Chapter 1027: Half-beast jade carver

When I first met, Andre was attracted by Tian Yushan's careful and serious attitude when he was carving, as if the whole soul was immersed in it.
Moreover, Tian Yushan's pure but faintly trembling unyielding and intelligent energy also deeply attracted Tian Yushan.
After that, Andre sent people to stare at Chu Yuqu's actions, while keeping in touch with Tian Yushan repeatedly without telling everyone.
He even paid out of his own pocket and bought high-priced jade to Tian Yushan, only to smile for the Pomeranian.
However, there is no impermeable wall in the world. Andre bought jade at a high price, but he didn't give it to himself. Chu Yuqu made a big temper at Andre, and pointed out that the marriage contract was in danger.
With Tian Yushan's pure cuteness as a comparison, Chu Yuqu, who had no ability but tried to deceive, stepped on other capable people to maintain his decent, became more and more disgusting and annoying in Andre's heart.
After a breakup, Chu Yuqu no longer cares about the jade carving, ordering his men to dig the ground three feet to find Andrei's "Xin Huan".
Andre continued to accompany Tian Yushan under Chu Yuqu's nose.
Even because of the existence of the orc around Tian Yushan who can distinguish the energy of jade, she gradually realized that she liked Tian Yushan and began to be jealous.
Tian Yushan never seemed to make any difference to Andre or another orc. She only immersed herself in the supremacy of her carving work.
And the more Tian Yushan was like this, the more Andre felt that she was like a piece of jade full of energy, with no feeling on the surface, but pure and flawless inside.
Even Andre even felt that Tian Yushan had something more attractive to him than Chu Yuqu, and he couldn't say exactly what it was, but at least, compared to Chu Yuqu who deceived him, Andre felt like Tian Yushan, whose heart is on the carving, is even cuter.
Faced with Andrei's enthusiastic offensive, Tian Yushan finally learned something. At the same time, the two of them also had a preliminary relationship with the assistance of another orc from time to time.
It was at this time that the Jade Carver Competition began.
Because she couldn't find the lover of fiancé Andrei outside, Chu Yuqu was very irritable. Therefore, she also transferred this anger to other people and asked Tian Yushan to carve the best jade sculpture for her. It is with a superior attitude.
But at this time, Tian Yushan had already understood that she had become Chu Yuqu's ‘gunner’ and she was unwilling to be a tiger anymore. Therefore, she offered to compete on her own, but Chu Yuqu sneered and rejected it mercilessly.
Even, in order to make Tian Yushan obediently obedient, Chu Yuqu sent the orc who could distinguish the energy of jade to take care of Tian Yushan, not allowing her to leave the jade carving room.
But just after Chu Yuqu left, Andre came, and he listened furiously to Tian Yushan crying out about what happened, and then calmed Tian Yushan’s emotions, signaled her to do the competition first, and promised that he would belong to Her glory was returned to her as it was, and Chu Yuqu paid the price.
With Andre here, even the orc who obeyed Chu Yuqu's orders did not dare to imprison Tian Yushan, not to mention that the orc himself admired Tian Yushan in his heart.
Tian Yushan believed in Andre and turned her grief and indignation into strength. Instead of using the jade sent by Chu Yuqu, she used the purer jade specially sent by Andre. After half a month, she finally made it. A work that makes Andre and Chu Yuqu both amazing.
Chu Yuqu undoubtedly gave his work to the judging panel in his own name, but he did not expect that on the day the results were announced, Andre stood up and said that Chu Yuqu was injured and could no longer do jade sculptures, and he is now praised. Everything about the author of the work being someone else was said in public.
After the selection team investigated on the spot, because Chu Yuqu did indeed have scars on his hands and said the quality of the rough jade stone was wrong, the results were cancelled by the selection team.
As for Tian Yushan, she did not win that session, because she did not sign up to participate. However, from the engraver of that work, a certain half-orc in the selection group took a fancy to her and expressed willingness to accept it on the spot. As a disciple, she suddenly became famous.
In contrast, Chu Yuqu lost everything overnight, was spurned and driven out of the orc's capital, and no one saw her again.
Five years later, Tian Yushan finally won the jade carving competition in her own name and became the jade carver who succeeded the strongest jade carver, reaching a higher level than Chu Yuqu once.
He even brought up a wave of jade carvers who could not distinguish the spiritual veins but were ingenious, and a new profession-the spiritual veins composer, made outstanding contributions to the orc world.
After a good career harvest, emotionally, Tian Yushan and Andre also had a love triangle in five years with the orc who admired Tian Yushan, but Tian Yushan finally chose Andre, who was fighting for her. The lover eventually became a family member. As for the orc, he stepped aside and stayed aside as Tian Yushan's guardian for life.
It was really pitiful and pathetic, Qin Wansha ridiculed such a sentence, but she didn't know who it was.
Looking down at a deep scar on her wrist, Qin Wansha stretched out her hand and touched it, knowing that at least the timeline has come after the encounter between the daughter of destiny and the original owner.
But Qin Wansha was not in a hurry, anyway, it was roughly clear, it was boring to think more, it was better to follow the trend, so Qin Wansha leaned back and fell directly back on the bed.
However, Qin Wansha had to change her posture because of her stamina too much, overwhelming her tail, until she curled up comfortably on the bed and the brightness of the surroundings returned to darkness again, Qin Wansha smiled and squinted her eyes
Regarding the plot, let’s wait until the daytime. It’s night, and she needs a jet lag. Tomorrow morning, she will try to find her missing lover.
As for the destined daughters of this world, and those who seem to be entangled together, Qin Wansha sneered in her heart, I am afraid that none of them are really silly and sweet.
After a good night's sleep, Qin Wansha woke up with a soft knock on the door.
As a top-notch jade carver, Chu Yuqu's status is very high, so her various living standards also seem to match.
After eating a hearty breakfast, Qin Wansha asked a half-orc who was like a housekeeper next to him: "Do I have any plans for today?"
Qin Wansha asked casually, but the butler who could transform into a human form had a flash of embarrassment on her face: "Mr. Andre said that he has something to do today and cannot accompany the young lady."
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