Chapter 537: Sentinel and Guide

Joles didn't expect Qin Wansha to move so fast, and the counseling instructor who was staring at them also did not react.
With just one blow, Qin Wansha hit the bridge of Joles' nose, and her powerful legs easily brought Joles down.
All the actions of everyone nearby were a halt. At the same time, they looked suspiciously at the closing position, as if Qin Wansha hadn't done anything before, and the surrounding area was silent. Everyone thought the same sentence-no After the awakening guide, will the human body become weaker? ! Chu Ge, is this mutated! !
Joles, who was lying on the ground, clutched his painful nose, took away his hand after a while, and not surprisingly saw bright red blood on it.
"You're looking for death!" Joles was about to stand up on the ground angrily, but before rushing to Qin Wansha, he was subdued by the counseling instructors who finally reacted.
"Calm down!" The two instructors firmly pressed Joles' arms and back, allowing Joles to roar frantically at Qin Wansha.
The guide is a valuable asset to the entire country, not to mention the unprecedented 3S-level guide in front of her. If she suffers any damage, it will be a loss to the entire country.
Therefore, these counseling instructors were all signaled by the upper management. Even if Principal Douglas agreed to continue training in accordance with the curriculum of the command department, they would pay special attention to some safety hazards, such as— -right now.
Qin Wansha looked at Joles, who was furious as if he were a lunatic. She coldly slapped Joles on the cheek with another slap, followed by a crisp ‘pop! Joles finally calmed down, looking at Qin Wansha incredulously.
"Is it enough trouble?" Qin Wansha lowered her eyes, and looked at Joles who was making trouble with contempt: "It's really ugly to lose."
Two cold words made Joles no longer be mad and struggling in an instant.
The two instructors looked at Qin Wansha with more eyes, and the students around were also surprised. These words were made by the cowardly Chu Ge?
Because they were standing far away, Fu Mingyu and others did not see Qin Wansha knocking Joles into the air with one blow. At this time, hearing the movement there, several younger sentinel teenagers also wanted to join in the fun there. .
Fu Mingyu didn't mean to move in. His eyes were always on Fu Mingye, who was standing on the high platform and watching the riots—Fu Mingye... Sooner or later, he would stand better than him. higher! Fu Mingyu clenched his fists secretly, swearing in his heart.
Joles pushed away the control of the two instructors abruptly, and at the same time looked towards Qin Wansha with a full look: "Who lost! Come again!"
Qin Wansha, who was about to switch to another opponent, stopped like this, turned around, and saw Joles who had set his posture again.
Looking down and thinking about it, Qin Wansha suddenly raised a mocking smile on her lips. She just stood upright and hooked at Joles, "Come on."
The two instructors looked at each other and wanted to stop, but the two students challenged each other. It was originally a fighting class and they had no right to interfere too much.
However, just as the whistling instructor had just put the spoon in his mouth, before it sounded, Joles rushed towards Qin Wansha—obviously, he had committed a foul.
An exclamation came from the nearby students. Almost everyone stopped their original match and surrounded Qin Wansha, watching the battle excitedly.
Just when most people felt that Qin Wansha was going to suffer this time, Qin Wansha easily escaped Joles’ assault, and even before the two instructors had time to stop Joles, she started herself. Hit back.
First, a hand knife slashed on the back of Joles’s neck. When Joles made a painful counterattack, he kicked on his calf and leg bones. Then, an elbow hit, three combos. Next, Joles lay flat on the ground again, even wheezing and panting in pain, unable to stand up.
But this is not over yet.
Seeing Joles still looking at her bitterly, Qin Wansha stepped on a certain key part of Joles like this, crushed it a few times, let Joles hurt. His face was pale, his mouth wide open like a fish on the shore.
"You can only do small actions behind your back, don't you? Miscellaneous!" Qin Wansha also vented Chu Ge's anger after another slap.
However, Qin Wansha's words were still heard by everyone nearby.
The students who can stand next to them are all the students in Group B who have conducted actual combat training with them. They can all hear what Qin Wansha's words mean.
A few more courageous people glanced at Qin Wansha, and then immediately bowed their heads ashamed by the anger and pain in Qin Wansha's eyes-those classmates who did not or came back, partly because they did not The error of obeying the order to act without authorization is inside, and they, who acted likewise, have any face to laugh at the commander who bears infamy because of them.
Qin Wansha also noticed the eyes of those around him, and after shooting a circle at the students around, Qin Wansha withdrew her feet.
She knew that the result she wanted had already been planted in these people's hearts.
"Continue training, what are you rubbing against?" A grim voice came in at this moment.
The nearby students were taken aback, and at the same time consciously stepped aside, so that Fu Mingye, who didn't know when to step off the rostrum, entered the encircled circle smoothly.
Several counseling instructors also regained consciousness and immediately arranged for the students to restart their practice. At the same time, they sent the injured Joles to the infirmary.
Before he left, the instructor who was responsible for sending Joles to the treatment gave Qin Wansha a horrified look. Qin Wansha's last kick really made him feel cold, which was terrible.
As for Qin Wansha, she lost the person who was practicing in this way—at least, after seeing her hand just now, the students nearby did not dare to ‘train’ with her again.
Qin Wansha just stood there without embarrassment, only Fu Mingye's spirit lion was elated, and threw on Qin Wansha's leg with more excitement and rubbed her body.
Fu Mingye looked at Qin Wansha, dissatisfied with his spiritual body for the first time
"You were good just now, I'll be your opponent." Fu Mingye said as he stretched out his hand to unlock the buttons of his military uniform, and opened three from his neck to facilitate his actions.
However, from Qin Wansha's direction, this action was performed by Fu Mingye, but it was extremely sexy-a and beautiful man belonging to the abstinence system.
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