Chapter 1225: What a big white lotus

Min Junchen was blocked by Qin Wansha's series of words and couldn't speak at all, and he stood in front of Qin Wansha in a daze.
Qin Wansha looked at Min Junchen's appearance, and the sneer at the corners of her lips added a touch of self-deprecation. Then she changed her eyes and turned to leave: "It seems that you should have nothing else to talk to me about. There is still something at home, so go ahead. Up."
However, just after Qin Wansha just turned and took a step forward, Min Junchen suddenly reacted, and immediately took a step forward, blocking Qin Wansha's wrist: "Wait!"
Qin Wansha didn't turn around, she kept this position and let Min Junchen hold her.
Min Junchen also looked at Qin Wansha and said anxiously at this time: "Siwen, now is not the time to have a temper with me, you know that the person you like is not my uncle! I... Although I am not about men and women to you That kind of love, but I don't want to look at you and ruin yourself so much! This matter has nothing to do with An Ran. She and I are just friends now, so I hope you can think about it for yourself. "
Just after Min Junchen finished saying this, he heard Qin Wansha suddenly chuckle in front of him, and then the smile grew stronger.
When Qin Wansha turned her head again, Min Junchen was surprised again by the coldness and resentment in the opponent's eyes.
"Done?" Qin Wansha had a sneer and scornful smile on her face, and the strange expression in her eyes made Min Junchen uncomfortable.
While speaking, Qin Wansha lowered her eyes again, and glanced suggestively at her wrist held by Min Junchen: "When you are finished, please let go."
Min Junchen was stabbed by the coldness of Qin Wansha's words and couldn't help but loosen his grip on Qin Wansha, and Qin Wansha took the opportunity to withdraw her wrist. After that, she said nothing, let alone goodbye, and walked directly on the way she came. Go, don't put Min Junchen in his eyes anymore.
This time, Min Junchen didn't step forward and continue to stop him. He even stood silly and watched Qin Wansha's figure walk away until he disappeared. A certain place in his heart made Min Junchen feel a little empty.
He didn't know how long he stood, and during this period, Min Junchen thought about it a lot, but in any case, he didn't think his uncle had any suitable place with Qin Wansha.
No way! This will never work! Min Junchen thought so in his heart, and the hands placed on both sides of his body suddenly clenched into fists.
At the same time, Qin Wansha had also walked back to the gate of the Meng's house. Of course, she did not forget the excuse she made when she came out. She took out Shang Qingkun's phone from her pocket, and then walked into the Meng's house with a smile. door.
At this moment, the Meng family and monk Qingkun were chatting enthusiastically, and even Qin Wansha came back and rejoined without getting much attention.
After a meal, Shang Qingkun had been perfectly recognized by the Meng family, and even the Chief of Staff Meng spoke, implying, ‘Mr. Shang will be more troublesome for my little girl when I look back.’
When Shang Qingkun said he was leaving, Qin Wansha was pushed to be the representative again and was responsible for ‘escorting’ Shang Qingkun out of the car.
When the two-year-olds left, Grandma Meng turned around and ran her eyes at Grandpa Meng and Chief of Staff Meng twice: "Well, I said this young man is very good."
Both Grandpa Meng and Chief of Staff Meng were very happy, and Grandma Meng looked at her bag of clothes, with a meaningful expression in her eyes: "If you can inquire about my dance team, this young gentleman is thinking about our family. Ah, I really put my heart into it."
Qin Wansha and Shang Qingkun walked to Shang Qingkun's Rolls Royce side by side, but at a distance of a few meters, the two of them walked out of a posture hundreds of meters.
With a chuckle, he ridiculed and expressed condolences to Shang Qingkun's situation when he was alone with the Meng family. When she walked to the car, Qin Wansha told Shang Qingkun all the things Min Junchen and her had said.
Shang Qingkun was not surprised at this: "How many progress bars are there?"
Listening to Shang Qingkun's question, Qin Wansha also lowered her head to check the situation on her brain for the first time.
"5%." Qin Wansha said with a smile at the progress.
"Almost." Shang Qingkun said as he reached out and touched Qin Wansha's cheek, his eyes were a little deep: "All the actors are already in place. When the matter is over, where do you want to go for the wedding?"
Facing Shang Qingkun’s question, Qin Wansha showed a funny arc:
Mr. Shang, we actually didn’t know each other for a week. Do you think it’s too early for you to propose to me now?

Shang Qingkun was even more serious about this: "Is it early? Then I will give you a few more days."
After speaking, Shang Qingkun lowered his head again and kissed the corner of Qin Wansha's lips, and then said: "Go, remember to miss me."
Immediately, he got into the Rolls-Royce, started the car, and drove out of the front gate of the compound under Qin Wansha's watch.
However, after Shang Qingkun left, Qin Wansha's smile on her lips instantly cooled down. At the same time, there was more worry and deepness in her eyes.
The expression of Shang Qingkun just now... Sure enough, the things left by the Lord God will still have a big impact on Shang Qingkun.
However, thinking about it this way, Qin Wansha is more determined to speed up the resolution of the daughter of destiny and son of destiny in this world. When nothing else bothers them, Qin Wansha naturally has time to accompany Shang Qingkun and slowly help. He transforms those energies together.
At this moment, Shang Qingkun was actually working hard to suppress the coolness that surged in his heart. He really didn't like the feeling of being controlled by others.
Fortunately, after losing contact with the main body, Shang Qingkun's cut off this part of Rong Nai was just a piece of cake. After Shang Qingkun calmed down, he soon recovered.
But at this moment, his cell phone ringing abruptly resounded throughout the car.
At the same time, the car stereo connected to Bluetooth also rang the name of the caller-"Are you going to answer Min Junchen's call?"
Shang Qingkun paused while holding the steering wheel's hand, then slowly opened his mouth: "Take it."
He also wanted to know what Min Junchen wanted to say when calling him this time.
At the other end, Min Junchen, who was sitting in his room, decided to make such a call to Shang Qingkun after thinking about it for a long time.
In any case, he couldn't just watch Meng Siwen continue on the road of unhappiness.
However, at the moment the call was connected, Min Junchen himself was still taken aback by his own imagination.
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