Chapter 399: Hateful thoughts


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1399 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:38:06

A line of fire burst out like a sharp arrow.
The demon fox resisted the blow of the nine-day magic fire just now, and the whole body's mana was violent. Even if the magic is no longer strong, he can't completely cover his breath, and immediately found his place.
It was just that fierce flame shot out, but it only smashed the mountain half. The sneer laughter of the fox came from the air: "Old waste, even if you have nine days of magical fire? You can't break my magic!"
The demon fox speaks lightly in the mouth, but in fact it is not easy at all, his breath has been locked in wanton, and he will be found by the opponent as long as he uses mana beyond a certain level.
The illusionary demon fox is inherently good at illusion and charm, but it is far weaker than ordinary demon cults in attacking fighting methods, and even the strength of the body is only similar to that of ordinary human monks.
He has nine days of illusion fire in hand, and his illusion advantage is also minimized.
In order to protect his Dongfu from being discovered, he missed the best time to escape. Right now he can't win or go.
He was irritated with his anger and rushed to the crown, and once raised his hand, he threw out the heavenly land net formed by the nine-day magical fire. Within this heavenly land net, he was confident that any magic of the demon fox could not be performed.
The expression of the demon fox slowly became extremely cold, and he was trapped with Aqin that day. In the end, Aqin did not hesitate to end up with the enemy in order to keep him. He waited for more than 3,000 years, and finally waited for the opportunity for A Qin's resurrection. He would rather fight for his life than let anyone destroy A Qin's hope of rebirth.
He opened his mouth without hesitation, and a black monster with a faint golden light in the dark spit out of his mouth ...
Xi Tian faintly watched Xi eagerly and furiously launching a large-scale fantasy fire battle to fight against the demon fox, and his heart's disdain grew stronger.
There seemed to be a voice in my mind ...
A Mahayana monk at the Tangtang School was so passive against a monster with a rank of eighth order. Such a useless person doesn't deserve Skyfire! Kill him now and take the sky fire from him.
Why is such an old waste pressed on my head to paint a hand and make a blessing, except for the blood on my body and the surname of 焱, what has he given me?
Everything I worked for, including the impressive name of the Dan Kingdom's Royal Family. If I were n’t, the Royal Clan is still constrained by the Dan people.
In contrast, what did this old waste do besides wasting the offerings among the clan?
I am only one step away from the Mahayana period. As long as the nine-day magic fire of the old waste is absorbed, it will definitely be successfully entered into the Mahayana period. It will not matter if the Danish state does not have this old monster.
Luo Danhuang will also be mine! When I use her to reconcile the yin and yang with all nine kinds of sky fire, who else is my opponent in this sky and underground?
Kill this old waste! Do it now!
Deep in the bottom of Yun Tian's heart seemed to feel that something was wrong, but it was necessary to take action against the original plan of his trip, but now there are more accidents of the magical demon fox, what is a little eighth-order monster? Terrible, unscrupulous can not deal with it, he can raise his hand and kill it ten or eight times.
Intently searching for the traces of the magical fox in the Qiankun Fantasy Fire array under his cloth, he suddenly felt a bit chilling behind him, and he was vigilant to sweep behind him with his godly knowledge, and only his own grandson and grandson in the back.
He was slightly relieved. The grandson's ability was so great that he was behind him, forgiving that the magical fox could not play any tricks.
I was just the kind of killing intention of Mori Han, but if there was no sound coming from behind, I thought of the words of my son Jiandi Di ...
越大 The bigger the grandson is, the bigger his heart is, and he absorbs three kinds of skyfires. Except that he is not close to the same level, his strength is not inferior to their two elders.
In the past, he always asked Yang what he wanted to do. Why is he so obedient this time?
He knows that this magic demon fox is not easy to deal with, why not help?
He wanted to find the reincarnation psychic grass, and only a few relatives knew why this demon fox knew he could be used as a bait to lead him here?
Is it possible that this demon fox is colluding with the inverse of Xi Tian?
Once the seeds of suspicion were planted, they quickly took root and germinated, and savagely remembered why he had asked Dan Tian why he had simply killed Dan Huang to prevent future troubles. He vaguely said that he wanted to leave Dan Huang as a stove.
Later, he seemed to have heard people talk in secret, saying that the prince sent a grand wish to fuse the nine kinds of sky fire with his own body ...
Couldn't he wait for me to ascend and want to kill me in advance to capture the nine-day magic fire? Frightened and frightened, carefully and distractedly watched Fang Tian's movements.
Suddenly, the movement of the demon fox was noticed in the battlefield of Qiankun's magical fire. He turned around hurriedly and looked at him, but glanced at Tian Tianzheng with cold and murderous eyes.
The panic was a trivial matter, and I was waiting to see clearly. Suddenly I heard the voice of the demon fox and said, "Do it!"
Do it? Who is this demon fox?
He almost looked towards Lei Tian without any thought, but he saw the black dragon on Lei Tian's wrist jumping up and exhaling a terrible dark red flame towards him.
"Don't you dare?" 焱 Angrily exasperated, a huge shield appeared in front of him, and the shield was burning with the strange and strange nine-day magical fire, in order to resist the annihilation of the heavenly fire.
However, the expected fierce collision did not occur. Suddenly, the cold hair on the back of the neck was upright, and he immediately ducked his head to dodge, avoiding the assault of the demon fox.
Is n’t that just an illusion?
He was a little confused, and he didn't want to believe in his illustrious array of magical fires. The demon fox was still able to use illusions. He distracted himself over the sky, and found that he looked at him with a look, apparently he did not understand Why did he suddenly show himself a defensive magic weapon.
Is it really an illusion? He did not know if he should be surprised or relieved, but he was more willing to believe that this was an illusion created by the demon fox. No matter how much he is his grandson, how could it be possible to kill him for a kind of sky fire? Aren't you afraid that Jiandi is turning his face with him?
The royal family of Luo Danguo maintains a balance of power with Wu Guo because of their two Mahayana monks and their princes. How can their grandchildren easily self-destruct even if they are dissatisfied with him?
The uncontrollable thoughts fluctuated, and he quickly convinced himself to turn around and turn around to deal with the demon fox.
He calmed down and suddenly thought that the demon fox would never be able to use illusion in the envelop of nine days of magical fire. It must be using some secret methods to enhance his strength in a short time.
All such secret methods are extremely harmful to themselves and cannot last.
I want to be secretly glad that I was not fascinated by the fox's illusion, and did something irreparable.
He didn't expect that the monster fox's spell could interfere with him, how could he let it go?
The most powerful of the magical foxes in addition to illusions and charms is the magical charm.
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