Chapter 1354: New tactics

Starship 002, at this time, is killing the subsequent starships like chopping melons and vegetables. After suddenly discovering that the black hole in front of them is the death, the starships start to use all their means to avoid. If they are in peacetime, they It is easy to complete a sharp turn, change the direction of speed, leave the terrible place of death, and easily tear apart the four-dimensional space and escape directly to a distant place.
However, it is not possible now. The super black hole in the center of the Milky Way has a huge mass, and the surrounding space has also undergone great changes. Their vacuum-driven engine often loses power in this space and is simply not enough to provide Sufficient energy, so, in this case, you can only perform simple evasive movements, and the simple flight path does not dare to change at all. Therefore, the 002 Star Wars is like shooting a target. All the ships exploded.
Of course, after seeing this situation, the subsequent starships want to perform S-type maneuvering. However, during the dodging, the non-stop maneuvering movements also constantly consume their own energy, so, Although they avoided the beam of death, they slid weakly into the abyss of the black hole, watching their starship sucked into the vortex of the black hole in fright, sending out desperate calls for help within the radius of the Schwarzschild.
For the Large Magellanic Cloud Nebula, this was like a death journey, the most tragic battle, and at this time, Junger who commanded their attack was completely dumbfounded.
Jungar mobilized a large number of starships to siege the 002, attempting to kill the other starship with the greatest threat. At the same time, he himself pursued the enemy ’s flagship. There is nothing wrong with this command, but now it is This situation can only be said that the other party is too hateful, no matter when, they will always use these crooked evil ways to make them fall.
Originally on the battlefield here, their offensive force had a numerical advantage, but now, the situation has changed, the enemy begins to take advantage, and the enemy begins to siege them!
For a time, the remaining starships all sent out anxiety, and they could not hold on.
On the starship 068, Jungar was shaking with anger and blood in his eyes. He looked at the starship in the distance and was shouting loudly: "Beam cannon, kill me ! "
As long as the opponent ’s flagship is defeated, the fighting situation can be reversed and there is a ray of life. If this continues, they will definitely lose this time.
At this critical juncture, Jungar has not given up, because he knows that many times, he must persevere, and only if he perseveres, can he win.
At the same time, his heart is also making a deep call, cosmic god, why haven't you appeared yet?
The cosmic god, just like the creature in another world, is not disturbed by any physical laws of this world, and can appear in any place. Now, as long as the cosmic in the own fleet, go directly to kill the other party Commander, isn't it all right?
Does the cosmic stand on the other side? Does the Cosmic God intentionally drive his own to come to death?
When thinking of this, Jungar felt cold all over again, as if the entire battle was a huge trap.
At this time, on the flagship, Qin Tian's body was tightly attached to the seat, and two seat belts bound him firmly, he shouted loudly: "Left full rudder!"
With his order, the entire starship turned sharply to the left. The terrible beam almost flew over the hull of his starship. Just one second later, they would be blazed by the hot beam. Hit.
However, such avoidance cannot succeed every time. After all, in addition to experience, it also depends on luck.
No matter how many reconnaissance particles are fired at the other party, they will fail after entering the other party. It seems that there are special forces that restrict the reconnaissance particles. You can't know what the other party is doing, but you can only rely on this intuition.
However, just after they completed this turn, there was already a rescue starship that appeared on the flank of the Star Wars 068.
"Report, find the opposing starship."
On 068, the atmosphere was tense again.
"A ship was found on the starboard side."
"There are two ships on the starboard side."
"Three ships."
"Oh damn, what are they going to do?" Just as the navigator cried in surprise, their Star Wars 068 had uncontrollably gone to the connection of the other three starships!
After all, this is a Star Warship. A Star Warship is a planet, so it also has huge quality. Now, the three Star Warships are arranged in a straight line, and the extension lines of the gravity of the three Star Warships are just On their starship 068, at this time, the starship 068 had already flew towards the other party involuntarily under this powerful gravity.
What are they doing?
In the operation manual of the Star Wars, it is forbidden to do such dangerous flying actions, but now, they are using such actions to achieve tactical purposes, these crazy guys!
In their astonishment, Starship 068, already following the most basic law of gravity in the universe, was attracted by the other side and flew towards it!
"No, don't try to break free!" Jungar shouted loudly.
If they want to get rid of gravity, they need to turn their spacecraft and spray the exhaust of the engine towards the other three starships. In this case, it means that the engine's tail nozzle will be aimed at the other side, and the other side can easily turn The light beam hits the inside of their engine, so that they can be directly exploded.
The other party wants to use this offensive method to let himself die the most miserable. The other party's beam cannon is ready, just waiting for his own attitude adjustment.
Damn, you must not be fooled!
But if they do n’t, what can they do?
"Aim them with a beam cannon and fire!" You can't aim at them with your butt. Use your hardest head to aim at them. Use your own beam cannon to kill each other while flying towards each other!
Jungar ordered his starship to adjust its direction and prepare for the final attack. At this moment, the three star warships in a straight line in front suddenly separated and became a triangle. Starship, just head towards the center of the triangle, this is a perfect encirclement!
Is the opponent's tactics too well applied?
In fact, if you look at the starry sky at this time, you can see that such tactics are being used everywhere on the battlefield. This is the world of the Galaxy Civilization. A new tactic: please enter the urn.
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