Chapter 76:

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the female circle of the entertainment circle [古 穿 今]!
Tuoba Jiao ’s Weibo words appeared to be peaceful. A few sentences outlined his psychological experience after being sprinkled with sulfuric acid, revealing that he was temporarily unwilling to appear in front of the public and entrusted the lawsuit with Zhu Mu to the lawyer team of Weizhen Company. .
Then her words changed, expressing the hope that everyone would pay attention to Zhu Jianguo's alleged abuse of her daughter, so that people who were truly mad and exposed would be exposed and punished.
Tuobayan retweeted this Weibo and simply replied: The creator [bye].
As soon as these two Weibo posts came out, the topic of domestic violence began to be hotly discussed on the Internet. Sister Tuoba's hot search was already common. No one was surprised. The goal of everyone's discussion was changed to detained Zhu Tiantian. What kind of judgment.
Many netizens angrily expressed the hope that the father of Zhu ’s family would explode into heaven and take a breath. Some people speculated whether Tuobayan ’s ‘starter’ represented her willingness to forgive what Zhu Tiantian had done to her before.
Tuobayan turned off the phone screen and said to Li Yanluo: "I want to meet Zhu Tiantian."
As the arrested criminal suspect, only his defense lawyer has the right to meet, but Li Yanlu unblocked the relationship and was given the opportunity to visit Zhu Tiantian.
The female prison guard took Zhu Tiantian to a small room separated by bulletproof glass, let her sit opposite Tuobayan, repeated the time limit, and then retreated to the side to give a space for the two to speak.
Zhu Tiantian is actually a pretty and pretty little girl. At this time, her round face was deeply sunken, her hair was messed up, her face was haggard, her lips were chapped, and the whole person was lost.
She seemed to see her as Tuobayan, the last hope in her eyes shattered, and she despaired and laughed:
"Are you coming to see my joke?"
Tuobayan has a complicated heart. She is undoubtedly disgusted by this unscrupulous girl, but after knowing her experience, she cannot help but feel a little sympathy for her.
On the day Zhu Tiantian stabbed Zhu Jianguo, the pajamas on his body were covered with blood. After being taken away by the police, the director of the community neighborhood committee gave her clothes and some daily necessities on behalf of the old neighbors As her pocket money in the detention facility.
When staying in a small cubicle, Zhu Tiantian is thinking about it all the time. Zhu Jianguo will not die? If he died, what kind of sentence would he have?
Zhu Tiantian's consciousness is actually a bit chaotic. She sometimes prays for her father to survive, so that she may be able to get rid of the nightmarish life in prison.
But how do you face Zhu Jianguo after you really go home? Will he be beaten more crazy by him?
She knows Zhu Jianguo too!
Whenever thinking about this, Zhu Tiantian couldn't help shrinking herself into a trembling.
Since she remembered, Zhu Jianguo has been the most feared existence in Zhu Tiantian's heart. Disobedient to eat, fight, not obedient to practice word writing, fight, retreat test scores, fight, talk to neighboring boys, fight ...
Father Zhu believes that filial sons are born under the stick, and the child can't beat the weapon.
However, he didn't realize that he gradually regarded Zhu Tiantian as his punching bag. Once he was ventilated outside, he went home and subconsciously began to find trouble with his wife and daughter, and picked out a little mistake to get angry.
From the steel ruler to the belt, to any thing that is not fatal can be used as a "family law". In addition to wearing short-sleeved clothes in the summer, Zhu father also cares about the views of outsiders. He is also unscrupulous at other times. He also I do n’t think there is anything wrong with my approach, but think that those parents who are not cruel to clean up their children are stupid and have no vision.
Do not believe you see, how sweet and steady his family is! This is the result of his Zhu Jianguo discipline!
Is it better if my father died? Zhu Tiantian couldn't help but think that if his father died, he would die if he died, pay him his life, and be a dog and a cat in his next life.
Zhu Tiantian is very clear that he is a person with different appearances. The education that his father instilled in her is to be gentle and demure, prudent and abiding by the rules. Live a stable and excellent happy life.
To outsiders, she seems to meet these conditions, only Zhu Tiantian herself understands how hard she is to suppress the violent and crazy thoughts in her heart.
Zhu Tiantian's cold response when she took the initiative to express her favor was magnified dozens of times in her eyes, which was understood as a disdain for herself, and Zhu Tiantian looked at Tuobayan with prejudice and was sought after by her classmates Hot discussion, just feel extremely dazzling.
