Chapter 68:

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the female circle of the entertainment circle [古 穿 今]!
Zhu Tiantian was scared by the anger and almost knelt on the ground.
She was doing a loss, and was caught by the party. The three souls and six souls were half disillusioned, and it was easy to bite the tip of her tongue to calm herself down.
Fortunately, she checked in advance that the classroom monitoring was closed during the sports meeting ... If Hu Miao was not a waste at the critical moment, how could she do it herself!
Zhu Tiantianqiang said with a smile: "Sorry, did I find the wrong table?"
How could Tuobayan be deceived by this clumsy lie, her patience with this girl was exhausted, and she strode over, raised her hand to Zhu Tiantian who still wanted to say something, and checked Tuobajiao's desk .
After turning over the table, Tuobayan took another hole in the table. Someone stuck his finger without turning it twice. She fumbled and pulled out Tuoba Jiao's jacket and shook it aside. There were dozens of short shiny silver needles on the jacket, and three or four of them were hidden in the thick fabrics such as neckline, pockets and cuffs.
What a vicious heart!
Tuobayan pulled a needle and sneered Zhu Tiantian at a loss: "What is this?"
Zhu Tiantian's face was pale, her sweat on her forehead was uncontrollable, and she pursed her lips. "Does it have anything to do with me? It's not me. You two more offended people ... ... Isn't Hu Miao the only one? "
This shameless arguing almost laughed at Tuobayan. She didn't argue with Zhu Tiantian anymore and turned to check her own things. Several textbooks were stuck with glue. All the pen nibs in the pen case were also scratched hard. .
However, the last straw that overwhelmed the camel was the limited-edition Adi running shoes sent by Li Yanluo. The pair of shoes was completely unrecognizable with oily markers. Tuobayan rubbed his brows a few times and found that they could not be wiped off at all.
For the first time since rebirth, Tuobayan felt an uncontrollable rage.
Yes, with Li Yanluo and even Tuobayan's own financial resources, it is not impossible to buy a pair of such shoes, but it bears the care and love between lovers, which is what Tuobayan cares most.
Yesterday, Li Yanlu took it out of the shoe box for the first time, and gave Tuobayan a triumphant smile, and Tuobayan didn't even bother to wear it to the game. Now that this tenderness is painted with a dirty mark, how can Tuobayan not be angry.
She suddenly laughed, exposing the blue muscles of the hand holding the shoes, but her voice was surprisingly calm:
"Come on and explain clearly what is going on."
Zhu Tiantian has been frustrated all over the past few days, and has enough to endure, her eyes aimed at the ink bottle on Tuobayan's desk,
I quickly planned out my plan to cleanse myself, and perfunctoryly said: "There is nothing to explain."
And almost at the same time as saying the last word of this sentence, Tuobayan slapped a slap in her face!
Zhu Tiantian only felt a buzz in her head, and the world was spinning, dizzy and dizzy. She spent more than ten seconds recovering, only to find that she knocked down the table behind her and fell to the ground. Her face hurt fiercely, and her eyes stopped. Can't stop being born with rational tears.
She was mad and wanted to scream, but her face pain did not support her too fierce expression to touch the muscles of her face, angrily covering her tall and swollen face, her mouth was slurred: "You dare to beat me! "
Tuobayan smiled, his expression strange and terrible:
"Yes, I just hit it. What can you do? I have the ability to call back."
Zhu Tiantian was stunned with anger. She hysterically rushed to grab Tuobayan's face. The latter responded faster, kicking Zhu Tiantian with open teeth and dancing claws to the ground!
Although this foot didn't use all its strength, it was enough for Zhu Tiantian to feel uncomfortable for a while. She burst into tears with a runny nose, curled up on the floor with her chest and coughed. Without pitying that she was a girl, she smiled indifferently as she struggled.
The playful sound of students from outside the window seemed to be back after attending the award ceremony.
