Chapter 506: Gather again


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1312 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:42:51

Although many people are comforting Zhu Zhu, saying that Zheng Quan has probably escaped safely from his team, but really seeing him appear in front of him in peace, still makes Zhu Zhu burst into tears.
"Master, are you really all right? Great!" Zhu Zhu took three steps and ran to Zheng Quan in two steps.
Master Yun ’s spirit is so high that she is already in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty! But yes, Master ate her refined Blood Dan and it was normal for her to improve.
Zhu Zhu Zhu didn't know that if Zheng Quan had missed the best time to absorb the potency of elixir in order to open up Lu Tian, ​​his cultivation could be improved to the late Yuanying period.
However, the situation at that time, being able to save his life is already a matter of heaven, there is really nothing to care about.
Zheng Quan habitually wanted to reach out and touch Zhu Zhu's head. He is now only two or three steps away from Zhu Zhu, and he clearly feels that the girl in front of him has a completely different macro atmosphere than that of the past. This is by no means a pseudo-yuanying can possess, and it is even difficult for the Yuanyuan's later full consummation Reach.
He just stood in front of her like that, he felt involuntarily suffocated.
"Zhu Zhu, are you ... uh, it's a baby?" Zheng Quan asked for a long time hesitantly.
"Uh-huh! Master, what happened later that day? How did you run away?" Zhu Zhu nodded hard with tears. She thought she was so brave this time. Everyone should praise her. How can you watch her daze one by one? How about it?
However, she now cares more about how Master escaped from 焱 弑 天 the day of birth. Master is so amazing!
Zhu Zhu Zhu has been able to reshape Daoxin's long-cherished desire to successfully conceive a baby. Zheng Quan has been with them for a long time, and it is inevitable that their influence will make this a top priority. After listening to Zhu Zhu ’s answer, he could n’t close his lips, but thinking of the strange events that day, he could n’t even figure out how to explain to Zhu Zhu?
They said a few words, Dan Ran finally came to his senses, and asked carefully, "Huanger, what are you doing now?"
Although Zhu Zhuzhu deliberately converged, the feeling still surprised some people such as Dan Ran. There was a hint of extravagance in his heart, but when he thought of Zhu Zhu's age and experience, he felt too greedy.
Zhu Zhu glanced at the surrounding Master, the four elders, and the many Dans who were curious and waited and saw that it was not a bad thing to be promoted, and there was nothing to hide, so he said generously: "I have broken through He has entered the Mahayana period. "
"Oh, oh, Mahayana period! Good ... you, what are you talking about ?!" Dan Ranshun responded twice, violently responding to what Zhu Zhu said, his voice changed immediately, his face exulting and unbelieving. Zhu Zhu, I can't see all her internal organs clearly.
There was a dead silence in the gorge, eyes were staring at Zhu Zhu ... Mahayana, Mahayana? !! Their little maiden turned into a Mahayana monk? !!
Some people faintly calculate Zhu Zhu's age in their hearts, and over and over again, it seems that they are still under 30 years old.
Such a small Mahayana monk ... The ecstasy, unbelief, and shock caused all these dozens of people in the open space to stay idle and wonder how to react.
Bian Danran was almost fainted with joy, and the elders who were too senior really looked like a torch, and could see through to the future. She will definitely bring hope and glory to the Dan people in the future!
Zheng Quan watched Zhu Zhu for a while. He used to be jealous because of Zhu Zhu's talent before. Today, he can't get jealous. It's too far away! This little girl is just not human!
Yun Danran was so happy that he couldn't help laughing, the laughter echoed in the canyon, and the people in the open space finally sobered from shock and ecstasy one after another, and then laughed.
The other Dan people in Luan Canyon were taken aback by Dan Ran's wild laughter. What happened to the elders? Could it have been refined into Jiupin Pill? It's terrible to laugh like that!
Yan Biqin, who was accompanying the demon fox retreat, was shocked, and came out to see what happened.
Within a short time, the news of Zhu Zhu becoming a Mahayana monk spread throughout the canyon. Everyone rejoiced and felt that the Dan rejuvenation was in sight.
They have been trapped in Dan country for ten years. Many people have watched 焱 弑 天 become more and more powerful, and they already feel that unless 焱 弑 天 ascends to the immortal world or the demon world, otherwise he will live a day, and the Dan people will be hopelessly revitalized.
No one can think that their little maiden would catch up so quickly. Perhaps she is not as good as Ji Tian at the moment, but the gap between the two is close. Everyone believes that in just a few more years, their talented little virgins will take them to defeat Kuntian, recapture what they deserve, and take revenge for the dying tribe.
After the burning, Bi Qin, Dan Ran, Zheng Quan and others were relatively high, and soon they calmed down and took Zhu Zhu to the quiet room to speak.
They heard that Zhu Zhu had only been promoted a few days ago and wanted to retreat and stabilize as soon as possible, so they all made a long story short and explained briefly what happened during the year.
The people of the Three Sects are very enthusiastic and considerate to the people of the Dan ethnic group, and they have not asked them to join the alliance of the military nations. They are usually entertained by VIPs, and they will not be disturbed on any weekday. Life is very peaceful.
Shortly after Zhu Zhu and Yin Zizhang left Chongwu City a year ago, Dani's letter asking about Zheng Quan's situation arrived. At that time, Zheng Quan's whereabouts were unknown. Fan Biqin thought she was still pregnant with Zheng Quan's child and went to Yinyang Island Tell her the whole thing again.
Tan Danni wasn't originally a grief and anxiety. He knew that Zheng Quan was still alive and his health was poor. He finally decided to wait for news on the island.
Zheng Zhengquan was only two days earlier than Zhu Zhu. He had planned to go to Yinyang Island with the three major gates to gather with Danni. Zhu Zhu would be back a few days later, and maybe he would not see him.
Speaking of Zheng Quan ’s experience that day, Zheng Quan is still puzzled so far, especially after the red light appeared, he was teleported to a splendid spring valley in Suzaku Mountain in the north. The place where Lin Tian confronted him was thousands of miles away, and he almost had to suspect that everything before was just a big dream.
绝 That sacred valley is very weird. The best elixir in the valley is everywhere. After Zheng Quan's injury is healed, he walks out of the valley to see his position, and then turns back to find the valley no matter what.
Zhu Zhuzhu gave his blood a powerful elixir. It took him more than half a year to fully absorb the medicine, and he was also upgraded to the mid-Yingyuan period. This is a real blessing from misfortune.
As for the Dan Kingdom, since Tian Tian failed to chase Dan people back to Lingdan City that day, he has never made a public appearance, but Dan ’s dynamics are getting bigger and bigger ...
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