Chapter 1372: the most romantic thing

A slow river passed by in front of the castle.
In the oldest era, civilizations almost appeared beside rivers, and water gave birth to great civilizations. Later, as the times changed, the seas and turbulent fields became a garbage dump, and the water flow on the entire planet was polluted. .
I still remember that this was a stinky ditch, and there was a bad smell inside. The water inside could not be used for drinking. On this planet, obtaining drinking water became a very difficult thing. Early battles, It was once for water.
Now, looking at this river, Qin Tian is also filled with emotion.
Most of the previous memories are forgotten. In the first Galactic War, only the vague impression was left. The complete impression Qin Tian had, but it started from the junk star.
Now, standing in front of the river, Qin Tian also sighed with emotion. This river has become clear. There are various fish in the river, and the diversion canal dug from the river is also irrigating the nearby farmland. , Forming such a beautiful rural scenery.
Qin Tian stood like this, and then, looking at the clear river, while Princess Jingxi had taken off her shoes and socks playfully, and then put her feet in it, stepping on the soft sand below, feeling it.
There is no such feeling on a starship. A starship is always like a hotel. Only here is it like a warm home.
After giving up everything, Princess Jingxi felt relaxed at once. This kind of life is actually what she most expects.
In the future of the Milky Way, you do n’t have to work hard for yourself. Life and death are all in line with the ultimate law of the universe. Now, it is enough for you to live easily and stay with your lover.
Princess Jing Xi thought this way, the expression on her face became more relaxed.
Someone once paid attention to this place, but no one dared to bother Princess Jingxi and General Qin Tian, ​​so the days here have become a life of paradise.
Day after day, autumn passes, winter comes, the seasons change, and the beauty intersects.
In winter, Qin Tianhui and Princess Jingxi go skiing on the nearby hillside. In spring, they go to the wild to go green. In summer, they also set up tents and listen to the cicadas. He will also harvest food and make fine wine together with others in the base. The days are like this.
If such a day can go on forever, how good it is to spend your life like this!
Qin Tian thought so.
The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you.
Since it is no longer necessary to raise resources to build starships, all the resources of the Milky Way are used to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood. So, after decades of development, the Milky Way has become vibrant again, people seem to have forgotten the war The pain in the middle has returned to normal life.
The fleet occasionally skimmed over them, and the huge Star Warship became the patron saint of the galaxy.
"Pete, what's the matter?" And on this day, the holographic projection of Fleet Commander Anna appeared in front of Pete.
People will grow old.
Commander Anna has also started to grow old, and the years have begun to wrinkle on her face. She has become a little aging from a middle-aged general, but instead, those eyes shine a sharper look and show her vitality. Her temperament has sublimated again.
Pete is already a middle-aged man, his hair is messy, I don't know how many days I have not washed my head, there is a trace of worry in his eyes.
Both were unmarried for life. Commander Anna devoted her life to the fleet, while Pete devoted his life to science. Just as Princess Jing Xi and General Qin Tian, ​​and many others began to enjoy In life, Pete is still engaged in scientific research on the front line.
"Yes, we have completed the theoretical study of the vacuum engine today, and now the conclusion has come out." Pete said to Commander Anna: "We spent fifty-five years, concentrated all the scientists, and finally completed In this scientific research, especially in order to collect a large amount of experimental data, Qin Hai also helped a lot. "
The current technology can be easily made into a vacuum engine, and the energy in the vacuum can be used skillfully, but how does this energy come from, what is the essence of the sea of ​​energy, it is still vague, although there are Various theories, but no precise model has ever appeared.
This requires scientific research. Pete has been studying this technology for many years, and now, finally, there are results.
Ordinarily, Commander Anna should congratulate him, but now, Commander Anna can't see the surprise in Pete's eyes. All she can see is only deep worry and helplessness.
"It seems that this conclusion seems a bit bad." Anna said to Pete: "Wouldn't it be that we stole too much energy in a vacuum to make the universe angry? If there is a in the universe, um, can't call If the cosmic is, call the cosmic elf. "
Calling the universe always reminds people of the conspirator in the last war, and if it is called the elves, there seems to be some cuteness. Although Anna is old, her heart is still full of vitality.
"That's right," Pete said. "This universe is quite subtle. We thought we used the energy in the vacuum and still gave it back to the universe. It was just overhand, but we didn't know that we had already Made a big mistake. "
At the beginning, everybody thought about the explanation of the energy in the universe. They used it in the universe, used it up, and gave it back to the universe, right?
However, after use, how can it be the same as before?
Just like mining fossil fuels, using the energy it burns to provide power, what about burning?
The energy has not disappeared, the energy still exists, and most of it has been converted into heat. However, this heat has been dissipated and can no longer be collected and used again.
If explained by a proper noun, this is called an increase in entropy.
"The degree of disorder in the entire universe is increasing. We have extracted energy from the vacuum for our own use, and then released it. In this way, the released energy can no longer be used. After the sea, it can no longer be used with the ripples of the vacuum, it has become chaotic. "Pete said.
"So what?" Anna didn't even understand it at this time.
"A direct consequence of this is that our present universe has ended its expansion and started contracting," Pete said.
"What?" When she heard this, Anna immediately moved.
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