Zhu Tiantian reluctantly sat up on the stool, cursing intermittently:
"Bitch, you are proud, I know that you have always been a fake show, but those short-sighted and goblin goblins treat you as a goddess and a saint for licking. If you have a kind, you will kill me! Otherwise I will let me You are in disrepute, and let everyone know your true face! I will never die with you! "
These words didn't play any role. Tuobayan didn't even move her eyebrows. Instead, Tuobayan's pretty face was angry, and stepped forward to accuse:
"It's because you still have a face that slanders my sister. Is it true that the scandals you have done are seamless? Did you post the black posts on the school forum? You are the one who has been playing tricks with everyone behind you, right? He was a ghost in the carport and provoked Hu Miao to fight Gao Yuan, just because Gao Yuan told me that you are going to do bad things ... dare you say it's not you ?! "
Zhu Tiantian's expression stiffened, but soon a slightly ridiculous expression appeared: "What about me? You come up with evidence. That's right, I did it. I just wanted Tuobayan. The hypocritical hypocrisy fell from the altar! But do you have evidence? Show it to everyone! "
There is no cure.
Tuobayan shook his head, turned around and didn't want to see Zhu Tiantian's disgusting face.
Footsteps and laughter were getting closer and closer to the classroom entrance, and Zhu Tiantian's eyes flashed a vicious light. She picked up the pen and ink bottle on Tuobayan's desk, unscrewed her head and splashed on her face:
When the ink bottle fell to the ground, Zhu Tiantian took the right timing. When the students who ran faster pushed the door, she was covered with black ink. She covered her face in embarrassment and stood a little dazed. Sister Ba Yan.
It was also a coincidence that one of the girls was Zhu Tiantian's front desk Liu Qi.
Zhu Tiantian always gives the impression of being gentle and pure. Even if she is provocatively behind her back, she always turns around and picks herself up cleanly, just like a turbid white lotus, so the criticism is good.
Liu Qi was obviously taken aback: "God ... Zhu Tiantian, what's the matter with you?" He ran over, but didn't know how to start. This one was so full of ink.
Zhu Tiantian is not so bachelor like Fang Cai at this moment, the grieved tears fall down:
"Tuo Bayan, I know you don't like me ... But I just came to get the water bottle, I really didn't touch you ..."
Liu Qi naturally made up a lot of dramas where Tuobayan bullied Zhu Tiantian, and immediately raised her eyebrows:
"Tuo Bayan, why are you like this, don't you think you are too much? Sweet is owed to you or what's wrong, as for you splashing her ink ?! Are you a star, is the school your home? ? No one else can touch your table? Sick! "
The black-headed and black-faced Zhu Tiantian wept aside.
Tuobayan really suffocated the fire. At this time, the big troops also came. Seeing such a good show, the students with the camera were busy with the recording, and the door was blocked for a while. The people behind jumped:
"You guys let Jean! What's inside?"
The first class is on the corner of the third floor. The students in the back class are also anxious and can't squeeze in. They are clamoring and arrogant, seeing things getting louder and louder, and alarming the teachers in the office.
Tao Li was not here, and Teacher Zhang, who taught Chinese, had to come out to maintain order: "What's the matter? Don't huddle together, the students in the first class hurried into the classroom!"
It was easy to clear the traffic. Teacher Zhang drove a class of people into the class, and only then found that the four people in the middle, Zhu Tiantian whispered in tears, covered in black ink, and Tuoba was expressionless. , Liu Qi justice burst out with the teacher:
"Teacher, Tuobayan poured Zhu Tiantian ink!"
Teacher Zhang died of a headache. Although he likes the student Tuobayan very much, but the situation is so big, but he ca n’t let it go lightly. He asked Tuobayan: "Is Liu Qi saying true? Why did you splash her?" ink?"
Tuobayan said helplessly: "The ink on her body was not poured by me."
Zhu Tiantian's cry is even more miserable, Liu Qi shouted:
"Tuo Bayan, I have seen it. At that time, the three of you were in the classroom. Isn't it who you are? She herself?"
Teacher Zhang also wanted to believe in Tuobayan, but Liu Qi also made sense. He pressed the pressure to make everyone who was talking quiet, and called Liu Yi, a Chinese class representative who was one of the onlookers, "Go and find your class teacher."
Liu Yi hurriedly called Tao Li.
Teacher Zhang stopped the students from the video, and the sports commissioner rushed in with the Tuobayan prize: "Tuobayan! You have arrived!"
After yelling, I saw Teacher Zhang also in the class, and immediately shattered into a quail: "... Good teacher."
The squad leader immediately followed, and was shocked by Zhu Tiantian's black-headed and black-headed appearance. The sports committee member laughed heartily and heartily, and Liu Qi rolled his eyes in annoyance: "No classmates love. "
Tao Li was still very happy holding the certificate. Zhu Tiantian and Tuobayan poured water on her like a cold basin. Zhu Tiantian and Tuobayan told each other what happened.
