Chapter 1164: Interstellar pirates

When receiving an urgent message from his father, Michael was hiding in the mecha simulation training room to practice mecha combat.
Although he had made up his mind before that, before Carol returned, he would take care of the Hess's stall for her, but when Michael really wanted to do it, he realized that his ideas were still too naive.
It took more than ten years for Carroll to get started gradually, for his natural fierce general, he could not learn at all if he wanted to.
However, even so, Michael still bit the bullet and forced himself to adapt, but occasionally, he also wanted to escape the status quo and return to the previous days on the Alpha.
The acting patriarch saw in his eyes, but he could only resist more things on his own and tolerate his son's escape a little bit, but when it comes to retrieving Carroll and abandoning everything he has finally calculated, the acting patriarch is also unwilling. .
In fact, the current situation cannot be restored by recalling Carroll. Not to mention that in order to send his son to the top, the reputation of Carroll, which he has finally stinked up, is irretrievable, even if it is Carroll's exposed sex. , Will also be the biggest barrier to her commanding family members. It can be said that even if Carroll does come back, she will not be able to restore her former glory, let alone lead them to the Hess family to continue to the top.
Up to now, the acting patriarch still doesn't feel that the decision he made before was wrong. It is impossible for a woman to be more suitable for the position of patriarch than his son. Michael just needs time, and he can work hard to fight for Michael! As long as the final result is good, it is enough for him.
However, the current situation has also caused the acting patriarch to turn his head. Without Alpha’s power in the military, their Hess family’s right to speak is gradually weakening, although he wants to immediately hand the Alpha to his son Michael. However, the hearts of the people in the clan are not united. There are too many'rats' who want to get a share of the Alpha. They have a higher status in the Hess family than him. In addition, the military leaders deliberately for profit. It’s a good show, which makes the return of the Alpha invisible.
Until this time, the military said that a batch of'cargo' suddenly lost contact during transportation. According to the news from the final transport spacecraft, the other party was probably ambushed by pirates, and the cargo contained some sensitive information. The heavy weapons and energy of the army-although the senior military officials concealed the news, the acting patriarch still heard some news.
When the Alliance temporarily only had the Alpha, a starship carrying heavy weapons, which was free, the army, who had been hanging high on their appetites on the grounds that the Alpha was unclearly allocated, relaxed, and the acting patriarch immediately saw it. For the opportunity, he immediately contacted Michael.
The acting patriarch knew very well that as long as Michael can return from a big victory this time, there will be no more disputes over the ownership of the Alpha, and that is Michael's fixed thing!
As for Michael himself, what he cares more about is returning to the interstellar, fighting, and releasing, rather than suffocating in this cunning family, facing those family members who are full of scheming and cunning.
Ever since, it only took 4 hours from receiving the news to the personnel integration of the Alpha.
It's just that Michael, who was thinking about returning to the interstellar world, didn't notice it in time. Some people in the Alpha had not quite right eyes when they looked at him.
The news that the Alpha was ordered to surrender the pirates quickly spread throughout the alliance. In order to build momentum for Michael and at the same time to prevent the possibility of picking peaches in the later period of the military, the news was spread throughout the entire alliance. Star network is well known.
This made it easy for Qin Wansha and others to see this news.
"Alliance fools." This is Ryan's new name for the alliance's top leaders.
Qin Wansha smiled happily when she watched the news on Starnet even with photos.
After thinking about it, Qin Wansha turned her head to Ryan again, and said jokingly: "When Alpha comes back, I will let you be the master of Alpha. What do you think?"
Ryan's dark eyes immediately lit up, but after a while, he said solemnly: "My processor is not enough to support an entire starship."
Seeing Ryan's serious appearance, Qin Wansha seemed to think of something, and laughed funny again: "I'm kidding, there is an intellectual brain on the Alpha, but unfortunately it has not been fully activated. When she comes back, I will introduce you to you. Two understandings."
Listening to Qin Wansha's words, Ryan fell into a moment of silence--did he just agree that it would be better?
Several days passed in a flash, and according to the speed of the starship, it would have arrived at the original location long ago.
However, in fact, after the launch of the Alpha, Michael had serious disputes with several high-level members of the original Alpha. The main problem was Michael's betrayal.
"I said! I didn't betray Carol! It's just because of the situation at the time that I had to do it! Otherwise, the Alpha will be completely taken away by the Alliance! We will also lose control of her, you can’t listen. Do you understand people?" Michael, who explained countless times, was very tired, and was even more chilled by the cold eyes of his former companions.
Although he did stand on the opposite of Carroll for the sake of the overall situation, all this is also for the overall situation and everyone, right? ! He has said that he will find Carol and return the title of patriarch and the ownership of Alpha to Carol, but these people in the starship did not believe him at all. At the end of the explanation, Michael also When the fire started, the missing Carroll could not misunderstand him. Why these people? !
"It was your intervention that made us lose in that battle. Now you and your father have finally taken the ownership of the Alpha and the authority of the He family. You are willing to hand over things so easily. Carol?" The general who spoke was full of distrust, and at the same time there was a bit of anger in his eyes: "Not to mention that the military will not let you make such a joke to determine the ownership of the Alpha, even if what you say is true, then After the game, why did Carroll disappear! She was so badly injured, can she still run away by herself?! Now Carroll is missing, everything is under your control, of course you can say anything!"
"Then what do you want!" Michael roared fiercely, his fists clenched, and he glared at his former partner. Only he knew the pain in his heart: "Carol's disappearance has nothing to do with me! I don't know her. Where did I go, but everything I said will definitely be done! Whether it’s the Alpha or the position of the Hess patriarch, I will try my best to return it to her, but all of this has nothing to do with you. !
The important task in front of us is not internally but externally! Carroll is not here, I am the captain of this starship! With your current perfunctory attitude, I can deal with you as treason! "
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