was in the bracelet.
Zhu Zhu Huanxi was happy for a while, and suddenly thought of the jade Jane that Liner had engraved "Soul Condensing," and quickly took it in to Yin Zizhang and said, "Look at this, there are many ways to repair the soul. You have the essence and blood left on the jade pupa, even if your body has been destroyed by the dissolving acid, I can find a way to reshape one! "
He paused and said, "Unfortunately, the reincarnation is too fierce and can only be used by the monk Yuan Ying ..."
Yin Zizhang understood what she meant, opened Yujian, scanned it, and thought for a while: "Like the situation like me, the spirit and cultivation are in one place. As long as you find a suitable method, you can still continue to cultivate. I will give you a fine The blood was just washed up by silent thunder, and the Washing Yijing has been regarded as the physique of the Yuanying period monk, and the reincarnation Dan should be able to use it. However, the demon fox waited for thousands of years to wait for the reincarnation psychic grass to mature. We also need to Wait that long? Think of another way. "
Zhu Zhu hesitated for a moment and said, "If the amount of the reincarnation psychic grass in the demon fox is at a rate of 10%, it would be possible to make two large reincarnations. Unfortunately, several elders were injured. It is estimated that it will take a few years before Bracelet. "
For the refining of Jiupin Alchemy, it is necessary to achieve a successful rate of 10%. I am afraid that even the saint who is superior to Alchemy would not dare to boast about this Haikou. Yin Zizhang shook his head with a grinning smile: "I wo n’t talk about this anymore. . "
Zhu Zhu Zhu "Well," he reluctantly planned to withdraw from the copper bracelet, no longer disturbing Yin Zizhang for healing.
But after she went out, she ran back again, and the little pig followed, and she flew on Yin Zizhang very much.
Yin Zizhang was holding the piglet in surprise. This is Zhu Zhu's fire spirit, and it is the fire spirit that absorbed three kinds of sky fire. Why is it close to itself without feeling a little uncomfortable?
He suddenly thought that from the first day of the piglet's appearance, it seemed that it was just like an ordinary piglet without a half of coercion except when it was breathing fire. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is an ordinary domestic animal that does not even have a grade.
Zhu Zhu smiled and said, "Piglet can accompany you. It is a transformed fire spirit. It has also been sealed by the elders. It will not leak the slightest pressure. Unfortunately, it cannot speak, and it cannot become mine like Mu Ling. Look. "
The wood spirit of the master of alchemy can change a lot, but the fire spirit can only change its face when it is upgraded. For example, the fire spirit of the sky is a black snake at the beginning, and then promoted to a black dragon. Now it is a black dragon.
And because the fire spirit contains the true fire of the original owner and the fire source absorbed from the outside, when splitting the fire spirit, most of the alchemists will seal the fire spirit to prevent it from "fire"!
Zhu Zhu's situation was more special. On the same day, the Dan elder who sealed her mana sealed her wooden spirit into a copper bracelet. Because she had not split the fire spirit, she repaired all of her into a strong seal in her body, causing Zhu Zhu to split. After the fire spirit, a seal was added to the fire spirit, so the piglet could not be found abnormal.
I also because of this seal, although the piglet absorbed three kinds of sky fire, it still maintains its original appearance and has not changed.
Yun Yinzhang touched the little pig that was arguing for attention in his arms, and he was funny and angry: "Forget it, it looks like you ... I don't want to talk to a pig."
Zhu Zhubian flattened his mouth and finally reluctantly went out.
She told Shai Huaidan, Long Shelan and Lianer about Yin Zizhang's affairs, and the original danger plan was cancelled naturally.
Lian'er showed nothing, but Long Shelan seemed to be willing to compensate for their losses, and gave Zhu Zhu and Sha Huaidan each a storage ring, and said, "The Mahayana monk who saved me that year and Yu Jie The things left by the King of God are in the ring, and there are some gadgets that I have accidentally acquired over the years. Bingxin sea lotus, spiritual fluid and keel are all inside. I ca n’t use these things. Since you and I have fate, I will give it to you. "
Zhu Zhu heard the faint sound in his tone and looked at him strangely. She still had some resentment towards Long Shelan and Lian'er, especially Lian'er.
As for Long Shelan, getting along these days, she thought he was pathetic.
He was obviously interested in Lian'er, but unfortunately Lian'er was like an ice man, he didn't understand anything, he didn't care about everything, he didn't care about everything, he was more immortal than the fairy.
Long Shelan glanced at Lotus, who was meditating quietly in the distance, and said softly, "I am just a ray of consciousness. It is not easy to be able to persist for so many years. A few days ago, I struggled with the Bai Ling rhino of the ice sea. It will soon dissipate between heaven and earth. "
Zhu Zhu and Sha Huaidan looked at him unbelievably. They almost wanted to forget that the "human" in front of them was just a ray of God attached to the keel, and they suddenly heard that he was going to disappear. He is sad.
"You have so many powerful tools, you should be able to persist for a longer time ..." Zhu Zhu ate.
"Nothing, after Lianer's transformation, there will be nothing to hurt her. I have wished, and there is no need to continue." Long Shelan's tone was flat, but the meaning of the words made Zhu Zhu burst for a while. Nasal acid.
He is a nerveless guy like Shao Huaidan, and is also angry for Long Shelan.
Xiaolong Shelan said nothing and waved them away.
Zhu Zhuzhu sat on the back of the silver shark and looked back in the direction of Lian'er, and said quietly, "I hope you never understand what you have missed."
Never understand, there will be no heartbreak, a day of regret.
When they came, the three of them were together. Now she was back with Shark Huaidan. Zhu Zhu touched the copper bracelet on her hand. She felt guilty and sad, but also a touch of sourness.
Although Yin Zizhang was still with her, she could no longer hide behind him, and could no longer feel his warm embrace. Starting today, she must be strong. She will reshape Yin Zizhang's body, be sad and cry, and wait for her to cry after her success.
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