Zhu Tiantian said with tears in her eyes: "I just borrowed the keys from Hu Miao's class and came to get my water bottle. Just as they walked to Tuobayan's desk, the two of them came in and took out a needle. My clothes and painted shoes said I did it. I said that I had never done such a thing, and Tuobayan slapped me in the face, kicked me, and poured ink on me ... "He cried.
Liu Qi and several Zhu Tiantian's friends said, "Teacher Tao, you have to make Zhu Tiantian the master!"
Classmates in the class whispered, the sports committee member was more rectal and muttered: "Tuo Bayan is not such a person, teacher Tao, you have to listen to Tuoba Yan's statement."
Tao Li frowned, in fact the best way is to adjust the monitoring, but helpless unified monitoring did not open today, had to turn to Tuobayan said: "For you."
Tuobayan nodded, carefully picked up Tuobajiao's pierced school uniform and showed it to the class:
"Everyone looks at this dress."
There was an uproar in the class, Tuobayan pulled the needles down and placed them on the table, and a bunch of silver sparkles, she sneered: "Zhu Tiantian, what you do can be different from what you say now, I When you came in with my sister, you were picking her drawer! "
Zhu Tiantian shivered and shouted, "I don't have it!"
Tuobayan was too lazy to tear these things away from her, took out the glued book and the broken pen, put it with the needle, and finally took out the pair of running shoes.
The sports commissioner standing next to Sister Tuoba had straight eyes. Although she was scratched, she recognized the model with her shoe type and was excited: "This is Adi's limited edition this year! My mother didn't allow me to buy it Tuobayan, you're so motivated! "Then he said an astonishing price.
Zhu Tiantian's face was covered with ink, she couldn't see her expression, but the crying was gradually absent-minded.
Tuobayan put the shoes back in the shoe box, saying one by one:
"Zhu Tiantian, people are watching the sky. No matter what you do, I believe in karma anyway. Now every word I say I use my own personality to guarantee that there is no falsehood. I do n’t understand what is causing it You, so much so that you are rectifying me from the start of school. Other than that, I already have evidence to prove that the post of the forum was sent by you, and I can sue you for the content you edited. Think about it. "
Everyone was confused, not knowing who to believe, Zhu Tiantian made up her mind to carry it hard, she cried like a rogue: "I don't know what you are talking about! Why are you so slandering me!"
The squad leader who had never spoken said: "I believe in Tuobayan."
The sports committee also echoed: "Count me! Anyway, Zhu Tiantian, but you told me a lot of bad things about Tuobayan, I dare not believe you."
With the two of them, more and more students responded: "I also believe in Tuobayan."
"And me, Tuobayan I believe in you!"
"Hee hee, I said Li Haoran, you always peep at others Tuobayan, but I also believe in her."
"Also count me."
There are also many girls who have participated in the Cold War, boldly apologizing to Tuobayan.
Tuobayan was supported by so many people, and the anger in her heart was slowly covered by the touch. She did not expect that everyone in the class had already accepted her, and Tuobayan was a little flattered.
Zhu Tiantian was obviously upset and cold, and even Liu Qi, who initially believed in her, was a little hesitant.
Who should I trust? Which party is lying?
Zhu Tiantian tried to maintain the calm on the surface.
Do n’t be afraid, do n’t be afraid, she said to herself that the forum ’s business is nothing, at least they do n’t have evidence of what they did today, and now they must bite their teeth, otherwise everything will be over.
Tao Lizheng was about to speak, and Tuoba Jiao, who had been silent for a while, spoke:
"I will show you something."
She took out a pen-like thing from her school uniform trousers pocket, took it a few times in her hand, and released the audio quietly recorded in the tight time:
"Bitch, you are proud, I know that you have always been a fake show ... What about me? You take out the evidence ... Show it to everyone!"
Tuoba Jiao shook the recorder that Li Guanting sent when he left, and smiled: "This is the evidence you want."
Zhu Tiantian froze.
Tuobayan also froze.
#How to feel silly rabbit sister is a bit bad #
The author has something to say: 's completion today! Have you guessed that in the update yesterday, the younger sister dressed up in the clothes pocket with the confession recording pen sent by classmate Li Guanting ~~~
Mama, love you = 3 =
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