Driven by resentment and jealousy, Zhu Tiantian made up rumors and posted on the forum to trick Hu Miao and others to fight against Tuobayan, even piercing needles on clothes and ruining Tuobayan's cherished abnormal shoes regardless of the consequences.
Yeah, she was such a wicked man, Jin Yu was defeated, and there was no way to cure it.
Tuoba's two fingertips stayed together, pressed against his chin, and looked at Zhu Tiantian's expression. She saw her becoming more and more tense and angry, her fists clenched, and she said:
"Your father is out of danger."
Zhu Tiantian was stunned and had a complex expression. She asked again: "What are you doing? Is it interesting to tell me?"
Tuobayan raised her eyebrows: "Do you know what prison means?"
Zhu Tiantian was almost fooled by this inexplicable guy, she sneered:
"Endless? Of course I know I ’m going to prison. What I ’ve done will naturally be taken care of. You do n’t have to worry about it. If you want to be a mentor for me, then this calculation is wrong. I ’m good It. "
She only looked at her hard mouth, but could not hide the embarrassed tears that appeared in her eyes. Tuobayan said to herself:
"You went to school one year earlier than ordinary students and are sixteen years old this year. You are really young. Have you ever thought about it, if you really do an irreversible mistake, what should you do in the future?"
"Going to prison, with stains, everything is over. You rely on that little cleverness, on the tricks of people's hearts ... how to get up again?"
She paused: "How can I look good again?"
This is what Zhu Tiantian and Hu Miao said in private, and Gao Yuan quietly told Tuoba Jiao.
Zhu Tiantian collapsed completely. She was still too small to withstand Tuobayan ’s lukewarm stimulation. Her tears flowed down her pale cheeks. She was annoyed and angry, and wanted to burst into flames but hiccup:
"No, don't worry about you!"
The female prison guard turned her head and looked at it, seeing that Zhu Tiantian was still sitting in handcuffs, just crying and did not do any dangerous dangerous actions, and did not stop in the past.
Tuobayan said helplessly: "What are you crying about, and I'm not doing you well."
All of Zhu Tiantian ’s disguise was picked up by General Tuoba. She cried miserably, her face was full of tears, but she still stubbornly took the word back: "I did n’t cry!" Hands wipe face.
Tuobayan sighed, she said: "I just want to ask, why did you target me when the school started?"
After waiting for a long time, Zhu Tiantian barely calmed down. Her eyes and nose were red, and she said hatefully:
"I just look at you uncomfortably, what noble do you pretend to be, she looks beautiful, she is famous for acting in TV series, why should she look down on people!"
Tuobayan is speechless, just because of this? She didn't remember when she looked down on Zhu Tiantian.
Thinking about it, she said: "Anyway, you won't believe what I say ... in fact, you are also very beautiful, and your face is beautiful."
Zhu Tiantian is going crazy, what is she doing here? I felt this for a while, and for a while I boasted about my beauty, what a fame!
Tuobayan looked at Zhu Tiantian's gradually calming face and said:
"If I offend you, I'm sorry, I apologize. I didn't keep up with the rhythm of the class when I returned to school. I reviewed it every day before I went to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning. I also insisted on getting up early in the morning and practicing in the morning. Maybe everyone will talk to me I could n’t respond enthusiastically, so I apologize.

Zhu Tiantian did not speak, but clenched her fists.
"So what about you?" Tuobayan asked, "Are you going to have to apologize to me anyway?"
Zhu Tiantian sipped her lips and said nothing. She knew she was evil, she was vicious, and she knew that Tuobayan Tuobajiao was harmless ...
She is not clear about these.
Zhu Tiantian subconsciously held her wrist.
Before she completely covered it, Tuobayan keenly discovered that Zhu Tiantian usually had a scar on her right wrist wearing a watch.
Zhu Tiantian committed suicide.
She left a suicide note in which she accused her father of atrocities, then cut off her wrist and committed suicide.
However, her mother came to the hospital in time and rushed to rescue her. Thanks to Zhu Tiantian ’s inability to cut it, it was no big deal, but the suicide note angered Zhu ’s father. Stopped by Zhu Tiantian's mother.
That night, Zhu Mu and Zhu Tiantian slept in a room, and Zhu Tiantian cried and said:
"Mom, you divorce him, I can't stand it, he will one day kill me!"
Mother Zhu's heart is like a knife, but it's like hearing something terrible: "Divorce? How can you get a divorce? Your father just has a bad temper, and he will naturally change slowly, how do you think about this? Sweet, away You will be laughed at when you marry, don't talk silly. "
Zhu Tiantian is completely utterly stubborn.
