Chapter 88:

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the female circle of the entertainment circle [古 穿 今]!
In the third year of coming to this world, Tuobayan became the top of Beijing Film's art test this year with a high score of 94.5, and then took the film "Qingjun Side" to play the widely-controversial controversial role Nan Huakou. Although some uncomfortable black powder jumped up and down clamoring uncomfortably, after all, the scene was completed at the end of May, and it was officially killed.
The various routines of the boring person Hei Tuobayan, the golden bird's nests have been thoroughly understood, there are just two kinds at present, one is the high-profile rebuke Tuobayan should not delay his studies for filming, the other is to doubt Tuobayan Whether this movie can be played well.
Also, no matter how outstanding Tuobayan is, he has always been in the TV circle. This time, he will inevitably be questioned when he set foot on the high-profile movie scene.
The small screen and the big screen are completely different things. The actors cast their actions on the screen. Any small flaws will be clearly seen by the audience. The professional quality of the actors is much higher than that of the TV series. How many greedy rookies are because of excessive Overestimated his strength and fell miserably.
Director Xu Ningyuan always seemed to be in the chest. During several interviews during the filming, he praised Tuobayan and praised him. But this does not block the mouths of the sunspots. Instead, they began to spread rumors, what to buy characters and even unspoken rules, how hard to hear how to come.
Li Yanluo had the experience of being negligent and hacked last time, and was very focused on online public opinion. He immediately sent a lawyer's letter to one of the most powerful black fans on Weibo. He really took the lawsuit to slander him and pursue his criminal responsibility.
At the outset, this gentleman insisted that he should sue anyone who was afraid of him. The summons of the court will be sent to his home soon, and then he will be formally held for trial.
Mr. Li secretly intervened, and the next day the official media issued an article denounced the current abnormal social phenomenon in which Internet violence is rampant, and made it clear that he paid close attention to the case of defamation of Tuobayan.
This time, the marketing operator who lost the lawsuit apologized apologetically and gave a lot of financial compensation.
The black powder side is as quiet as chicken.
The Internet began to circulate quietly the rumor that Tuobayan's background was extremely hard and even the princess party. The public relations team asked whether it should be controlled. President Li simply refused. Anyway, these words are almost the truth ...
"Qingjun Side" is scheduled to go live in the summer.
In June, the highly anticipated college entrance examination scores were finally freshly released.
Tuoba Jiao became the first place in the liberal arts college entrance examination in Yuchuan City, ranking sixth in the province, has been busy filming, and is generally not optimistic about Tu Bayan ranked in Yuchuan City, this score has broken the admission since the establishment of Beijing Film School The record of the student's cultural class results is in an uproar.
The heat from the first topic of Tuobayan Jingying's professional cultural doubles made Director Xu always wake up with a dream.
The old man is right, this girl is really a blessing! !
The outsiders only noticed the pair of Xueba sisters. Yuchuan's ranking this year was ignored, and it was coincident that it was Li Guanting. But Li Guanting certainly wouldn't mind not being in the limelight.
Li Xiaomei's idiot's face: My family is really good at prprpr, and the toad palace has won the honor! a ha ha ha!
... This is also a loyal dog that has not been saved.
When they first reported their ambitions, Tuobajiao and Li Guanting first filled the first choice of the Beijing Academy, and after the results came out, the whole family was relieved and finally had no trouble.
The three children in the family successfully passed the college they wanted to go to. Qiao Chunyi was happy and gratified and felt a little panicked. This meant that they had to leave their home to go to the Imperial Capital. At that time, only her and Gu Min would be left at home When she thought of this, she was indescribably sad.
Gu Min was a sentimental character, and she was only more lost than her. Finally, she was caught by Qiao Chunyi and secretly wiped tears in the room.
She cried sadly by covering her mouth. She sat on the bed beside her and wept. She didn't even know when Qiao Chunyi came in.
"What's wrong?"
Qiao Chunyi didn't ask. Fortunately, as soon as he said this, Gu Min couldn't take it any more, choked and embraced Qiao Chunyi's waist, and buried his face on her belly.
Qiao Chunyi was a little sad because of her, but Gu Xiaomin loved to cry. She could n’t be so sick, she patted Gu Min ’s back gently:
Do n’t cry, do n’t cry. Jiao Jiao just went to school. come back."
Gu Min shivered from crying, she said:
"It's not just ... I felt like this in my life ... how could this be ..."
