Chapter 1144: Make a fortune

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage, and the focus of everyone's attention was none other than the gun in the hands of Su Nan.
It may be because it is too rubbish, and it is usually not used by professional players. It suddenly appeared in the hands of Sunan, making everyone feel very surprised.
Coupled with this guy Su Nan, the usual habit of using guns is well known. You all know that you are playing AK. Suddenly the whole hand is adjusted. It looks really fresh and makes people feel interesting.
What is traffic, this is the top traffic, among professional players, I am afraid that I ca n’t find more popularity or attention than Sunan. When people come to play professional, they bring a bunch of fans. Envy doesn't come.
Speaking of which, most of them are professional players and then transformed into anchors, or after the professional became famous, my live broadcast gradually improved.
Generally speaking, there is such a saying in the industry, [Zero Zero Reading 00kxs] What can I do if the food ca n’t be moved, and it ’s good to retire to live broadcast.
Anchors like Sunan have been more successful, and then transformed to become a career, but it is not uncommon, but it is indeed a minority.
I just changed a gun. As a result, from the audience to the commentary, I kept talking here, which made people feel very unpleasant. After all, the teams of other teams are watching the game.
I do n’t know what moths Sunan is going to play, it ’s better to make a mess. It ’s better to overturn the car directly, and see if you ca n’t pretend to be in the future.
In the lounge on the YN team's side, head coach Chen Bu couldn't sit still, and he couldn't help asking: "What is Sun Nan trying to do? Never seen him play M16?"
"What's the matter with others, if you can't find a gun, you have to allocate resources anyway, this is still using me to say, the pig head does not know what the officer is."
In Chen Bu's tone, he was naturally biased towards Sunan. He thought that Sunan couldn't find a suitable gun.
He also complained about the pig's head, and looked at the weapons on them one by one. They all looked pretty good. You know that the core of the team is Su Nan.
He is also surprised that the whole G-port should have a lot of guns. How can Sunan get this way? It's a bit miserable. Doesn't he even have AK?
But he also knows that in this game, there are all kinds of probabilities, and it can only be said that this may be a special luck.
"Cough ..."
Li Daqiang knows this well, and probably also understands that this Su Nan's high probability is that he wants to make a living, and it is estimated that he must be pretended. Su Nan's character, he really knows very well.
Many people on the Internet took his rhythm last time. Su Nan would have been strange if he could pass the breeze. The non-existent things are well, everyone understands.
Li Daqiang persuaded: "Don't talk about the pig's head, maybe Su Nan himself wants to play. You will know if you look back."
In the game, Su Nan finally met someone and felt a little open.
This was an encounter. When they were driving on the road, they encountered two cars on the opposite side.
When Su Nan subconsciously wanted to sweep the car, he found that the M16 gun was really painful. When he couldn't send the sweeper, it was obvious that the efficiency was too bad.
Fortunately, the teammates were more powerful. Although they didn't kill people, they also succeeded in smashing a jeep on the road across the road.
On the other side, I do n’t know which team it was. I was obviously a little flustered. I was afraid that the car would be exploded. I dared not drive anymore, so I quickly found a housing area and stopped.
Temporarily taking refuge and preparing for a battle, it is obvious that I have a lot of confidence in the housing area.
In addition, this team also has a car. Seeing that their teammates stopped, they certainly ca n’t run like this. The two are too distracted to take the initiative, which is a terrible thing.
Something is wrong with your teammates, you may not even be able to support, this is very uncomfortable.
And they ca n’t stop and merge into a car to continue running, because Sunan and several of them have been forced as far as possible. At this time, when they have finished changing the car and then run, it is inevitable that they have been hit Hit the target.
If the car is exploded this time, it is four lives, the cost is very high, the general team is not happy to play like this.
Besides the current situation, in addition to the people watching the game, who knows who is in the game and who is not in the game, I do n’t know who is on the other side. Why do I run hard and not beat you.
After occupying the housing area, it should be the defensive side as it should be. Naturally, there is more confidence in the heart. This is no problem.
However, Su Nan and theirs are even more fearless, no matter what team they encounter, it is a word "dry", absolutely without counsel.
After approaching the housing area, quickly find a suitable place to park, Su Nan and the four of them got off the bus one after another, and then began the performance, Mu Yi took the lead to charge ~ ~ Dada ...
When Su Nan's teammates went upstairs, Su Nan keenly heard the footsteps behind him, as if someone had jumped down.
The above team is ready to come and go?
The idea is good, but unfortunately I met Su Nan who has a very abnormal listening ability, which is very embarrassing, and thankfully Su Nan didn't rush up with Mu Yi, otherwise I might be a bit troublesome.
Thinking of you attacking the building normally, it was a bit troublesome, and it may not be able to hit it down smoothly. People waiting for you on it must have a natural advantage. That is the defensive side.
When the time comes, two more will come out, hum, the sourness is self-evident.
"Chong Chong Chong, don't be robbed by the Sunan. Let's go first, Sunan, your back."
Mu Yi, a bitch, even if he keeps rushing, he never forgets the black hand Su Nan.
However, this time it was true that Su Nan didn't take care of him, and went directly to the back. There were two people. Su Nan probably knew the number, and this was also the most reasonable number of people.
One person's words are caught from behind, and it's easy to disappear at once. If three people are left, there is only one left. That is a living bait, which can't withstand the attack at all.
As to whether the two people jumped from the upper floor, this is unknown, and they may not be in the same building at the beginning.
Su Nan was ready to make a fortune and made a fortune. He said that Mu Yi was excited for a while, but he found that he had killed two silently, and he didn't know what was the mood.
Coming to the corner of the wall, Su Nan took a look and saw two people in an instant, quietly preparing to go around, the movement was quite slow.
Don't dare to be too fast, because if it's too fast, you will show up before people move. Isn't this just for nothing.
The moment they saw Su Nan, the two were also quite embarrassed.
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