Chapter 1130: Danjiao dispute

Qin Wansha's expectation of the owner's return without success was as early as Qin Wansha's expectation. She was not eager to ask the owner to say anything, because she knew that the owner who had found nothing would come and look for her.
Not unexpected by Qin Wansha, that night, the owner of the garden, who had used all of his relationships and had not heard any traces or news of his brother Lao Tian, ​​came to Qin Wansha's courtyard after everyone had their own rest.
Qin Wansha knocked on the door of Qin Wansha's room lightly, and the owner was already a little desperate this time. Qin Wansha was already his last hope.
Just today, in order to find someone to help him speak to Dashuai Zhang for Lao Tian, ​​almost his feet never stopped, and he kept looking for his old contacts and friends for help. Unfortunately, don’t say it. He promised to help him. When I heard that the person might have been taken away by Dashuai Zhang, everyone's attitude towards him changed a hundred and eighty degrees.
It was so easy for someone to agree to give him a message later, but afterwards he ignored him, and the owner's heart became so cold.
It's not that he didn't try to find Marshal Zhang in the past. It's a pity that he doesn't even want to go in the Marshal's mansion, let alone the place where Marshal does business on weekdays?
After a day of exhaustion, after returning to the theater, the owner thought of the last person who might be able to help him-‘Little Flower’, that is, Qin Wansha.
Going around, the owner almost forgot this little girl who personally selected Zhang Shuai to replace Jacaranda.
With his eyes fixed on the door, after hearing a faint sound of footsteps from the door, the owner finally saw Qin Wansha's face.
"Owner?" Qin Wansha looked surprised, looked behind the owner again, and then let people in: "Why are you here?"
The owner took a breath and walked heavy steps into Qin Wansha's house.
After that, the owner didn't play any official accents, and asked Qin Wansha very straightforwardly: "Little Jacaranda, I want to ask you for help."
Qin Wansha's expression was stunned, but then she smiled slowly: "What did the owner say, who are you, what is my identity, and what can I do for you?"
The owner's fists were clenched behind his back, and he said directly: "Lao Tian disappeared on the way home today. It should be done by someone sent by the commander. I would like to ask you to ask him for help and let him go. If Lao Tian returns, if things happen, I will try my best to help you in the future and never break my promise!"
Qin Wansha looked at the expression on the owner's words, she was mad about rushing to the doctor, and even more unspeakably solemn, her expression gradually became serious.
After a while, in front of the owner, Qin Wansha still shook her head slightly: "Owner, I can't help you with this matter."
The owner’s lips moved weakly, but Qin Wansha did not wait for him to say something, she continued to say: "I am just a chess piece in the hands of Dashuai Zhang. Although it is being used now, there is absolutely no you. The weight required."
Listening to Qin Wansha's words, how could the owner not know that what Qin Wansha said was right, but...
The owner's fist is tightly clenched. If he doesn't fight for it or think of a solution, his only brother will be gone!
Qin Wansha felt that the time was almost too, and when she saw that the owner of the garden was in desperate situation, she changed her conversation: "However, I have someone, I'm afraid it can help the owner."
"Who!" Before Qin Wansha finished speaking, the owner raised her head excitedly and asked loudly.
Qin Wansha seemed to be taken aback, and then hesitated and hesitated: "The owner should think about it first. This person's identity is a bit special, uh... if it's not good, it will lead to Dashuai Zhang's taboo instead."
Although Qin Wansha said vaguely, the owner of the garden suddenly thought of something. He looked at Qin Wansha's eyes and saw that Qin Wansha's face was also entangled: "It's fine, the owner should assume that I haven't said it before. If you just go to the doctor, anyone can ask for it."
Qin Wansha's words are "the speaker has no intention", but the owner of the garden is "the listener intends."
Yes, he is still thinking about the use of those many and not? It is true that he can save his brother now!
"Are you talking about Mr. Qin from the north?" The owner directly pierced the key point in Qin Wansha's words.
Qin Wansha was shocked on her face and immediately shook her hand to the owner of the garden: "No, no, no, no..."
As a result, looking at the host’s gloomy expression, Qin Wansha sighed again and then replied:
It’s him, that person Zhang Dashuai cares about. Don’t talk to such little characters as me to speak for you. Even being close is not enough."
The owner of the garden has already made a decision, but there is one more thing he has to confirm: "Has that gentleman left the city?"
"Mr. Qin said that he was going back to the north, but the distance between the left and right is no more than one city. If the owner is really anxious, maybe he can write a letter to him." Qin Wansha suggested: "I can persuade him. Dashuai Zhang, I am afraid that this is Mr. Qin alone, so I still rely on Dashuai Zhang. Otherwise, how can that person look like me?"
The owner did not speak any more, and nodded abruptly after a while: "Okay, write a letter, you write immediately, I will find someone to help you send it out overnight."
Obviously, the owner is very anxious.
If this matter is delayed for one second, Lao Tian’s degree of danger will increase by one second. Even though there may be a delay in the journey now, but compared to those who are not willing to help him, this time, the owner To be clear is to wait.
Qin Wansha nodded, and quickly went to the room to find out a pen and paper, picked up a pen and wrote about the matter, emphatically expressing that the owner was very anxious and hoped that "Mr. Qin" could get back news as soon as possible.
The owner of the garden had been standing behind Qin Wansha, but his eyes saw Qin Wansha from the letter.
In his heart, the owner of the garden secretly said that he looked away, perhaps, not only himself, but also Dashuai Zhang.
However, at this moment, nothing matters anymore. He has made a decision and is also ready to accept what will happen next.
After handing over the letter and address to the owner, Qin Wansha watched the owner leave again.
After such a delay, the sky was already dark and he couldn't see his fingers.
Qin Wansha opened the window from her room, revealing a dark scene outside, accompanied by moonlight, and the shade of the trees was slightly blown by the cool breeze, like a shadow of a figure hiding in the dark, looking a little horrible.
Qin Wansha's mood became happier after being blown by the wind like this. After that, a drop of rain fell on Qin Wansha's face without any sign.
Before Qin Wansha reached out and wiped it off, she had another hand stretched out from behind her, closed the window for her, and then pulled the person into the house.
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