Chapter 65: Preparation of the big brother


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1361 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:32:23

"Fu 箓?" Zhu Zhu couldn't respond.
"Don't tell me, you don't even know what Fu Lu is!" Di Chanshang squinted at her.
I spent almost a year on Ying Pingfeng, and of course Zhu Zhu knew what Fu Yan was. To put it simply, the magic spell is used to seal the mana on the rune paper. According to the different contents of the seal, Fuyu has various functions. The biggest advantage is that it is convenient and fast, saves mana, and has great power.
For example, a monk in the Danji period seals one of his highly attacking spells in a rune. Normal monks in the refining period get this rune, and only need to pay a little aura to start it. Attacks the enemy with a spell equal to Monk Kagedan!
The production of Fuyu requires the same talents as alchemy. The higher the talent, the stronger the Fuyu Master can seal on Fuyu. The Fuyu and Fuyu Master are also divided into one to nine grades. Strong.
"Why did you give me this?" What Zhu Zhu didn't understand is that, from the beginning, Di Chanshang did not conceal her disdain for her. She was ejected from the door wall, did she just fulfill his wish?
"Huh! You are Ying Fengfeng, Lao Tzu's sister and sister! Even if you don't look good and waste, you won't get Su Jing and the two old immortals who don't know where they came from! It ’s all "Nine Turns and Lightning Curse". The power is that the ninth-level monk in the refining period also has to avoid a few points. This kind of Lao Tzu does not need to be urged by the spell. You drop a drop of blood on each piece. It will take effect if you throw it out. Hey! If you have a little aura in your body, it is not a problem to deal with the monks in the early period of building ... "
He said, Di Chanshang sighed again and disliked Zhu Zhu's cultivation.
Zhu Zhu glanced at him and found that his face was pale, obviously two dark circles were hanging on his face, a fairy child face was a bit dim, she had heard that making amulets was very mana, just said Di Chanshang It took him all night to get these pictures done, I'm afraid it wasn't a lie.
There is no magical aura on her body, and normal Fuyu can't use it anymore. It's not surprising that Dichan has to do it temporarily.
I thought of it this way, and most of my previous feelings of disgust went to him.
"Thank you ..." Zhu Zhuzhen was touched, no matter whether he was out of the honor of the teacher or some other reason, he did help her.
Pu Di Chan Shang instructed Zhu Zhu to bleed blood on each of Fu Fu, and then proudly set Erlang's legs to shake and stretched out his voice, "I have been busy all night, and I haven't had time to eat ..."
"Uh, I'm planning to make breakfast. If you don't want to leave, stay and eat together." Zhu Zhu sincerely invited.
Pu Di Chanshang shook immediately: "Then I just made it difficult. Try Shimei, your craft is good, just six or seven varieties are fine, don't be too rich."
I had to eat six or seven varieties of things early in the morning, and it was not very rich ... Zhu Zhu was speechless. But this may be the last meal she made at the Sage, and she had planned to do as much as possible.
Zhu Zhuzhu counted the time, three snacks, two meats and one dish, noodles and clear porridge, eight were prepared earlier, Yin Zizhang arrived on time.
He was obviously a bit surprised when he saw Di Chanshang, but he was not in the mood to be distressed with Di Chanshang now. He was sure that the Zhuzhu people were busy in the kitchen. He did not see Di Chanshang and sat on the other side of the table. Wait for dinner.
Pu Di Chan Shang hummed two satires and said, "Will you still be a brother and see that you are bullied? There is nothing you can do!"
Yin Zizhang slowly clenched his fists, and said nothing with a cold face.
Di Chan is still proud of himself, taking the opportunity to publicize his intentions, and finally boasted and said, "Just today, I will let you see your master and my Fu Yu, don't think that I can't beat you last time, huh! As long as Lao Tzu shows a few cards , I can waste you immediately. "
Facing such direct provocations, Yun Yinzhang surprisingly did not explode on the spot as before, and calmly said, "After the martial arts comparison, I will sincerely learn from my masters. I hope that under the prestige, we will not be too disappointed."
He is not all angry, at least for the moment, he hopes that Di Chanshang's Fu Lu is useful.
Zhu Zhu was afraid that they would start playing directly as they talked more and more stiffly, and hurriedly delivered the cooked congee and noodles, etc. Di Chanshang's mouth suddenly lost his speech function, and his eyes stretched out his hands to pour out a plate of snacks. Chew into your mouth.
Yun Yinzhang and Zhu Zhu saw such a terrible food for the first time. How did the mouth of a three-inch small man look so long? How can you stuff so much at once!
Glancing at Di Zenshang, while chewing hard, he had cast his eyes on the second dish. Yin Zizhang woke up and copied the dish in front of him.
In the end, the small dining table turned into two battlefields for food and food. Zhu Zhu took his own soup noodle and hid to the side, and went with them.
After the meal, the three of them went down the mountain together. Di Chan still felt his round belly and deeply felt that he had come right this time. There was no time spent last night. What the little Shimei made was so delicious that she was driven down by the three immortal. What a loss!
In the main square under Lu Hui Lu Feng, the participating disciples continued to arrive. There were more disciples who came to watch the war than yesterday. There were a lot of people on the center stage. Zheng Quan was sitting calmly in it, as if he were in the chest.
Ji Jingji was lucky enough to be short-listed yesterday. He can also participate in the semi-finals today. He saw Zhu Zhu from afar, blinked at her, his face was colored, and it seemed to have a profound meaning.
Zhu Zhuzhu didn't know if she was allergic to it. She always felt that most of the disciples participating in the semi-finals looked at her with strange eyes, and frowned at each other, as if something was brewing.
The chirped bell rang, and the same small light spot as yesterday was scattered again. This time the number is much smaller than before. Only 199 people can enter the semi-finals.
Yin Zizhang and Zhu Zhu both reached out and grabbed a light spot at the same time, spread out the palms for a look, it was a coincidence that they are both in the seventh group!
Yin Zizhang's eyes flashed, and Zhu Zhujing walked towards the No. 7 platform.
It is true that the narrow road of the enemies is true. When they came to the stage, they found that there were eight disciples of Yuanfeng, the same group, and Su Ling and Han Heng who once lived with Yin Zizhang in the same yard of Yuanshigu were also inside.
I did n’t see it for a year. Su Ling was upgraded from the fourth layer to the sixth layer in the gas refining period. It is not enough to enter the semi-finals, it is completely reflected in the light of the same group of Yuan Yuanfeng building base disciple in the preliminary group.
The side referee pulled out two bamboo sticks with the names of the disciples from the box and announced loudly: "In the first game of Group 7, Ying Zizhang should correspond to Zhufeng!
I watched the crowd fell to the ground ...
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