Her mother does not love her, otherwise she will not be beaten by her father. She just loves her image of a good wife and mother in the eyes of outsiders.
Zhu Tiantian gripped her wrist and became enchanted. Tuobayan asked her softly, "Have you ever committed suicide?"
Zhu Tiantian's eyes were wet again. She bit her lip and tried to keep her eyes wide so that no tears would fall.
Her silence must make Tuobayan think of the previous ... Tuobayan.
Tuobayan stretched out his arms and rolled up the sleeves of his coat, exposing his white and slender arms:
"Look, I also have such a scar."
Zhu Tiantian raised her head sharply. She looked at Tuobayan in amazement. Her eyes turned to Tuobayan's wrist again. After trying hard to recognize it, she found that there were any traces, but only more blurred than her own. too much.
She asked blankly: "Why?"
Zhu Tiantian could n’t bear his father ’s beating, why Tuobayan? She is beautiful and charming, charming, the school does not know how many people secretly love her, and more huge fans love her to die for life, top grades, excellent family ... Why should she commit suicide?
Tuobayan put her hand on the glass and slowly said, "Because of what, I can't figure it out myself. When my parents were divorced when I was three, my mother took me to fight hard to survive in Yuchuan, and I was very distressed. She, so I hate my father until now. "
Zhu Tiantian is at a loss: "That Tuoba Jiao ..."
Tuobayan smiled slightly: "I used to hate her very much, I think her mother robbed my mother of everything, so although Jiao Jiao was willing to be close to me, I also saw her as being unsightly and embarrassing everywhere. Enchanted, seeing her taking the path of an idol singer must also surpass her on the same road. "
"But I am different from Jiao Jiao, and my appearance and personality determine that I am not suitable for this path. After failure, I analyze the reasons for myself, I think, is it because I am too fat, so I started to lose weight. Then I got anorexia The disease, and finally severe schizophrenia, had to be suspended. "
"after that……"
Tuobayan pointed his right wrist against the glass: "I cut my wrist and almost died on the operating table."
Zhu Tiantian was enchanted, and the expression on her face was slightly naive and eager. Tuobayan continued:
"Look, things are so strange in the world. I used to think that He Jiao Jia never died, but we are now the closest sisters, even if we all have the dirty blood of Tuoba family."
"I entered the entertainment industry as Wu Wei. You may not know the suffering and tiredness of learning Wu. Fortunately, I persevered, figured it out, cultivated myself, and then got my first job. But the next is not so. Smooth winds and smooth waters. "
"You only saw the scenery in front of me, but did not see the effort behind me."
Zhu Tiantian felt his nose sore again.
Tuobayan stared at Zhu Tiantian: "You are young, and your father is such a person, and it will be excusable to take a detour. Fortunately, it is not too late. You haven't really treated me yet, otherwise I didn't That free heart comes to tell you these. Zhu Tiantian, I ask you, do you regret it? "
Zhu Tiantian's crying shoulders twitched. She bit her fingers to suppress her emotions, but she was still more and more excited, almost out of breath.
Tuobayan gave a sign to the female prison guard so that she didn't have to come and interfere. She asked Zhu Tiantian:
"Are you willing to apologize to me now?"
Zhu Tiantian howled and cried, "Sorry, sorry!"
Tuobayan comforted her softly: "People have emotions and sorrows, and jealousy is common. Even if I go this way, I can't avoid it, because there are always people who are better than me. live."
Zhu Tiantian cried miserably and nodded vigorously.
Tuobayan made a little glass: "Since you apologized, I will show you mercy and cool you down. Let's give a high-five and change our face in the future to be honest, right?"
Zhu Tiantian cried with her left hand covering her mouth, and her trembling right hand was attached to the glass, which was in touch with Tuobayan's palm.
"Don't be afraid, a new life is waiting for you, your future is still far away."
After coming out of the detention center, Tuobayan breathed a sigh of relief: "Hey ..."
Li Yanluo touched the little girl's head distressedly, and she heard the speech of Fang Cai. Although she knew Tuobayan's experience, she couldn't help feeling sad.
"You're going to be bald by the top of your head," Tuobayan took her hand down, and the two interlocked her fingers. "Good, it's good to meet you."
Li Yanluo squeezed Tuobayan's scorching palm hard: "Me too."
The author has something to say: Forgot to make progress on the Weibo po today hahaha, give Zhu Tiantian a chance to look back. It really took eight lifetimes to meet this kind of junk dad. And, everyone in the article said that it is not enough to see it, and tomorrow I will try to make 5000+ more every day! New challenge ah waka!
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