Chapter 506: Real princess

Qin Wansha didn’t know about the things that Duke Qingyang did to her. She was detained on the soft bed all day. It was obvious that she had recovered, but the emperor still gave Qin Wansha under the emperor’s instruction. Change the law to prescribe tonics to nourish the body.
Qin Wansha herself was not in a hurry, because even if she just lay on the bed every day and didn't do anything, the progress bar of the brain in her hand was obediently advancing and retreating according to her thoughts.
The reason is not hard to guess. Qin Wansha likened herself to a butterfly. Some things changed due to the flapping of her wings. Later, she was helped by her assistant Yong Jiayi. Qin Wansha was actually happy to be a life. Idler.
No matter how busy Yong Jiayi is, he will come over to talk to Qin Wansha. From the very beginning, he will sympathize with the body, and later on, he will also chat with Qin Wansha about things.
For example, "I heard that Mr. Zi Rudong has been famous for a long time, and I wanted to call him into the dynasty. It's a pity that Mr. Zi is so kind of a daughter, and he refuses to agree. This time, when Miss Zi is in peace, Mr. Zi must be too. I agreed."
Qin Wansha didn't pretend that she didn't understand what Yong Jiayi said. In fact, Qin Wansha had already guessed what Yong Jiayi did after not seeing Zi Rudong enter the palace to take her home for several days.
Without laughing at Yong Jiayi’s small means of keeping her behind, Qin Wansha thought about another thing—from the information and the short time with Zi Rudong, Qin Wansha knew that Zi Rudong had an official position in the court. Qin Wansha's heart is shared by the people, and it is precisely because of this that Qin Wansha's compassionate heart in the circle where he puts his adopted daughter first.
So, taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Wansha pulled up a'red line' for these two monarchs and ministers: "If there is a chance to share the worries for your majesty, it will be the blessing of my father, but this matter is very serious, and the daughter of the people is just a daughter. At home, if you don’t understand these things, if you don’t, you will write a letter from the girl to your father, and talk about the current situation of the girl, so that your father will know something about it."
What Qin Wansha said was to show Yong Jiayi the attitude of the Zi family. Yong Jiayi was naturally very happy to have a good minister, but when he thought of Qin Wansha's letter back, Zi Rudong would probably come to pick Qin Wansha out of the palace, Yong Jiayi There are some things in my heart that are not very unpleasant.
But soon, Yong Jiayi was relieved-he was the emperor in this palace, he had the final say, and it was naturally he had the final say to prevent Qin Wansha from leaving the palace and returning home.
The letter written by Qin Wansha decisively dispelled Yong Jiayi’s worries. Between the lines, only Yong Jiayi’s'goodness' to her was written. At the same time, it also explained from various aspects that Yong Jiayi had the heart to recruit him to be an official. The rest When he wanted to leave the palace, he didn't mention a word. While sending the letter out of the palace, Yong Jiayi wondered comfortably - Does this Miss Zi really understand his heart?
When this thought came out, Yong Jiayi was shocked.
What is his heart, what is his heart? !
Yong Jiayi never thought that he would fall into the hands of such a woman who had just seen it for the first time. What's more, this time...
Yong Jiayi came violently, and left hastily. The other people who served were used to it, but Qin Wansha saw something wrong with Yong Jiayi.
After thinking for a while, Qin Wansha seemed to understand something, and the corner of her lips twitched-now she has made this innocent look for anyone to show, and I don't know which majesty stayed up all night and sneaked over to see her sleeping face!
This is the fact. Since Mother Li came here once that day, Yong Jiayi went and returned that night, and the night that did not disturb anyone attacked her bedside.
If it hadn't been for Qin Wansha to have been used to Yong Jiayi's smell, I'm afraid she would have paralyzed people.
As a result, when Qin Wansha was curious about why Yong Jiayi was here, she discovered that Yong Jiayi was really just standing on the bedside looking at her. She didn’t move anything, just watching. After watching it for several days, Qin Wansha was already a little helpless.
That night, after Qin Wansha turned off the lights again and lay on the bed, around the third watch, she found the figure of a certain emperor sneaking in.
Qin Wansha complained in her heart, but she pretended to sleep deeply and motionless as she did a few nights ago.
However, this time, Yong Jiayi took action.
Qin Wansha only felt that something on her cheek touched her gently, with a cautious temptation in her movements. Seeing that Qin Wansha had no trace of waking up, Yong Jiayi's movements were a little bigger, putting her palms on Qin Wansha softly. Gently rubbed and caressed her cheek, and quickly closed her hand.
Yong Jiayi actually didn't understand what he was doing.
For the first time, he only woke up from his sleep, and always felt that there was a woman in his dream who was very similar to the daughter of Master Zi, and when his heart was irritable and unable to fall asleep, Yong Jiayi went from the secret path to Qin Wansha sleeping. In the sleeping hall, and then saw people, he finally turned around and fell asleep satisfied.
It was the same on the second day. In the next few days, although he finally no longer dreamed of the strange woman, Yong Jiayi seemed to be unable to sleep without a glance at Qin Wansha.
Yong Jiayi is also very curious about what kind of attraction this girl has to herself.
After that stroke, Yong Jiayi left soon. Qin Wansha slowly opened her eyes, looked at the direction of Yong Jiayi’s departure, and noted the location of the secret path, and decided to scare Yong Jiayi one day. Scared.
And the next day, when Yong Jiayi came again, he was the wise and martial emperor, and he did not look like a disciple who broke the wall at night.
But this time, Yong Jiayi brought good news.
"For the blessing of Miss Zi, my lord has agreed to enter the dynasty." Yong Jiayi said with a smile, obviously in a good mood.
Qin Wansha also smiled: "I would like to share my worries for your Majesty."
Hearing this, Yong Jiayi felt more comfortable in his heart. Then, he thought of another thing. He couldn't help but sit down in front of Qin Wansha with Da Ma Jin Dao, holding his hands and saying: "Since Miss Zi said this, I really have a Things are a little sad."
Qin Wansha smiled and motioned to Yong Jiayi to continue. Yong Jiayi was not polite to her at all, and said: "These days, I lost something in my place, but I can't find the person behind the scenes, although I noticed that maybe it was a person doing it. , But because of her identity, it’s not like stealing someone who can use that object, so I wanted to find out the black hand behind it, but I was afraid of catching that person and starting a snake. I wonder what Miss Zi could do?"
Lost something? Qin Wansha couldn't help raising her eyebrows. Who would dare to understand the things around the emperor would know it was false when she heard it. However, if Qin Wansha didn't guess wrong, what Yong Jiayi said was probably what happened to Mother Li. .
Yong Jiayi didn’t know the relationship between Princess Qingyang and Grandma Li. Naturally, she couldn’t guess that Grandma Li had poisoned her completely for the sake of the dignity and success of her daughter’s life. He would think that it was normal for someone behind Grandma Li to signal, and Princess Qingyang He invited the Zi Rudong family into the palace by his instruction. Naturally, they were not within Yong Jiayi’s suspicion. After thinking about all this, Qin Wansha couldn’t help but laughed:
Your Majesty is afraid that I’ll forget about it. Not easy yet?"
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