Her daughter was admitted to Beijing University, and when she grew up, she would soon be alone. The last stone in Gu Min's heart was put down, but she recalled her past sufferings. She hated, regretted, and grieved in her heart.
Qiao Chunyi's eyes were sore, and she also hugged Gu Min, trying to suppress her emotions:
"Forget everything about the past. Let's live a good life, OK?"
Gu Min was so excited that he didn't hear Qiao Chunyi's voice, and nodded desperately.
But what made the two mothers dumbfounded was that they were both mentally prepared to stay in Yuchuan to live in the empty nest, but Tuobayan said with a smile: "Mom, Aunt Gu, I have mortgaged in the Imperial Capital with the salary I have accumulated over the past few years I bought a house and it ’s now renovated. Let ’s move in and live in a few days. Let ’s get used to it.

Tuoba Jiao and Li Guanting were obviously also informed and smirked aside.
Qiao Chunyi growled: "Tuo Bayan! You little girl movie! You--" Why didn't you say that early!
There was a lot of laughter in the room.
In any case, all the problems were solved perfectly. Qiao's family moved to the Imperial Capital. After discussion, the house was not rented out. After all, they left too many memories here, and they were unwilling to let others live in order to order the rent to destroy. it.
The time is right and the people are in harmony. After the release of "Qingjun Side", the field is full. The investors earn a lot of money. As a commercial movie, other summer popcorn films in the same theater line are being sprayed. The comprehensive score of "Qingjun Side" is particularly outstanding.
But the one-sided praise also caused some doubts, is there a sailor in the rhythm of the momentum?
In this regard, Sheng Huazhang, a famous film critic, put it this way:
I walked into the theater maliciously, thinking that I saw through the routine, but I was still hit by the routine, which is really helpless. But it was just a super cool fight.
The number of Tuobayan's Weibo fans has also been rising with a crazy rise. 'Queen's professional family played the demon Princess' tops the hot search list. Before the movie is released, the predictions will be uniform, and the box office is over xxx. Netizens either disappeared or knelt to confess, and Tuobayan and "Qingjun Side" were held on the limelight for a while.
In such a warm atmosphere, Tuobayan entered the university gate.
Time passes quickly, and college life is a completely different experience than high school. Especially as an art college student, the subjects of study focus on photography, editing, screenwriting, etc., which are many and complicated, but there is no other way. Full and pleasant feeling.
In the first semester of freshman year, Li Yanlu received a lot of film appointments, but after screening, there was no real good script quality, and the director's team had a good film. After discussing with Tuobayan, they refused and concentrated on the professional class.
Another year passed, and the spring blossomed season, near the Beijing Film Campus at night.
Tuobayan wore plain under the street light, a pair of slim light jeans, a white sweater with a thin beige cardigan on top, long black hair bundled high, and the tail almost hung down to the waist. Her face is much longer than when she was in high school. The earlier baby fat had faded somehow, less youthful childishness, and more of a familiar female charm.
She smiled and said hello: "Lecturer Zhou is good."
Lecturer Zhou was asked to be a young woman. Her appearance was not so beautiful, but she was gentle and beautiful, with a metal framed eyes on Bai Jing's face, elegant and elegant.
Lecturer Zhou seems to have something to worry about, with a thin face on his face, but he nodded and responded with a smile.
At the end of the boulevard, a black car parked there. Tuobayan waved goodbye to Lecturer Zhou, quickly ran over, and pulled in the door to sit in.
Li Yanluo asked in the driver's seat: "Why is it so late today?"
Tuobayan got close to her and said, "There are some things over there at the school, which is delayed."
Li Yanluo was so funny that she started the car and slowly turned around: "I'm driving."
Tuobayan really lived and went back, shyly opening his face in yellow, "I will drive too."
This drive is not the other one. President Li blushed old and coughed: "Return to our house today?"
Li Yanluo has a wealth of money and has his own real estate in the emperor. Tuoba Jiao and Li Guanting went to the United States two months ago as exchange students. The house that Tuoba Yan bought earlier is now mainly lived by Qiao Chunyi and Gu Min.
There are parents here. Where did President Li and General Tuoba dare to mess around, thinking about the two-person world, they can only go back to Li Yanluo, which is what she said, "our family".
"Just go back to our house," Tuobayan fastened her seat belt and coquettishly said, "I especially want to eat Lin Ji's peanut cake, but I have been busy at school these days. You will take a long journey to take me to buy it. . "
This is of course no problem, Li Yanluo should take a sip.
