Chapter 209: End-of-time love

Unable to help, Qin Wansha put on a smile on her face, her eyes softly: "What are you doing?"
Yan Jingsheng didn't laugh, walked to stand one meter in front of Qin Wansha, and then slowly knelt on one knee amidst the screams of everyone.
"Ah!! So romantic!!"
"Kneel down! Really kneel down! Hahahahaha!"
Qin Wansha showed a surprised expression in cooperation, but the joy in her eyes was not fake.
At this time, Yan Jingsheng took out a simple purple gemstone bone ring from his arms and stretched it out in front of Qin Wansha: "Are you willing to marry me and become my wife, so that I can love you forever?"
The straightforward words detonated the entire A base, but Qin Wansha looked at the familiar ring and couldn't help covering her mouth, with moving tears in her eyes.
Immortal, the word sounds so simple and so heavy.
And Qin Wansha knew that the man in front of him would really do it. They had been entangled in the sixth life, and there would be more sixth lives in the future until eternity.
Nodded at Yan Jingsheng, Qin Wansha stretched out her left hand tremblingly. It was clear that it was not the first time she was proposed, but Qin Wansha was still as excited as ever.
Put the bone ring into Qin Wansha's ring finger, the size is right.
Yan Jingsheng stuffed the Wangchuan bouquet into Qin Wansha's arms, stood up at the same time, and pulled Qin Wansha into her arms.
Suddenly, the entire A base was filled with cheers and joy from everyone.
More fireworks were fired, and even firecrackers that I didn't know where they got were lit.
The crackling sound seemed to be not the scene of a marriage proposal, but the day of the wedding.
Hugging Yan Jingsheng's waist tightly, Qin Wansha's eyes were wet by the surprise.
Most people in Base A participated in this ‘proposal’ battle, but there were also a small number of people who hid quietly in the back, sneering at the joyful atmosphere in front of the base.
Especially after the proposal, Base A quickly sent a message to Base B, and the two bases confirmed their future union. This is definitely a big project plan. Therefore, the marriage of the two bases’ senior leaders is even more affected. Paid attention.
This time, for the preparation of the wedding, even Yan Jingsheng personally led the team out to find the supplies for the wedding.
As for Qin Wansha, as a bride, she has a strong maiden family (base B) to prepare dowry, and a strong fiance's family (base A) prepares bridesmaids and wedding supplies. As for herself, except for the bad things brought back by fiddling with base B every day Instrument, there is nothing to do.
Every time Yan Jingsheng went out, he brought back more supplies than other teams had to find in days.
However, even so, other voices soon existed in Base A.
"At this kind of crisis, there are still minds and pleasures. So many resources are wasted on a wedding. How many people who can't eat enough of these resources can supply these resources!"
"That is, there is also a lover. Mr. Gao from the G base is so low-key. He works so hard every day to help the base find supplies. As a result, he has to be used for a wedding, a waste!"
"Just look for high-level officials from other bases, and there is no such high profile as Yan Jingcheng and Ji Yueying. There is no sense of crisis in the last days, and it will be over sooner or later!"
The point of this kind of words was too obvious, and Qin Wansha instantly guessed who was spreading the word.
"What is Yu Hanwei doing recently?" Qin Wansha asked Yan Mo who was left to accompany her.
Gao Kaifeng is not a fool. In Base A, this kind of naming will not bring him any benefit except for the negative effects.
"Soaking in the research room every day, I heard that I recently hooked up with the person in charge of a community in the base." Yan Mo dutifully said gossip.
To say, Qin Wansha also really admires Yu Hanwei.
Both Yan Jingsheng and her can't find anything, and can't go to Gao Kaifeng to be taken advantage of, Yu Hanwei actually began to put down his figure and frequently date the strong in the base.
Although the kind of research room she wanted was still unsuccessful, at any rate, she also brought her a lot of experimental materials.
Qin Wansha shook her head: "Where is Gao Kaifeng."
"He is very interested in Hanwei's research, and he is also quietly digging out other abilities in the base, but there is no effect for the time being." Yan Mo said very simple, in fact, Gao Kaifeng has tried to steal too much Hanwei. Wei's information has been returned many times, but failed every time.
Qin Wansha couldn't help but sneered. In the original main line, Yu Hanwei was able to successfully develop a zombie vaccine because of all the information that Dr. Yu provided her before his death, and the hundreds of ones that Gao Kaifeng found for her. researcher.
But now, Yu Hanwei has nothing but the ideas that Dr. Yu said and the 10% of the information he saw at Base B.
"Very good." Qin Wansha responded vaguely, and then immersed her head again in the machine in her hand.
And Gao Kaifeng, indeed, as Qin Wansha expected, was furious at the words that were transmitted inside the base.
"You calm down." Du Ruoxi was dealing with the documents on hand, and said impatiently to Gao Kaifeng who disturbed her.
Du Ruoxi, who is already on the right track at Base A, is less and less of the irritable Gao Kaifeng. He still hasn't understood until now that he is no longer the head of a base, a supernatural ability that is sent to others. Everyday, I didn't want to go hunting and finding supplies outside, so I was fighting wits and courage with another woman in the base. Du Ruoxi had now begun to wonder whether his ultimate goal was necessary.
"How can you calm me down! Someone deliberately framed me!" Gao Kaifeng slapped the table, but he still knew who the person in front of him was, and shouted depressedly.
"Then you tell me it's useful here?" Du Ruoxi asked unceremoniously, and she wrote on her face full of impatience: "If you want to check or explain the innocence, please trouble yourself, I now was busy!"
Gao Kaifeng looked at Du Ruoxi incredulously: "If Xi, you have changed, and I was so framed, you didn't help me?!"
Du Ruoxi put the papers on the desk heavily, and asked, "I don't handle the things on my hands well, what shall we eat? Base A will not support us in vain, or do you think it is better to find someone to solve the problem than to eat enough? The belly is more important?"
Gao Kaifeng returned without success on Du Ruoxi's side, but his anger was even worse.
He always felt that everything had changed. I don't know when it started, and his life became so terrible.
First was the betrayal of his group of subordinates, and then the betrayal of Yu Hanwei. Now Du Ruoxi has also changed. Why, who is behind all this!
"You are... Mr. Gao?" An old voice sounded behind Gao Kaifeng.
Gao Kaifeng turned around to take a look, his eyes suddenly widened.
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