Chapter 492: Phoenix reincarnation


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1288 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:42:46

On the island of Yinyang, Tian Zhen Daojun was shocked because of his sudden coma.
Luo Danni is currently the only monk in the island except her, and as a concubine of the Supreme Elder Zheng Quan, all members of the Intelligent Sage can only take her lead.
Zheng Zhengquan is also the master of Ji Yougu and Shi Yinglu. Danny is also a master of the Qipin Refiner, so Tianzhen Daojun always attaches great importance to the same-gender infant girl nun.
However, none of the above is the biggest reason that Tian Zhen Daojun cares about Danni in particular. The most important thing is that Danni, a foreign monk who did not have psychic or even Mu Ling roots with Nianhuacai, was cultivated on Yinyang Island as not being affected Squeezed.
Not only Tianzhen Daojun was puzzled, but Danny himself didn't know the reason. Tian Zhen Daojun secretly communicated with the tree, and vaguely found that Danni had a special breath that was not in the human world, which could not be suppressed by the acacia tree, so he kept his heart on Danni.
Today, she was meditating under the acacia tree, and suddenly felt a wave of uneasiness from the tree of God. It seemed that a strong presence on the island suddenly appeared to be able to compete with the tree of God. Tian Zhen Dao Jun has no idea.
She is still waiting to sense what is happening through the tree, and someone will report that Dani is suddenly unconscious.
When Tan Tianzhen Daojun arrived, Danni had already moved a few sages and female disciples of Taixu Palace to the jade bed, and everyone was at a loss.
Tan Tianzhen Daojun checked carefully and found no abnormalities. After three full days, Dani regained consciousness.
She remembered what happened before the coma, and stroked her abdomen with one hand, and touched the jade sign on her neck with one hand, she was relieved slowly, and everything seemed to be back to normal.
Yun Tianzhen said: "The fetus in your belly should be unharmed. Rest assured."
Danny nodded, and smiled strongly: "I'm working ... I want to go back and see if the weather is feasible in the near future?" She was still uneasy about Zheng Quan. The jade sign uploaded before the coma was too terrible. She wanted to see with her own eyes. Confirmed that Zheng Quan was safe.
The area around the North Sea is very dangerous. Perennial storms cross the ocean currents, and there are countless powerful monsters in the sea that are impassable for more than nine months in a year. Recently, there is a season with fewer storms and monsters migrating. This time of year Many monks crossed the sea in search of Bingyu Xuanjing, so Dani made this decision.
Tianzhen Daojun groaned for a moment and said, "You are not fit to travel far now. About a month later, the people at the three major gates will also go to the North Sea. Then you can ask them about the news. If Master Zheng is really in an accident, you should rush It's useless to go. "
知道 She knows Danni's temperament, so she speaks very straightforward. After three days of coma, the fetus in Danni's abdomen, although unharmed, seemed to be much weaker than before.
Luo Danni thought for a while, but finally nodded.
Yun Tianzhen Dao Jun finally did not hold back, and asked, "Why did you suddenly fall into a coma?" She always felt that the change of the Shenshu was directly related to Danni's coma.
"I suddenly felt that the Lingyu card that Zheng Quan had left me was a bit inappropriate, and then I felt that she suddenly had a fever, as if to rush out of my body, and then I fell into a coma. I thought she was too worried about her father. Danny stroked his belly and smiled bitterly.
"That's it? Have you seen or dreamed of something strange?" Tian Zhen Daojun asked, and she suddenly remembered a legend, it is likely that all the strange circumstances were related to the fetus in Danni's belly.
Yun Danni looked at her strangely, hesitating for a moment and said, "I seem to see ... there is a phoenix in the stomach, and it rushes out ..."
She didn't know whether she had hallucinations in dreaming or eagerness.
Xi Tianzhen Dao Jun breathed a long breath and said, "Your daughter, the origin may not be simple."
What's this, Danny is a little embarrassed. Didn't her daughter make it with Zheng Quan? What is not simple?
"The ancestors of the founding teacher of the Taixu Palace also conceived in Yuanyuan as you did. She was not recognized by the acacia tree, but she was strangely no longer suppressed after she conceived. Later, she dreamed of having Qinglong possessed a body, and later gave birth to a baby boy. He was very intelligent and able to speak at the beginning of his birth. The palace has always been said that he was the reincarnation of the Dragon Clan in Fairyland, and only Shangxian was able to suppress the acacia tree.
The legend is too long, she doesn't know whether it is true or not, but this legend can explain the strange phenomenon that happened on Danni.
Luo Danni was mentioned by her, and she also remembered that Di Chanshang had mentioned the reincarnation of the Phoenix Protoss. How long was it? Her daughter might be the reincarnation of the Phoenix Protoss? !!
Thinking about this possibility, when Di Chanshang unlocked the seal of the Phoenix marrow, she and Zheng Quan co-operated nearby. There were a lot of pregnant women in Ling Dancheng, but if Phoenix had a spirit, she would definitely choose the most suitable conditions. A good mother, the female infancy of the Yuan Infant is rarely willing to lose more than half of her to conceive a child for Yuan Shou, and Phoenix's first choice will be her.
I was pregnant with a phoenix in my belly? Danny thought it was unbelievable, but now that she had been reincarnated, it was her daughter, whether she was a phoenix or a mortal, it was her flesh and blood.
Thinking this way, Danni regained her normality. She would like to share the news with Zheng Quan, but unfortunately she is not even sure of his safety ...
Yun Yinzhang, Dan Ran, and Bi Biqin carefully traced the traces of Zhu Zhu and Zheng Quan along the route of Dan's previous retreat. If they were all right, they would definitely come over to meet the Dan people.
Anxiously waited for two days to find two days, and finally saw Zhu Zhu intact.
As soon as they saw them, Zhu Zhu kept asking Zheng Quan's whereabouts, and learned that they had no news about Zheng Quan. The whole person fell to the ground as if he had been drained.
Yin Zizhang was very annoyed at her unauthorized actions, but when she saw her like this, she felt helpless and couldn't let out any anger, nor could she care about burning Biqin, and Dan Ran was beside her, hugging her and asking: "What's wrong? Are you separated from the second master? Don't worry, we can find him."
Zhu Zhufu finally couldn't help crying in his arms, sobbing and talking about it, and finally cried, "It's all useless to me, if it weren't for me, Master wouldn't be in trouble."
Burning Biqin and Dan Ran looked at each other silently. When Zheng Quan proposed to break away with Zhu Zhu and lead away from the sky, they knew that he had the heart to protect Zhu Zhu. Now he can only hope that Zheng Quan is lucky to escape, but think of him The gap between them and Yun Tian has to admit that Zheng Quan's hope of being safe is too slim.
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