Chapter 95: Haste


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1398 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:32:46

Without waiting for Zhu Zhu to think about Yin Zizhang's weird behavior today, the Great White Snake has escaped from two runes and continued to rush forward. Zhu Zhu screamed in shock, afraid to regret, and took a large stack of runes from his arms toward the White Snake. Still go, turn around and hide behind Yin Zizhang.
As the white snake flies, the white snake has nowhere to hide. Zhu Zhu feels that there are two touching the snake body, and he hurries a "burst" in his heart, the big snake is blown into pieces on the spot, and the flesh flies.
Zhu Zhu could not be affected by hiding behind Yin Zizhang. Yin Zizhang moved slightly, naturally forming an ice shield in front of him, blocking the splash of flesh and blood, turning around to pinch Zhu Zhu's ear and cursing: "Hide and hide! I What are you going to do if you are not there? You have to use so many runes to smash a second-order snake, how many more ?! Stupid pig! "
"But you are clearly there!" Zhu Zhu was very aggrieved, trying to rescue his poor ear, always being dragged and pulled by the big wicked one day, one day he would be pulled into a donkey ear.
Seeing her useless appearance, Yun Yinzhang was so angry that she wanted to make her, like other monks, have a firm mind to break through life and death with heaven and earth. It was a long way to go.
"Go and take back the unused runes." Let the master know that Zhu Zhu wasted his runes so much, and he must have jumped and scolded his mother.
"But the snake is so disgusting ..." Zhu Zhuguang felt vomiting when he smelled the thick smell, and something terrible in his head seemed to be tempted and was about to move. Just now when Ji Yougu took out that jar of refined and condensed beast blood, she already had this feeling. The big snake in front of her was killed by her own hands, and the feeling was more intense and obvious.
Yin Zizhang saw her look pale and shaky, but also could not bear it, forget it! Don't take it too fast.
With a hum, Yin Zizhang turned around and gently raised his hand. Fu Lu, who was scattered all over the place, was immediately picked up by a strong wind, and soon gathered into a pile, and he simply applied a purification technique to contaminate Fu Fu. The blood was removed and stuffed into Zhu Zhu.
Zhu Zhu Zhu Fu looked clean one by one, and then he reluctantly took over and put it back in his arms. The wind trembled in the ears, and the pig on his shoulder was stunned by Yin Zizhang. The pig was frightened and shouted, "Huh."
"Shut up! Burn the snake!" Yin Zizhang yelled darkly.
The piglet was much more obedient when facing Yin Zizhang than Zhu Zhu. His command to Yin Zizhang was not a small discount, his mouth was open, and a magenta flame was sprayed at a few snake corpses, and he blinked the snake The corpse was burned so that there was no ash left, and then he turned around to show Yin Zizhang's flattering charm.
Zhu Zhuzhu looked very sad. Just outside the valley, she let the piglet spit fire. As a result, this guy sprayed a small fireball to perfunctory her. Now Yin Zizhang let it spit fire. It not only added a sufficient amount, but who is it?
Of course, this time there are goals, but this attitude is too bad.
Yin Zizhang is usually busy practicing, Zhu Zhu has a decent temperament, and rarely pays attention to the breed characteristics of the monster, so I do n’t know what the origin of this great white snake is. Only the second-order monster is of limited value, and Zhu Zhu is afraid of success. It was burned cleanly, and when it was burnt to ashes, it suddenly woke up. It was necessary to leave parts to prove that they had killed a monster. This was related to the achievements of the individual and even the entire Sage in the Changxian Valley Conference.
However, it was too late to say anything. Yin Zizhang immediately regretted the thought. The piglet moved too fast. He couldn't pull his face to admit his mistake, shoved the piglet back into Zhu Zhu's arms, and cast a small spell to blow away the white snake. I wanted to find something, but found that the two tusks of the Great White Snake were still there, and after being burned by the pig's fire, it became snow-white and crystal-clear, and there was a faint blue gloom on the surface.
The flame sprayed by the pigs can instantly burn the monks in the foundation period. This white snake is only the second order, and the fangs can withstand such a fierce flame. Presumably it is not a common commodity, and with this pair of fangs, there will be evidence at that time. Prove that they killed the white snake.
Xi Yinzizhang rejoiced, took a small jade box from the storage ring, and carefully put a pair of fangs into it.
Zhu Zhu pointed to the place where the Great White Snake was found and said, "There seems to be something there ... well, it's a potion!"
Her feelings Yin Zizhang believed, and dragged her around the large unknown plant, and she really saw a blue grass with palms growing in the snow on the back. Except for the strange color, it looked very similar. A spring onion.
"It's snow snake grass!" Zhu Zhu's knowledge of the elixir is definitely master-level, and at a glance he recognized the origin of this "onion", and even knew the origin of the snake.
"The silver horned snow snake just now! As long as there is a snow horned grass, there must be the guardian of the silver horned snow snake. This snake has been said to have very small blood of ancient dragons. A pair of fangs can be used for refining. The magic weapon of Zhu.
Zhu Zhu took out the medicine shovel, carefully digged up the roots of snow wormwood, and put it into the prepared medicine box.
This medicine box was made for her by Shi Yinglu. It looks like it is only a square foot, but it can actually hold at least one hundred fresh elixir with roots, and it can save their aura for one month, so as to facilitate Zhu Zhu Transplant the eye-catching elixir in response to the peak.
Zhu Zhu quickly packed up, took the tools back to the storage belt, and patted the mud and snow Xuemo standing up and said: "Strange, this snow snake grass looks at least a fourth-order elixir, how can there be only a second-order silver? How about the Horned Snow Snake? "
The chanting voice just came, and there was a whistling sound not far away. Zhu Zhu and Yin Zizhang shook with each other, Zhu Zhu even flashed directly behind Yin Zizhang.
The fourth-order elixir should not be surrounded by only one second-order demon snake. The real guardians are back, and there are two!
The sound of howling is clearly the two fourth-order silver-horned snow snakes! They just happened to pick up the "adult" who was not at home.
Running is useless, they smell the silver horned snow snake and snow snake grass. This smell is difficult to clear in a moment with their mana. If these two big troubles are not solved, they will be chased by them. Run away. Encountering other monsters on the way out is really terrible.
歹 There are n’t many monsters near here. You must solve these two fourth-order silver horned snow snakes as soon as possible here!
Wu Yinzizhang frowned. "You will release eight gold sparrow screens later. You should be able to resist them. If you can't, let the pigs burn."
The first-order and second-order monsters can make Zhu Zhu practice the courage to practice combat reactions. The fourth-order monsters are not fun, which is equivalent to the cultivation of monks in the middle and late stages of construction. Yin Zizhang asked if there was no problem with one. It's too reluctant, so Zhu Zhu just needs to protect himself by the side.
Zhu Zhuzhu also understood that the situation was urgent, and "be careful", she stepped aside and put out eight gold sparrow screens, waiting carefully for the war to come.
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