Chapter 1298: Widow queen

Just as the magpie ran out of the courtyard of the big house with what he thought was very light, Qin Wansha and others in the house had almost completely controlled the scene.
Just when the black-clothed man who was seen by the magpie touched Qin Wansha's room, held the knife close to Qin Wansha's bed, and was about to fiercely insert the knife into the heart of the person lying in front of the bed, he suddenly caught a white one from the bed. Hand, it can be said that it was quite easy to grab his hand.
Immediately, before he was shocked, he wanted to retreat, a solid body was pressed behind him, and his hands were touched on his mouth, nose and neck.
With a slight twist and a ‘carla’ sound, the next second, the man in black who was holding the knife to stab, had broken his neck bone and slipped softly to the ground.
At the same time, a similar situation also happened in another room. The only difference was that there were no two persons on the bed in that room.
Not long after the magpie ran away, the whole big house yard was lit again with bright lights, and a team of solid guards followed Xigui's back, carrying several men in black. In Qin Wansha's room.
Everyone directly ignored the corpse on the floor in the house, and leaned straight toward Qin Wansha sitting on the bed and Xiao Qichen beside the war bed in salute.
Xigui lowered his head and quickly reported to the two of them: "A total of 4 assassins were captured today. I dare to ask the master, can I keep alive?"
Xiao Qichen was full of cold eyes, and without hesitation, he directly determined the life and death of those people: "Don't leave one."
Following his words, in the next second, the guards who were escorting the assassin all drew out the knives together, raised the knives in their hands and dropped them, without leaving a living mouth.
Qin Wansha leaned on the bed and watched this scene, her eyes calm and calm, and there was no change in discoloration. This made Xigui and Yigan who were sent by Xiao Qichen to Qin Wansha's guards a little surprised.
However, Xigui thought of something else. After raising her eyes and taking a quick look at Qin Wansha, she said in a low voice to Qin Wansha: "Manny, when we just cleaned the yard, the magpie seemed to have seen it accidentally, and then ran out. The yard, I don’t know where to go at the moment, do you think...?"
Listening to Xigui's suggestive words, Qin Wansha was not surprised at all, her lips twitched: "Let her go, I am afraid it will require you to work hard tonight. I want you to make trouble with this matter tonight. The bigger the better."
While talking, Qin Wansha also lifted the quilt and got out of the bed. Her clothes were still neat and tidy, but they were slightly wrinkled because of the posture of sleeping on the bed.
"It's so small, aren't the people who called this thing disappointed?"
Just after Qin Wansha finished saying this, there was a faint voice and commotion outside the courtyard.
Xigui and others all turned their heads to look outside unexpectedly. The guards who depended on the periphery were also clever. They opened the door and hurried out to listen to the news.
But in fact, there is no need to wait for the person to come back from snooping on the news, the original vague voice has already ran towards their yard with shouts.
"The water is walking! The water is walking in the courtyard! Come on!"
The visitor didn't actually enter the yard, but ran around and shouted, and then went to other yards. Obviously, this person was here to move the soldiers.
A look of surprise flashed across Qin Wansha's face, and she glanced at Xiao Qichen at the same time.
Xiao Qichen stretched out his hand and put a heavy shawl on Qin Wansha's body. After that, he smiled unpredictably: "It's getting bigger, you said."
Qin Wansha:...
In fact, this time Xiao Qichen pretended to be forced, because he had not received the news that Rong Xinlan had sent a second wave of people.
However, as the emperor of this world, it was very easy for Xiao Qichen to find out who instigated this wave of people.
While waved and sent a secret guard to investigate the situation, on the other hand, Xiao Qichen also accompanied Qin Wansha and walked towards the main courtyard.
At this moment, the entire Rong Bo's mansion was lit up all at once because of the fire in the courtyard of Mrs. Rong.
Along the way, there were people carrying various water-filling tools to fight the fire. At this moment, everyone was eager to fight the fire, but they did not find this strange and extravagant man beside Qin Wansha.
When Qin Wansha arrived, Grandpa Rong and his wife were already waiting anxiously outside the fire scene.
"Father, mother."
Following Qin Wansha's call, Uncle Rong and Rong Zhang immediately turned their heads, and both stretched out their hands towards Qin Wansha, while calling out worriedly: "My son!"
However, after just turning around, their eyes instantly widened, all because they saw Qin Wansha's figure of Xiao Qichen standing by her side.
Xiao Qichen smiled at Uncle Rong and his wife, standing with his back on Qin Wansha's side, not intending to move away, and he didn't mean to explain anything.
Both Master Rong's husband and wife, who had guessed what Xiao Qichen's identity were, were dumbfounded at the moment, looking at their daughter and Xiao Qichen again. If they weren't in the fire for emergency response, they would have been surprised.
However, in the end, Uncle Rong and his wife still didn't ask anything more in front of Xiao Qichen, they just saluted Xiao Qichen hastily, and they were stopped before they were halfway there.
"Two people don't need to be polite. Now the fire is not small, but the people inside have been rescued?" These last words are the point.
Uncle Rong and his wife immediately became a little unsightly, and both shook their heads, and then whispered: "The people have come out, but the old lady and the two girls around the old lady didn't seem to come out ...I don't know...Oh!"
In fact, the embarrassment of Grandpa Rong’s and his wife’s faces is also normal. Only two days after the two-bedroom and third-bedroom people moved out, things like this happened in Bo Rong’s mansion. It would be okay if Mrs. Rong was rescued, if not... ...I'm afraid that the rumors about their family from outside will be even worse!
With that in mind, Grandpa Rong and Rong Zhang couldn’t think much about why Xiao Qichen, the "noble man", would appear next to Qin Wansha in the middle of the night. They looked at the situation in the fire scene with concern. Unfortunately, they waited. The person of has never appeared from the fire scene.
And the next moment, the secret guard who had been sent by Xiao Qichen to listen to the news returned.
"Master! The matter has been figured out."
Because she was so close to Xiao Qichen, Qin Wansha could hear the secret guard's words clearly, but in the next second, her face flashed with a look of surprise and weirdness.
Isn't it surprising that this night, there was a couple of thieves who sent people to their house, as if they were in an uninhabited state, doing evil.
And what is even more weird is that in the fire of the main courtyard, there was even a magpie's kick?
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