Chapter 352: Wife is on top, slave is second

Of course, Sagong Lebai would not be willing to give up, but Qin Wansha was not ready to wait for the attack from others, she was going to give Sagon Lebai a big gift!
Speaking of beautiful ladies in the palace, the frail Sagong Miling can't be compared with Sagong Lebai, who had been in his mid-teens. Since the other party wants to talk about it, how can a person like Qin Wansha use this Stubbornly fight back.
And after reading the information of this world, coupled with Zhao Xiujun's plug-in, Qin Wansha has a very thorough understanding of the life of Sikong Lebai.
This three emperor’s family is related to a powerful and powerful adult Taichang in the court, and once also intends to marry the two. It is a pity that the matter of carrying people to the mansion in Sagong Lebai was carried by the Taichang adult. After there are so many families, this matter will not be over.
It's just the son of the Taihang master, but he has been thinking of the cousin of the three emperors since he was a child, and even in the original world, after the three emperors became the emperors, they insisted on begging the elders of the family to get involved with the three emperors. The line of marriage almost became Sikong Lebai's Fengjun.
The reason it was said to be a little bit, naturally, was because Sikong Lebai's true Phoenix King was crowned.
This Prince Taichang was also just a stepping stone for the relationship between Sagong Lebai and Guanyu. Knowing the existence of Guanyu, he relied on his prime minister and Taichang to support him, so he went to the palace of the emperor and maiden to fight the crown. Yuji was so insulting that she finally made Guanyu intolerable. After offering plans to kill Yuexiaju, she succeeded in advancing her relationship with Sagong Lebai. He also entered the emperor’s eyes, and finally took the position of the emperor's wife Zhengjun. .
As for the son of Taichang, afterwards, it seemed that Sikongle was ruthlessly married to a frustrated person with white hair, and he was ruined in the second half of his life.
Qin Wansha's plan is also very simple. She is not going to use Sagong Lebai to smash her and then take it back. Instead, she prepares another good show for Sagong Lebai to ensure that she will not have sesame seeds in the future. There is also no Japanese gua (guanyu).
Qin Wansha is going to use her marriage to lead out the too ordinary adult-of course, this is to say hello to Zhao Xiujun in advance, to lure the enemy or something, you must first report to your husband!
After that, as long as the emperor cooperated and let out the news, saying that he would choose a righteous monarch for the emperor and his wife, and then find someone to point the candidate to that too ordinary adult-people of the same level would not want Qin Wansha to marry the young man. , The only thing they could do was to find a person with an identity equal to that of Qin Wansha-Sikong Lebai, to marry the boy.
However, in Sagong Lebai's mansion, there is still a heart-warming crown jade. Neither Guanyu nor Sagong Lebai will let the grandson of that too ordinary lord enter the mansion and become the three emperors.
At this time, Qin Wansha could sit and wait for the excitement to appear.
Without her doing more, Sagong Lebai will be made up by two men, the first and the two big ones. In front of him, he is forced by the princes and his beloved boy crying. No matter which side Sagon Lebai chooses, Qin Wansha is happy. See.
However, according to the urinary nature of this world, it is obvious that Guanyu will offer a plan to end Yuexiaju-it's a pity that Yuexiaju has now all been transferred, and Xiao Guanyu still doesn't know.
If this matter is handled properly, Qin Wansha can even take advantage of the opportunity to marry Zhao Xiuyun home in an upright manner. After all, the wind has been let out, and there is no such thing as a royal lady.
After hearing Qin Wansha's whole plan, Zhao Xiuyun was surprised.
To be honest, if someone else said something like this, Zhao Xiuyun would only laugh at it as ‘empty words’, but when Qin Wansha spoke out his plan with confidence, Zhao Xiujun subconsciously chose to believe it.
Zhao Xiuyun thinks that he has seen a lot of celebrities, but the most is only one step and ten steps. Qin Wansha has not yet made it out, but has already counted a hundred steps, not only the emperor, Fengjun, prime minister, three emperors, etc. It's all included, including him and Yue Xia Ju.
Qin Wansha enjoyed Zhao Xiuyun’s surprised gaze, but soon Zhao Xiuyun also attacked:
It’s a good thing to have calculations in your mind, but you have ever thought about it, if you are not the same person, what should you do at this time? Really marry that. Are you a teenager, or if you don’t want to be a child?"
Qin Wansha didn't refute, but instead asked, "Will Xiujun be willing to bet with me?"
"What are you betting on?" Zhao Xiuyun also showed some interest.
"Is gambling on crown jade?" Qin Wansha grinned: "As for the son of Taichang, you don't have to worry about it. People have always liked cousin Lebai. Besides, the royal family has never recognized his identity, really. No, there can also be a young man who died violently in the Taichang family."
Qin Wansha smiled and said cold words, but the royal family is indeed like this. When things get worse and worse, the royal family will choose to protect it, and it will only be its own children, not to mention, if the rumors cannot be stopped, the folks will even more. I would guess, but the Taichang family had too much thought of a grand lady, instead of thinking about Qin Wansha.
Zhao Xiujun laughed at once: "Guanyu has turned it back."
Since Guanyu wrote a false note, he has been expelled from Yuexiaju's organization by Zhao Xiujun. Now, another spy who was sent to the Three Imperial Women's Mansion is under surveillance along with Guanyu.
"No, I mean, will Guanyu confess Yuexiaju's headquarters?" Qin Wansha shook her finger at Zhao Xiujun.
Guanyu was brought back to live in Yuexia by Zhao Xiuyun. This was also a test of Qin Wansha's attitude towards Zhao Xiuyun. She wanted to know if Zhao Xiuyun would let him go if he saw the child she rescued betrayed herself.
But the fact is that Zhao Xiuyun's eyes darkened, and his smile also brought a hint of dark bird: "Betting, if he dares to do this, I will squeeze his neck by myself."
"Hee hee, then I will prepare another color for you." Qin Wansha added a fire for Zhao Xiujun.
"If he really does, I will give you Sagong Lebai's head as a betrothal gift. When I return to marry me, I will be able to win the reputation of being a escort."
Zhao Xiujun didn't know what Qin Wansha's words meant, but he agreed.
And the next day, when Sagong Lebai was in charge of the government, Qin Wansha's plan was also colluded with the emperor, and preparations were officially started.
For Qin Wansha who recommended herself to be an official, Sikong Lebai would naturally not have any gratitude, but on the face of it, she still gave Qin Wansha a great gift in front of the ministers.
Qin Wansha didn't immediately lift the person up as Sagong Lebai thought, but smiled in her mouth: "Sanmei, this is really too polite." She accepted Sagong Lebai's gift.
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