Although General Tuoba did not like sweet food very much, he had a special liking for Lin Ji's peanut cake. Today, the road was smooth, and I quickly arrived at Lin Ji ’s pastry. It was already dark. Tuoba Yan rushed out of the car and bought a peanut cake that was full of dreams. The two turned around and hurried home.
The car was driving on the road and gradually reached a remote section. Tuobayan glanced out the window and suddenly frowned:
"Yanluo, stop the car."
Li Yanluo was thinking about how to be happy at night, and subconsciously stepped on the brakes.
Tuobayan lowered the window and looked over to see that a drunken woman was being wrapped around by a few sloppy men and walked into the lane.
She touched her pocket easily, put on her mask, and said to Li Yanluo:
"I'll go over there and see."
After thinking about it, I would like to add one more sentence: "Don't follow me, wait for me in the car."
Li Yanlu also knew her temper and could not ignore injustice, so she nodded:
"be careful."
Tuobayan pulled the mask down, holding Li Yanluo's face, and kissed him mouth-to-mouth: "Take it easy."
After finishing, take the sweater hood and get off.
Tuobayan strode the meteor into the lane and heard a female voice vaguely saying, "You, what are you doing ... Get away!"
The scolded man laughed and said: "If you don't do anything, just play with the beauties. Anyway, I also invited you to drink all night, don't be so cruel."
There was a sound of tearing clothes, and the woman screamed with a muffled voice:
"You go away, I want to go home!"
There is no need to ask Tuobayan to find out what they will 'play' next. Then he burst into flames and walked forward a few steps. The men just now pressed the drunk woman on the wall and put his hand on it.
Tuobayan grabbed the half-length hair of the outermost man and yanked it out!
The man shouted in pain: "Ah !!!"
Tuobayan has never kept his hands on this kind of scum, and punched his fist the man's face!
Accompanied by a crunch, the man screamed like a pig, his nose was interrupted by Tuobayan, his nose was spurting out, he staggered back with his face covered, and he was anxiously corrupted. —

Tuobayan kicked his feet and kicked on his crotch!
This time the broken nose bridge curled up on the ground without convulsing, but there was no sound of pain.
At this time, other hooligans also reacted. The cold light flashed in the darkness, and some people bounced off the knife: "Eat the bear heart leopard gall ..."
Tuobayan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, she still waited to solve this matter and went home to have an intimacy with her wife-in-law. She twisted the sword-holder's wrist three times, five times, and two, and all of the people in Seli lay down Ground, make another one
make up one's foot, don't want to use that stuff again in this life.
She lifted the drunk woman sitting paralyzed on the ground: "Hey, are you okay?"
The drunken woman glared in a daze. She looked pretty. She had a beautiful eyebrow. She looked twenty-seven or eighty years old. She said:
"Zhou Menghuai, you poorly taught bookmaker, when is this so powerful?"
Upon hearing the name, Tuobayan had a headache, and he really couldn't let go of the drunk.
Zhou Menghuai, is not the full name of lecturer Zhou! Coupled with teaching a bookmaker ... Bacheng is an acquaintance of lecturer Zhou.
Throwing the next shrimp, Tuobayan helped the drunk woman out of the lane. Li Yanluo had turned the car back to the neighborhood and got off the bus to answer: "Solved?"
Tuobayan sighed: "The solution is solved, this woman ... may know with our school lecturer Zhou."
The drunk ghost girl did not know what the wind was blowing, crying and crying: "Menghuai, I was wrong, I really knew wrong, woo ..."
Li Yanluo and Tuobayan glanced at each other:
Oh, picked up a trouble!
Li Yanluo asked: "What should I do? Do you want to call instructor Zhou?"
Tuobayan smiled bitterly: "I don't know her well, I don't have her number."
Li Yanlu was discouraged: "Hey, take her home first. It's never dangerous to leave her alone on the street. It's dangerous. It's better that she can sober up a little while ... It's really impossible. Just wait for tomorrow and send her to lecturer Zhou go with."
Within a few minutes after the car was on the road, the drunk ghost girl fell asleep, nagging Zhou Menghuai's name while sleeping. Fortunately, she didn't spit in the car or spread alcohol.
After arriving home, Tuobayan dragged her into the guest room like a sandbag, and threw it into the bed. The drunk ghost hummed and wriggled a few times, and continued to nag the name of Zhou Menghuai, just like acting bitterly!
The author has something to say: excessive chapters.
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