Chapter 446: Rush rush


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1335 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:41:58

The Dan Temple is a sacred place for the Dan people. It is similar to the meaning of the royal palace to the Royal family. The whole building is surrounded by various organs and various legal arrays. Dan Teng is really hot this time, so it will open the Dan temple suddenly. The strongest means of targeting insiders from outside.
"Chaotic Prison Cage" combines various powerful means such as organs, restraints, magic weapons, runes, poisons, and magic circles. Once opened, all foreign monks within the Dan Temple will be attacked wildly until they are completely subdued or killed.
In the early years, when the Tai clan dealt with the Dan clan, they did not dare to attack the Dan temple. Instead, they let Dan Teng secretly control this extremely chaotic prison cage so that they could drive straight in. Otherwise, the clan did not know how many monks were to be damaged. To win here.
Dan Ni, Zheng Quan, and Zhu Zhu were once the top core disciples of the Dan clan. Although Dan Ni was not suitable for practicing alchemy because of her spiritual roots, she was extremely talented in refiners and institutions. The understanding is especially deep.
The escape route that she designed for each person in advance is the position of the magic weapon in the chaotic cage, and she has already informed everyone of the obstacles that may be encountered on the road and how to crack them.
禅 Di Chanshang, Ji Yougu, Shi Yinglu, and Yin Zizhang and Zhu Zhu, who were creating chaos in different places, were drinking chaotic cages when they heard Dan Teng, and immediately retreated according to the original plan.
The ground in front of the square suddenly cracked, and a giant giant standing ten feet tall appeared suddenly, swiping in the direction of Zhu Zhu and Yin Zizhang.
Yin Zizhang carried Zhu Zhu back and flashed the opponent's attack a little under his feet. This is a superb Vajrayana, which does not have any spells, but has tremendous power. The attack intensity is not less than that of the Mahayana monk. The most terrible thing is its body. It is made of special metal and has a protective array engraved on it. It is not painful or itchy for the attack of the monks in the early infancy.
The speed of that palm was extremely amazing. If Yin Zizhang had known that there was an ambush here, I'm afraid I couldn't hide this palm, but just being swept by the palm wind, it also made him and Zhu Zhu feel that the skin was scraped by a knife. Pain.
If they were hit by him, they would certainly not be able to seriously hurt their bones and bones on the spot.
Zhu Zhu Zhu raised his hand and smashed a glass bottle towards the abdomen of King Kong. Dani said that the key core to control this puppet was in this position.
King Kong won't evade all attacks, and raises his feet and slams in the direction of Yin Zizhang. At the same time, the glass bottle breaks into pieces, and the medicine liquid spills on his belly.
These liquids are configured by Danni, which specifically dissolves the special metal on Vajrayana's body. Vajrayana is still painless and itchy, but the protective pattern on the abdomen blinks and loses its effectiveness.
Yin Zizhang was still calm and calm in the face of the attack of King Kong's amazing speed. While dodging at a tricky angle, he flicked hundreds of fingers in the air elegantly and quickly like a strumming string, and thousands of ice arrows appeared to him. Not far behind.
冰 These ice arrows are combined two by one, and continue to combine, finally condensing into a giant arrow with a full length, the tip of the arrow is shining silver, revealing the majestic murderous power.
Yun Zizi, carrying Zhu Zhu, once again flashed King Kong's double fists, and flew back to the end of the arrow to make a standard bow and arrow pose. The giant arrow shot into King Kong's abdomen with lightning.
Bing Bingjian's speed can't be considered the top, but Jingang Rong is not savvy. He only knows how to attack but does not know how to evade. He even ignored the ice arrow and instead rushed to boxing at Yin Zizhang.
Yin Zizhang fired an ice arrow, and his action could not help slowing down. Zhu Zhu was ready to fight hard against King Kong's attack.
Seeing that Jin Gangyu ’s giant fist was about to hit them ... Yin Zizhang was able to avoid it for five consecutive strikes and has reached the limit, and now even if he wants to retreat, it is too late.
Squeak! Huh! Bang! Bingjian forcibly torn the thick metal of King Kong's abdomen, exploded inside it and exploded its core into pieces, and King Kong who had lost command crashed in front of them.
The dust was flying on the square of Acting, and the mighty King Kong just now could no longer climb.
Yin Zizhang stuffed a few pills in his mouth as if nothing had happened. He didn't look at the giant on the ground, as if the fierce battle just happened had never happened, and he continued on the original route.
Zhu Zhu couldn't help but tighten his neck, proud and proud of her, her A Zhang was amazing!
Almost at the same time, Di Chanshang and others also surpassed the first level of their respective roads.
Tan Tenglin Lintan Temple looked at the enemy's situation, Dan Teng's complexion changed, and the disciple next to him could not help but say, "These little thieves are not easy to come by. Would you tell other Daojun in the city to come to help?"
Dan Teng lowered his face and hesitated. He was an outsider who had taken refuge in the Royal Clan from the Dan clan. He was entrusted with the heavy duty. The authority he enjoyed in Ling Dancheng was a little stronger than the many masters of the Clan himself. Many people in the family criticize this.
He is very strong and arrogant. At this time, he would like to send a message to the people of 焱 to help guard his territory. He could not pull that face.
In this hesitation, Yin Zizhang and they went further.
Wu Cong was anxious: "They suddenly attacked the Dan Temple with unknown origin. I am afraid it is related to Miss Dan Phoenix in the underground palace. Master, the royal treasure house has encountered an accident. The Dan Temple must not be lost!"
He deliberately filed a robbery against the Royal Treasury a few months ago. Once the Royal Family had lost this face, the second was to remind Dan Teng that the Royal Treasury was in trouble. You did n’t even ask for help. People laugh at you, in case these people run away, the responsibility is even greater.
Bian Danteng was mentioned by him, and finally he made up his mind and waved his hand to release a signal rune.
Fu Fuyu burst in mid-air, and the intense red light and loud noise instantly shocked the entire Lingdan City. Numerous powerful monks of the Chao Family moved to the Dan Temple in all directions.
Xi Yinzizhang and others were equally shocked, but this result they had long expected. As long as it was not Tiantian and Jijiandi, they were not afraid to face anyone in Ling Dancheng.
They are no longer newcomers to Huangmao. Each of them is a monk with excellent fighting ability. They have already reached the top position of Jinqian monks. That's it, let's go ahead and do it.
The monks who came to the support saw that the Temple of Dan had activated the cage of chaos. They knew that it was powerful, so they stopped and stood outside.
Bian Danteng saw the "little thieves" as if they were breaking the bamboo, and in a blink of an eye they rushed out of the center of the Dan Temple. He couldn't help feeling that he gritted his teeth, ignored his identity, and flew towards Yin Zizhang in the air.

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