Chapter 1293: Entertain employees

"Let's congratulate the YN team for winning the championship this spring, congratulations to YN!"
   After the last game, the commentary Haihai couldn't restrain his inner excitement, and said a congratulatory emotion.
   At the same time, the venue is also constantly streaming ribbons, and there is enthusiastic applause from the audience.
   The other dozen or so teams were very sad, and left almost without any lineup.
   No one paid attention to them at this time, their eyes were focused on the YN team.
   Actually said that there was no feeling. At the moment of winning the championship, after taking off the headphones and listening to the cheers of the world, there will still be some touches in my heart.
   Several other teammates are estimated to be similar to Sunan.
  After everyone got up, they hugged them together, it was the kind of celebration.
   is still a pig head with experience, took everyone to the middle of the stage, there is a golden trophy there, four people toast together.
   was very excited at the moment of toasting, but after a few seconds, it was like entering the sage mode, and I felt that everything was boring.
   Especially the next part is quite boring, and the speech of the leader is everywhere.
   Fortunately, there are not too many words of leadership. It is estimated that people who watch e-sports are all young people. It is of no use to engage in such long-form speeches except to be scolded.
  Simply say a few words, the medal was awarded to the YN team, and there is a bonus card. The championship of this game is a total of two million cash. It is not too much to say the truth.
   Two million points for a team, if you continue, it is estimated that there is not much.
  The two million is not divided equally among four people. There is no such good thing, but the whole team has a share, including the team's coaching staff and staff, like Li Daqiang.
   I am sure that the team members can score more points, but it is estimated that it will be almost the same if there are two or three hundred thousand people.
  Of course, no one cares about this prize, the champion is the most important, and the champion money can not be bought back. After winning the champion, the value will increase instantly, and I am not afraid of not making money.
  Su Nan thinks now, and it feels quite interesting. I never thought about playing a career a few months ago, but now I have won the championship.
  The domestic champion is just the first step here in Sunan, and there are not too many waves, because Sunan is very clear that only the world champion is his goal.
  After receiving the world championship, he retired without saying a word, anyway, he could not spend any more money, and enjoying life better than anything.
On the day when    won the championship, it goes without saying that it must be a celebration feast. Everyone went out to have a good meal and drank a lot of wine. Qin Xiaoyou also came over specially.
   The game is over, Qin Xiaoyou doesn't have to avoid suspicion, he will be considered to disturb Su Nan and affect his status.
   Played that night, everyone is relaxing. After all, this is the championship, and it is the first championship after the establishment of the YN team. The meaning is different.
  As for the consumption reward card, Su Nan did not use it tonight. Considering the place to eat, it is not too high-end. The most important thing is arranged by Li Daqiang.
   A party dinner, it is impossible to go to something too high-end, such as hot pot, barbecue, etc., everyone is happy after eating.
   And there are only a few people in a team, plus they called out the two bosses Chen Xiaotian and Wang Ziye, there were no more than twenty people, and they couldn't spend a few dollars.
  If you use that card tonight, it would be blood loss for Sunan.
   As for how to use this card, you still have to make good use of it.
   Fortunately, after winning the championship, it is equivalent to taking a vacation, and the time is still relatively large.
   So after finishing dinner tonight, Su Nan did not return to the base, and returned to Qin Xiaoyou's place to live, to solve the pain of acacia.
  As for what to do, of course, do radio gymnastics.
   After getting up the next day, Su Nan's thoughts have been on the consumer reward card.
  Although there is no time limit for use, in theory, he can use it at any time, but now there is just time. If you look back and get busy, there is not necessarily a kung fu operation.
  Thinking for a long time, I feel it is better to invite people from Dali Energy Company to eat.
   The most important thing is to invite other people, they are not suitable.
   There are not many relatives and friends around me. Those who can treat guests to dinner are estimated to be dozens of people. How much can they eat together?
   Team members are not good, they have eaten today, and not many people.
  Not to mention Mu Yi's group, he could not change the essence of hanging wire, what to eat, it was almost like picking a roadside stall, and he couldn't eat a few dollars at all.
   Su Nan couldn't think that he would one day worry about how to spend money, worrying about how to spend more money to go out, it really is unpredictable.
  It is easy to invite people to eat. In fact, if you want to gather a lot of people to eat, it is not easy. There is no reason for that.
  Su Nan probably considered three options. The first is to invite fans to dinner. Do not many anchors engage in a gathering of water friends or the like?
  With Su Nan’s current popularity, it is estimated that it is okay to have 10,000 people. If there are no quota restrictions, it is estimated that there will be more. I am afraid that people will drink more wine if they have more.
   The second is to invite people from Fengyun Live Broadcasting Company to have dinner. This is Sunan's own company. There is definitely no problem to invite guests. The third is Dali Energy Drinks Company.
   The best way is to invite the two together, but it is not yet possible to expose Su Nan’s relationship. They all know that Feng Yun live broadcast was caused by Su Nan. If they suddenly eat together, it is estimated that many people will start to doubt.
  Then finally determine the employees of Dali Energy Beverage Company, mainly because there are many people over there, there are factory workers, and beverage company employees.
  Together, there are fewer than 500 people, so this is very comfortable.
   The most important thing is that the Dali Energy Drink still needs constant exposure. If this operation is done well, it will also cause some hot discussions.
   For example, how much and how much money you have for a meal, don't Internet users like to discuss these things now?
  When the general company engages in the annual meeting, all employees are invited to dinner, but now it is too early to leave the annual meeting, Su Nan can not wait for that time.
  It doesn't matter anymore. I said back that rewarding everyone was hard this time. Because the sales of beverages keep increasing, Su Nan also knows that the employees of the company are actually working overtime, and it is quite hard.
   Please treat me to treat everyone, there is no problem at all, it is justified.
   And must go to eat well, to high-end places, it is best to consume 10,000 or 20,000 per capita, eating hundreds of millions, it is really comfortable.
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