Chapter 389: Earl Rose

Arthur’s behavior spread throughout the castle the next day. Except for a few soft-hearted young maids and sighed about Arthur’s hopeless love for Qin Wansha, the rest of them without exception were spurned and spurned to Arthur. disgust.
However, Arthur shut himself in the room from this day on. Except for Nina who would remember him and deliver him meals to the door of the room regularly, no one would care for him, of course. Never saw him again.
Nina waited hard for Arthur, even if Arthur kept the door behind her, she couldn't hear other movements in the door.
It is false to say not to worry, but every day when she sees the disappearing food from the dinner plate, Nina's mood becomes very good-as long as she is sure that Mr. Arthur is still alive, she believes she can wait until Arthur changes her mind.
However, the peace in the castle was quickly broken. On the third day of Arthur’s incident, in the evening, a knight wearing the uniform of Augustin’s soldiers rushed into the castle. , And at the same time informed Augustine-king trend, the princes began to fight for the throne.
Augustine was also one of the sons of His Majesty the King of Orlando who had just passed away, but he was not the son of the king and the current queen, but the child of the first wife of the king.
It’s very that the king would marry Augustine’s mother in order to fight for the throne. After becoming king, he began to date the current queen, and he did not even deliberately avoid the former queen, which eventually led to the former queen’s anger. Passed away.
However, because of this, Augustine did not like the king. If it weren't for Augustine's very prominent foreign family, I am afraid that the king would not give him the position of duke, let alone the supreme crown prince.
But what’s ridiculous is that the most fierce battle for the throne in the imperial city is the sons of the current queen—yes, except for the children of the current queen, others include Augustine, as well as the king’s other mistresses. All of his children were sent away far away.
I'm afraid that even the king and the current queen didn't expect that for a throne, some of their brothers would fight each other.
After receiving the news, a mockery flashed across Augustine's face, but he remained silent for a long time.
After all, the person who passed away was his father, and more importantly, that supreme position, he did not intend to give his incompetent brothers-but in this way, he must leave here.
Augustine turned his head and looked at Qin Wansha.
Qin Wansha also looked at her calmly, and she didn't have much reaction to this scene that she had known for a long time.
"Are you willing to go with me?" Augustine asked Qin Wansha seriously.
Qin Wansha laughed at her: "Go, go back and get back what belongs to you, and I will wait here for you to come back, whether it is a year, two years or longer, I can always wait for you."
Qin Wansha's words were actually the only place where Augustine struggled.
The battle for the throne is not an easy thing, and it is impossible to come and go to resolve within a few days.
According to Augustine’s calculations, if it goes well, he might be able to clean up his stupid brothers within three months, but after that, he will have to stabilize his throne, face the beloved foreign countries, and face the imperial city. The ministers left behind by the King of Inner, all these internal and external troubles are sorted out, it is impossible to not two or three years.
And Qin Wansha—she didn't want to go with him.
Augustine frowned, obviously not satisfied with Qin Wansha's decision.
Qin Wansha grabbed Augustine's hand: "I am a Galbraith. I must defend my people and castle here when the situation is chaotic, and you have a bigger goal in the front, when the situation is unstable. It’s obviously not appropriate to take me back with me. It’s better to let me be a secret weapon for you. Besides, you know, I still have some things in the castle that I haven’t finished, but maybe I can rush when you succeed. past."
Qin Wansha didn't cover up Augustine's ambitions, but it also proved her understanding of Augustine.
Augustine also completely unscrupulously took the person into his arms, and in front of his men and the entire Galbraith Castle, he kissed Qin Wansha fiercely.
"Wait for me to come back." With that said, Augustine did not stop, but immediately issued an order, the group was ready to go, and immediately set off to return to the imperial city.
Standing on the wall of the castle, Qin Wansha watched Augustine leave. She knew very well that Augustine’s whereabouts were monitored by many people. Therefore, her first order was: "Close the castle before the final result arrives." ."
Qin Wansha didn't have any panic in her heart. Augustine would become the next emperor of the Orlando Empire. This matter was destined, but her behavior was deliberately shown to some caring people in the castle-such as Arthur.
Arthur heard the news that Augustine had left the castle from Nina, who was waiting outside the door, which made him excited. Moreover, the news that Qin Wansha closed the castle also made Arthur excited. This shows that, He will not be driven out of the castle for the time being, which also gives him more buffer time.
In fact, the current situation is in Arthur's eyes, that is, God is helping him.
The most disturbing ‘rival of love’ left, and the closure of the castle kept him away from the possibility of being driven away. Is there anything that excites Arthur more than the current situation?
Yes, for example, let his plan be carried out perfectly, and Lucia will become his person-Arthur smiled sullenly at the tower where Qin Wansha lived.
This time, Arthur was much more rigorous than before.
He knows everything in this castle, including shift time, and the daily schedule of each person.
In order to let others relax their vigilance towards him, Arthur even shrank in his own room for many days.
These days, he has not been idle. He found a book about herbs in his room-he can't remember when this book appeared in his room, but obviously, this one The content in the book is what he needs now.
Lucia is too stubborn. If she wants to be undetected while acting, Arthur has to make Lucia faint—but it is obviously not appropriate to knock her stunned by force, so Arthur decided Medication.
Standing in front of the huge French window in the bedroom, Qin Wansha also looked at the direction of Arthur's bedroom with a smile on her face. I wonder if Arthur has received the book she sent specially-that was the beginning of a great gift. .
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